The first Steven Tyler 
page on the net

My Story

I have met Aerosmith exactly ONCE, and my friends all deny that it was a "real meeting" but forget them, I had been waiting for 3 years for the experience.. it was good enough for ME..

It was Febuary 13, 1997 and Aeromsith was in Toronto (where I live) I was bitterly disapointed because, although I'd tried (to an obssesive value) I hadn't gotten to even SEE them yet. I begged my non-fan friends to help me visit the hotels they would most likely be at, and they all refused. So I walked home, and turned on MuchMusic (a Canadian music station, not unlike MTV) and who was on, LIVE? Aerosmith.. of course. I screamed and put on a tape which to record it. Then I had a problem. In not two hours I had a babysitting job, and it would take almost an hour to get to where they were filming on the subway. Guess what I choose? Aerosmith of course. I ran down, kicking myself for being so stupid as to not realize that OF COURSE Aerosmith would be on Much. I finally got to the MuchMusic building, and saw a big crowd around the doors. Now, what I expected, was to look in the big windows at the front of the building, bang on them a few times, and then leave. So I looked in.. No One Was There! I was so upset.. for about 5 seconds. Then I realize that Joe Perry is not 3 feet away from me. They were all outside, signing autographs etc. I was so happy.. but where was Steven? Oh No! could he not be there? I desperatly looked around. Then I saw this head, right in front of me. It Was Steven. He turned around. He signed the arm of the bodygaurd right in front of me "oh, oops, sorry" he said realizing his mistake "No problem" Mr. Bodyguard replied. Of course, Steven doesn't sign *MY* arm. Then I make my stupid mistake, one of two. I was standing right up front, squished up against the bodygaurds. One of them turns to me, realizes I'm practiacaly hyperventalating with excitment, and says "You can go to him if you want" Now, my brain at this point is frozen. What do you MEAN I can go to him, I thought, I'm already SO close. So I don't walk though that area that he is offering me to walk through. Then a whole block of girls start asking for kisses. Steven kisses them all. Do *I* ask? Nooo.. Then they all get into their limo, and I stare into the window until it drives off. At which point I call up my friend and scream into the phone. Our conversation went like this:

Me: (screaming)
Her: What? Who is this?
Me: (screaming inaudiably ME!!!)
Her: Michelle?
Me: Yesit'smegeusswhat??!! (screams)
Her: What did you say? (remaining annoyingly calm)
Me: geusswhat!guesswhat! (screaming still)
Her: You met Steven?
Her: That's nice
Me: (breathing heavily, still half screaming)I have to go, the streetcar is here
Her: Bye
I get home just in time for my job, and totally excited. Unfortunatly, I have to wait till after I put the kids to bed before I call any of my other friends, and then i can't even scream into the phone again. It totally made my year, and I told every person I saw the next day what happened.

The End.. or is it? 1
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