Mind Control

U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report
Cheryl Welsh
(1998) "A classified arms race between the superpowers to control the human mind and body with electromagnetic technologies. Section 1: US electromagnetic and neurological weapons programs, Section 2: 25 articles on Russian Mind Control Technologies. Compilation of rare and shocking documents (some suffer from poor reproduction quality, but it's legible).
100 pages, bound xerox HRAR $20.00

The Bio-Electric Body of Man
Elizabeth Russell-Manning
(1998) "Remedies for Electromagnetic Pollution, Chemical Assaults, Viruses and More." Listing for commercial sources of alternative-health type preventative measures available to the public.
65 pages, bound xerox

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
Alex Constantine
(1995) Another bombshell from the fecund furnace of Feral House Press. Constantine, a political researcher in the mold of Mae Brussell, has gathered together a well-documented survey. "Bombing minds rather than bodies is the warfare of the new millennium... Funded under the euphemism of Non-Lethal Technology, the Pentagon has developed the ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death, with the push of a button. Hard to believe? Believe it! Official sources have publicly admitted to the existence of such technology." Topics covered: Telemetric mind control, hearing voices, false memory hoax, E. Howard Hunt's Death Squads, The GOP's Pink Triangle & the CIA, Johnny Carson and the S&L crisis, and let's not forget the chapter on NutraSweet as crowd control.
221 pages, PB

Virtual Government; CIA Mind Control Operations in America
Alex Constantine
(1997) New from the author of "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA. Geopolitical Framework of Virtual Government, Operation MOCKINGBIRD; "Alien" abductions; "psychic" warfare. The Search for the Manchurian Preschooler; McMartin preschool revisited. A Case of Nazi-Style experimental psychiatry in Canada. Timothy McVeigh. CIA Mind control and the Postal Service.
304 pages, paperback

The Invisibles: A Dialectic
(1974) Full copy of book excerpted in Flatland #11, this meta-conspiracy thesis uses systems analysis and game theory to explain the methods of the unseen Controllers in works such as Sirhan Sirhan, the JFK assassination, and more.
105 pages, bound xerox

U.S. Citizens Betrayed; the use of your tax money for non-lethal weaponry and psychotronics for mind control
"Betsy Ross"
(1997) Another compilation on mind control: "Ethics of research involving human subjects," "Human experimentation and human rights" from St. Louis University Law Journal, "New Form of warfare," report from the FDA on the Nuremburg Code, Law 1520, use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents, Sen. John Glenn's introduction of a bill to protect human research subjects, and more.
68 pages, bound xerox

Trance Formation of America; The True Life Story of a CIA Sex Slave
Cathy O�Brien with Mark Phillips
(1995) A grueling tale of mayhem and sexual trauma, told by a woman who claims to have been inducted into �Project Monarch�, a secret, CIA mind-control experiment that used young children, already victims of their parent�s sexual abuse, for further trauma-based programming to create a group of zombie-like sex slaves for the satisfaction of high-level political perverts. Cathy O�Brien was one of the interviewees Walter Bowart writes up in his Operation Mind Control, Book 2. O�Brien, along with Mark Phillips, her husband and de-programmer, write a detailed account of her experiences, naming names and places, tactics and techniques of abuse, and I must say I had a hard time putting the book down. She remembers the day when Gerald Ford visited her father in order to pick up Cathy for CIA programming. She claims Senator Robert C. Byrd was her first official �owner�, and accounts of her sexual abuse at the hands of Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Phil Habib, and especially Dick Cheney, whom she says was fascinated with what he called �The Most Dangerous Game� whereby Monarch slaves were taken to remote islands and hunted down with dogs and finally raped. Other abusers named read like a pantheon of the Reagan-Bush years: Michael Aquino, Bob Bennett, Alan Simpson, Hilary Clinton, King Fahd... as well as cultural celebrities like Tommy LaSorda and Sparky Anderson, and throughout the country & western music scene around Nashville, Tennessee (Kris Kristofferson, Jimmy Buffett). All these rogues come to life as you�ve never seen them, and whether you can take all this literally is the least of my worries. Are all these women, who have claimed to be sex-slaves for the CIA , completely crazy? (Cathy isn�t the only Project Monarch victim to step forward, according to Bowart�s Operation Mind Control.) Yes, they are mentally ill, and they say so up front. They suffer from MPD, multiple personality disorder. But Cathy and Mark have loaded this book with enough documentary evidence to make you wonder, just a little. There�s a very creepy picture of Boxcar Wille holding Cathy�s daughter, Kelley-also a victim-on his lap. Business cards from various operatives accused of being in on the whole thing. Doctor�s reports outlining Kelley�s abuse. Certainly, something horrible has happened in Cathy�s life. And while I�m prepared to believe the worst of all the characters mentioned in her book, it�s going to be tough for most people to swallow. Even if this is all the distorted projections of a twisted mind, somehow the book functions as a metphor for the whole 80s-90s political world. When Cathy describes how �Uncle Ronny� liked to lie still while his �kitten� gratified him, it just rings too true.
244 pages, PB

Mind Control is No Longer Science Fiction; A Report on U.S. Government Experiments
Cheryl Welsh, ed.
(1997) A set of two bound-xerox volumes, comprised of articles, news clips, essays, bibliographies and letters on official stationery, a real treasure trove of documentation on government mind control experiments. Some of the copy is difficult to read, since they've passed through several generations of copies through fax and xerox, but much of this material would be hard to come by anyway. Self-published, samizdat raw data.
bound xerox, app. 400 pages

Mind Control in the US Prison System
compiled by Elizabeth Russell-Manning
(1996) �The Secret, Illegal & Unconsitutional Torture & Abuse of Prisoners (Through Non-Lethal Weaponry) by US Dept. of Corrections, in Cooperation with NIJ, Senate & Congress�. A compilation of documents, complaints, press releases, and articles.
270 pages, bound xerox

Psychic Warrior: Inside the CIA's Stargate Program
David Morehouse
(1997) A first-person account of the Pentagon's remote-viewing project "Stargate." Morehouse was a whistleblower on the development of weaponry in this project. After numerous attempts on his life, and a court-martial, he resigned from the military. This is his story. Highly critical of most of the people associated with this project.
258 pages, cloth

edited and compiled by Elizabeth Russell-Manning with Cheryl Welsh
(1996) Documents, newspaper clippings, articles, congressional testimony and transcripts relating to �survivors of involuntary human experimentation via Non-Lethal �directed energy targeting, as well as implants, ESB (electrical stimulation of the brain) chemical attacks, etc., on selected U.S. citizens and others.� Robert Naeslund�s implant, microchips in pets, �The Soft-Kill Fallacy� by Steven Aftergood, letters to various government officials (�thanks for your concern�), involuntary human testing with non-ionizing radiation and offensive microwave weapons, Marti Koski, letters from computerized prisoners, Harlan Girard, transcript of �Sixty Minutes� mind control segment, cyborgs, Kathy Kasten, psy-ops and abductions at Roswell, Greenham Common zapped, and several bibliographies.
276 pages, bound xerox

Secret & Suppressed
Jim Keith, ed.
(1993) Banned Ideas & Hidden History. What a line-up! John Judge, Kenn Thomas, James Shelby Downard, all check in with articles on Mind Control, Cults & Casualties, Disinformation. If you're a conspiracy hound, you won't be disappointed.
309 pages, PB

Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies
Jim Schnabel
(1997) Schnabel is a science writer for many journals and newspapers, such as the Washington Post. Based on interviews with Col. John Alexander, Ed Dames, Uri Geller, Luis Jolyon West, Hal Puthoff, Ingo Swann, and many other participant's in the Pentagon's "remote viewing" projects, which explored "psi" phenomena - telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, hypnosis and suchlike. Wild stuff, here. "According to one story, the FBI collected and destroyed Reagan's bloodied clothes after the assassination attempt, to avoid use of the material, voodoo-style, by enemy psychics."
452 pages, paperback

Paranoid Women Collect Their Thoughts; A Paranoia Reader
Joan D�arc, ed.
(1996) You can�t beat this one. �The Traveling Torture Chamber: Microwave Harassment, Gangsterism, and Freemasonry� by Regina Cullen; �Synthetic Telepathy� by Judy Wall; �ET Encounters or Mind Control Hoax?� by Mary Seal; �The Microchip Injection� by Lisa Crosby; �The Railroading of Earth First!� by Judi Bari; �Why was Patti Hearst Kidnapped?� by Mae Brussell; �A Second Agenda for Television� by Betsy Russell-Manning; �Non-Consensual Bainwave and Personality Studies by the US Government� by Cheryl Welsh, and much more. It�s a steal at this price.
152 pages, PB

U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children
Jon Rappoport
(1995) A collection of documents and testimony submitted to the President�s Committee on Radiation regarding mind control experiments. Testimony by Valerie Wolf, Chris De Nicola, Claudia Mullen. Apparently, some of the same Nazi doctors involved with radiation experimentation with humans also turned their hands to mind control.
136 pages, bound xerox

Radio Warfare: OSS and CIA Subversive Propaganda
Lawrence C. Soley
(1989) Endless, ingenious methods of psychological warfare used in radio during WWII and the Cold War. A bit stuffy & academic, but plenty to ponder on what subsequent developments may have brought.
250 pages, HB

Acid Dreams
Lee & Shlain
(1986) A Social History of LSD. The CIA was dosing itself since the 50s, but it was only a prelude to MASSIVE testing on unsuspecting service personnel and civilians. Raises many intriguing questions about the long-term social consequences of LSD.
345 pages, PB

Mass Murderers in White Coats; Psychiatric Genocide in Nazi Germany and the US
Lenny Lapon
(1986) Few people realize that Psychiatry in the US is a creature of Nazi Germany, and Lapon shows how the killing of thousands of psychiatric inmates and other "useless eaters" in Hitler's Third Reich set the stage for the later extermination of other victims of Nazi persecution. Psychiatry's roots in the eugenics movement, psychiatry as a form of social control, excerpts from Lapon's interviews with eleven shrinks connected to Nazi Germany who are now in the American Psychiatric Association, and hopeful signs of a psychiatric inmates' liberation movement. Mind Control is just one form of psychiatry.
291 pages, paperback

Influencing Minds: A Reader in Quotations
Leonard Roy Frank
(1996) A rich collection of quotations and aphorisms, collected over the years by a well-read scholar with an eye for the truth. All of the quotations are referenced, so that they may lead you toward the source material. Well-organized into broad categories, with sections on truth, knowledge, ideology, preschool learning, persuasion, journalism & the media, advertising, propaganda, brainwashing, psychiatry, reflection, dreams, conversion, transformation and many more. A truly unique book on �mind control� - highly recommended.
245 pages, PB

Were We Controlled? Mind Control, Oswald and JFK
Lincoln Lawrence, ed. by Kenn Thomas
(1997) A much sought-after classic given new life with Kenn Thomas' annotated edition. Lawrence may have been the first to suggest, when this book first appeared in 1969, that Lee Harvey Oswald was a mind-controlled assassin, given a radio-controlled implant while undergoing adnoid surgery in Minsk, Russia. Kenn's brilliant introductory remarks examine the factual bases for Lawrence's claims.
256 pages, paperback

How To Achieve Without Positive Thinking
Matt Furey
Furey is a champion wrestler and currently a fitness trainer. As a competitive athlete, he was always looking for an edge and succumbed to the promises of the self-help industry by taking every course and training method known to Californians, from NLP to creative visualization. One day he woke up and thought about how stupid he felt looking into the mirror and saying, "I like you." (Furey's hilarious as to the shortcomings of the "human potential movement") So what he did was similar to what Benjamin Franklin did early in his life. When Ben Franklin was in his twenties, he felt insecure about his lack of education, and decided to become self-taught. He read everything he could lay his hands on. He was particularly attracted by great writers who achieved and succeeded and were, as he put it, "virtuous". Then he wrote down a list of characteristics (goals) drawn from history's greatest thinkers. He made a little booklet for himself, which he called "The Art of Virtue". In it, he kept track of the reality of his situation vs. where he wanted to be. Furey's examples work a lot like that, without the mind games. A refreshing book.
71 pages, bound xerox

The Manchurian Candidate
Richard Condon
The novel which spawned the Frank Sinatra movie. One of Eisenhower's favorites. Korean war hero is programmed to assassinate a presidential candidate in this "captivating" tale. Great book - new introduction by author.
308 pages, HB

Savages, Science & Citations of Brain-Computer Technology
Robert Naeslund
(1997) Readers of Jim Keith's "Secret and Suppressed" book might recall an article by Naeslund, a professed mind-control victim. This is a collection of technical papers outlining "the interlinking of the human brain with state computers, its unlimited possibilities, the research projects and its history - chronicling 50 years of scientific activity behind the bastions of power."
unpaginated, bound xerox

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