How to stack your shelves.


To make a stack of books is really easy and just requires you cutting strips of fabric.  Cut colorful strips of fabric for your book spines at different widths and lengths.  (marbled fabric or "leather looking" fabric looks wonderful here!)

Add background fabrics to the tops of the book spines the same width as each book you are sewing it to.

Perhaps cut a square of background fabric (right on shelf) and cut it on the diagonal.  Insert an "book" between the cuts.  Trim to the size of your shelf.

Put all your "books" on your cutting board and line them up so the heights of the books are different, put on the "leaning book" and trim to a uniform size.

This is not brain surgery here gals... just wing it and make a shelf of books. If you have an embroidery sewing machine, write the names of the books on the spine, or add that with a permenant pen.

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