Dosen't it SUCK when...

#1) You wake up at 5:00am on a Saturday to tape a movie, and it's not on

#2)Your fave band FINALLY come to town, and it's during the week you'll be out of town.

#3)Your math class is totally silent, and you let out a loud, smelly fart

#4)You finally get up the nerve to ask him out, and he tells you he's gay

#5)You're the 99th person in a restraunt- the 100th wins a million dollars

#6)You get up to do an oral report in front of the whole class, and when you sit down, you realize your fly is totally open

#7)You eat a worm (yeah, that's it, but isn't that the worst thing you can imagine happening?)

#8)You walk up to collect your diploma, in front of the whole school, and 500 parents, and you slip, and fall down the stairs

#9)You get a chain mail, and make a wish for a Barbie, it come true.. when you are 27.

#10)You go to school, on a Saturday

#11)You're Nezgirl (hehehehe!!)

#12)You are sick the whole weekend, but fine on Monday

#13)You watch that SCARY movie.. that night you are Home Alone

#14)You don't realize that there is a HUGE hole down the back of your jeans, and your butt is hanging out

#15)You get it early, and you're wearing a white dress

#16)You walk into your parents bedroom and uh, well, you can't figure it out... they sound as thought they are HURTING each other..

#17)You drive all the way up to your ski cabin, and you forget your skis

#18)You wear a cute little wrap skirt, and someone pulls the string (in other words I see London, I see France..)

#19)You walk into your class at school, sit down, and are 20 minutes into the lesson before you realize woops! Wrong Class!

#20)You're walking in a crowded mall and you see Brad Pitt!! Of course, you run up to him, give him a huge hug, and start babbling about how much you love him. Then he looks down at you and says "Who's Brad?" It's the wrong person.

#22)You're walking down the street, talking to a friend and BAM! Right into one of those telephone poles!

#23) The morons at McDonalds (Or Harvey's, or Burgar King, or Wendy's.. you get the picture) don't put the lid of your strawberry flavoured gum drink on properly and you spill it all down your front.

#24)You fall asleep in class.

#25)Freudian slips.. You're in math class. You like Matt. You say to Matt "I love Matt class!"

#26)You don't realize you're singing along to your walkman. In the middle of history class.

#27)It's the last day of school. You're finally able to tell that obnoxious pig of a teacher what you think of him. Flash forward to September.. who do you think you'll get for homeform?

#28)Your twenty, and cavityless. You visit the dentist.. and she finds one.

#29)Art class- first period. You spill paint all down your front!

#30)When you come dead last in your skating/gymnastics/ballet whetever competition

#31)When your parents complain that you're *only* getting an 80% average (Or just complain about whatever it is even though you're spending your LIFE doing homework!)

#32)You're forced to a family party on New Years Eve, wherein you are put to bed at 10pm.

#33) When you get a bruise, and then re-bang it 10 seconds later

#34) Those stupid band-aids that fall off within 3 minutes

#35) Your pen runs out of ink right in the middle of an exam

#36) The person whom you have LOVED for like 7 years, and have recently decided to do so no longer, asks you out

#37) You're not home when the radio station actually calls your house randomly to 'win a million dollars'.. and they go on to the next number they pull out

#38) You lose your brand new hat on the rollercoaster

#39) You forget to bring the 'moistioning eye drops' to your prom... within half an hour your eyeballs are dieing for them..

#40) You gie up your paranoid "I know I'll miss something" ways and skip that dreadfully dull class in which you've done not a thing for a month and find out you missed something very, very important

#41) You manage to scrach your new CD as soon as you take it out of the case.. and of course you've lost the reciept

#42) In efforts not to look silly, you don't slap that crawling sensation that's on your arm. Of course, it's a misqutoe.

#43) Not bothering to not look silly you wham the crawling sensasion on your arm, of course, nothings there

#44) Not bothering not to look silly, you whap that crawling sensation on your arm. Of course, it's a bee and it stings you

#45) You wear ratty old gross holey socks and in drama class you play a game involving taking off your shoes and walking around in socks only

#46) You forget about that PA day and go to school.

#47) While you're yanking on the doors of the school that same day, trying to figure out why they are all locked, a group of teachers come up to you and tell you how it's a PA day. And then walk away. Laughing at you.

#48) You're so nervous, talking to that famous celebrity love of your life, that you begin sneezing nervously and get phglem all over them.

#49) You're sure no one is around, so you decide to pick that annoying weedgie. And then from behind you comes a large group of people you know.

#50) The people behind you in the theatre are not only loud, 12 years old and annoying but they also manage to spill their pop all over the floor.. and therefore under your feet.

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