"My Life Story"

I'm Queniebelle Tolero and I was born on the 8th of December, 1999. I came from Binalbagan, Negros Occidental.
I have a simple family. My parents were Belinda Tolero and Rey Tolero.
I have one brother named Reybe John Tolero and I’m the only youngest girl daughter of the family.


My father was a mechanical worker. My mother was a housewife, she always stayed at home and took care of the family.
My brother was a graduated student in CHMSC, Binalbagan taking of Bachelor of Science in Criminology.


I studied in grade school in the school named Dona Concepcion Y. Yusay Memorial School.
My school was near at my house and I always went walking to the school.

I studied in high school in a school named (HNHS) Hinigaran National High School
My high school life was so exciting as not I expected. Things were better than I thought.
I learned many things and experienced joining in road trips and food trips with new found friends.
Sad to know when the school years finished, because some of us were going to different schools in college.
On the other hand, we were happy for our progress and our new important steps in our lives.


Later, I studied college in the school named (BCC) Binalbagan Catholic College.
As of now I am third year student taking of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

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When I was a kid I am a fan of people who good in dancing and I love to dance too.
For me it was an art and fashion. I am also a dreamer and I love to travel.

So far, I have enjoyed my life very much. I have no regrets, although I have always made some mistakes in my life.
I just think that I have gained valuable experiences through my mistakes. I will always remember this for my future.
I will take a chance, and I won't waste my time anymore, because I want to realize my aspirations. I want to be successful someday.
That will make my parents proud of.