All You'll Ever Need To Know In Order To Stalk Me.

Name: Michelle
Nickname: Daisy or Dais3y
Age: 19
School: The University of British Columbia
My old High Schools:
Neuchatel Junior College
Northern Secondary
City: Toronto (Ontario)
Things I am obsessed with:
*The Monkees
*Drew Barrymore
Some Online Friends: Neffie, Kokani, Valeree, G, Daydream, Emily, Cori...
..And - from my past... Washy, Occy, Vixen, Kretch, Pinto, Des,
VampGrrl, Autumn, drac, MCT, oldhat, Bailey&Andrea, NezGirl,
Tami, and everyone else from #monkeeschat and #torkfriends that
I am forgeting
My Real Life Friends: Lisha, Vivienne, Nuria, Jenni, Martha, Jenn, Steph,
Sonia, Catlin, Emily-from-Northern, Jen Sze, Susan, Heather, Jon,
Laura, Emily-from-YPT, Lisa, Bryn, Channah, Katherine, Rebecca,
Nina, Erica, Dave, Jimmy, Jes, Tanya I., Val K., Emily, Chris.

Pet: A Calico cat named Fluffy (how original, I know)
Perpetual Emotion: Hyper
My list: It's right here
My campaign to make people think I'm weird: Is helped out here

My Room

This is my room as taken from the door. That thing that looks like a bed? Well, it IS a bed! And that which looks like a naked guy if he wasn't covered with white light stuff.. that's Steven Tyler. And he's naked, yes. But you can't see anything..

My closet, as painted by me. It's not done yet. Nothing in my room is. The shiny things along the left are photo's of my friends. To the right is my dresser

This is my ceiling, it extends much farther to the left and right, but my camera can neither zoom nor unzoom. Or whatever it's called that lets you get more stuff in the viewfinder.

This is taken by standing on my bed.. that's why we're so close to the ceiling...

This is taken from behind my store-bought beads. I made all the other ones. All my beads fall down, they suck. That's the door, where we came in. You can leave now.

Other Pics Of Stuff

That's me in the middle, and my friends to the left and right. They don't know they're up here, they might send the mafia after me. So I won't tell you their names.

This is the ONE picture of SIX that turned out, of the front of her face, when I met Drew Barrymore- who I *love* on September 16th. Sat in a movie theatre with her for 2 hours. It was tres cool

Since 4:37pm, Friday May 14th


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