The Page of Pokey
This is Pokey's story. Pokey and I have been friends for 5 years. Our friendship started in shop class in seventh grade. Pokey and I would always stick tape in each other's hair in that class. Every day there would be a mad rush for the tape dispenser in the next room. This relationship continued throughout the next two years. Toward the end of the second year, however, it began to change a little bit. At the Middle School graduation dance Pokey asked me out. At the time I was too shy to say yes. I told him that I didn't think that my parents wanted me dating yet. The next year Pokey and I were Freshmen in high school. The incessant picking on one another continued. One day the inevitable happened. Pokey asked me out again. This time I said yes. We only went on one date, to see The Sixth Sense. When we arrived at the movie, I knew what do do but, alas, Pokey did not. He was unaware that the guy should pay for his date. But I didn't mind. The next year  was spent running around the halls with Pokey poking me in the sides whenever he could. Finally the shine wore off the relationship. Pokey began losing intrest and we saw each other less and less often. Eventually Pokey came to me and said that we should probably break up because it wasn't fair to either of us. I agreed. For the first part of Sophomore year I didn't talk to Pokey much. It was kind of wierd. But then we started talking again in History class. After that he and I talked occasionally, generally in history class or whenever we passed in the halls. At the beginning of Junior year I began going out with Pokey's friend, Jaddes. While I was hanging out with Jaddes I was also hanging out with Pokey more often. During the three months Jaddes and I were going out I hung out with Pokey a lot. After Jaddes and I broke up I tried to hang out with Pokey as much as I could without butting into his and Jaddes' friendship. During the rest of the year Pokey and I talked a lot, hung out and did things together. He asked me to Junior Prom and I asked him to the Gotcha dance. Now we are good friends again. I am glad for a Pokey is a terrible thing to waste.
Look! Me and Pokey graduated!
This is Pokey being a high school senior!
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