Welcome to the journey of my FROSH APPLICATION! With a website this bad... I must have some redeeming qualities somewhere! Examples of how people would boogie if I was a leader:

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FACT: UC is actually the number 1 rated atraction in Toronto

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Here's a photo of me single handedly leading and coaching a minor league basketball team, in which I eventually used tough love in order to make every player believe in themselves and also they each saved a group of starving orphans from horribly violent criminals because of the leadrship qualities I embodied

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I'm in computer science! I like innovative technology just like how I like innovative modern ideals of acceptance of gender identification and safe sexual practices!

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Here's a photo of a cat. Because I think everyone is PURRfect the way they are! Also sometimes I use puns.

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In conclusion, I hope that I've exemplified the maturity of my character. I'm easy going, and my mission is make sure every new-comer can be able to a way to have fun on one of the most important weeks of their lives!