The first Steven Tyler 
page on the net

i love you steve

i went skiing at mt. sunapee march 11 this year and it was Aerosmith day. There was going to be a ton of Aerosmith snow sculptures at first i thought what differance would the snow sculptures make i want to meet them damnit! so me and my friends skied and it was a blast, i've never skied whall it was snowing out. but i skied my ass off and needed a coffee. so i went and got one. i was being nosey and listened to someone else's convo. and herd steven was coming to judge the sculptures i'm like no shit thats so cool of him. so me and my friends followed him around allong with a flock of others. so eventually he went into the lodge and disapeared from sight. i thought damn thats it! I'm so greedy. but then we herd he'll anounce the aero sculpture winners upstairs yeah! so he did that (the ski jump) won i think and then he left into that room again but its not over yet! some other girls got kisses i wanted one too! so we went around back and waited for him to c! ome out and we did in a snow storm (lifes tough huh) and i wrote i love you steve in the snow on the delivery dock he came out i stood aside he read it wrote a heart by the L and grabbed me by the arm (good grip)and said did you write that? and i said yeah. and he gave me a peck on the cheek (sorry my hair was frozen steve) but it was extremely cool the kiss was nice but the look in the eye was so much more important to me he wasn't a famous ass hole he was just as cool as i thought he was and i was not dissapointed at all not at all!
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