This is it, the story of the night...

I have just started it from right when I get to meet Peter, to when he leaves, so there isn't anything about the concert (which was a Monkees concert). This is just what I had written from before, and being as how I am feeling now, I don't have any intentions on changing this story. But, I know you wanted to know, and as long as it doesn't make you jealous, because I'd feel like a really selfish girl then, I will tell it to you, as beautifully as I know how. Here is the story, as told by Wonder Girl, Sleepy Jean, and if you could, if you were going to put this someplace, can you leave this introduction here for everyone else. It makes more sense then. Thanks Daisy.

".... Peter walked up through the line of people, amicably shaking their hands through the chain linked fence. My mind raced as I realized I was about to see him and touch him. To touch his skin, and make him real. It was becoming more and more beautiful in my mind...

Peter came closer and closer to me. He was right next to me. And then he came to me. And he was suddenly happy. Smiling. My heard jumped. I was totally free. Peter was happy to see me. For reasons I was uncertain of, but still he was there. Smiling, touching me, shaking my hand. It was so beautiful. He was even happier then he was with everyone else. Or so it appeared. He grinned. It was so innocent.

Maybe he even said hello there. I can't remember. he had said hello to everyone else... I believe... so I suppose he had said it to me...

I couldn't see him very clearly. My mind was falling into the feeling of his being here, and Peter seemed to be glowing. Everything was soft and hazy. I wanted to see Peter so much. He had done so many things for me that were undescribable, even for me to say... So, there was nothing I could say to him. Nothing, except for one thing that would be absolutely perfect to say, that I believed in more to him than I had to anyone before....

"Peter, I love you!" I said. I knew he would love this. Even before I said it. I knew it long, long before, but I don't know when. My voice was really soft then and faint, and breathy, but very real, and he believed in it. He knew that. He did love this. I breathed heavily and felt so secure in his presense. Peter was in love with this. He patted my hands more. His hands were warm and comforting against mine, which were cold from the night and the chain linked fence. Then I felt warm everywhere. Warm from his body. Warm from the touch of his hands.

I brethed even more and more heavily, and could sense the eyes of others watching me, wondering what I would do. I could see Peter's thoughts and they were the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Everything innocent and untouched by words, beautiful and image-like, the way I like it. I could see what he was going to do. I could see it in his mind, it seemed perfect and very close to me. In his head, it came just after he had patted my hands: I am going to kiss her, or, let me kiss her.

But one thing: kiss her.
And with that he said:
"That's the spirit!" and grinned mischievously.

I believed then that Peter had loved me and knew who I was. I believed he could see into my mind too, and accepted what others had reprimanded. he loved me. He was so soft and gentle in my mind.

I realized that I was letting myself lean forward into the fence. Peter had closed his eyes, and he got closer and closer to the fence. I watched as suddenly he let his lips touch mine. Brushing against me me gently, barely letting him touch what he wasn't sure if he could have. His lips were so warm and soft and wet... very wet... and the whiskers from his unshaven skin brushed against my check. The metal of the fence was between our lips. But I didn't care. Peter didn't either. He thought this was cute. He thought everything was cute. I could feel blood rush through me. My lips tingled from the touch of his kiss, and then my face, and then my body. Very quickly. And then everything was warm...

And then I realized Peter was gone. And I was leaning against the chain linked fence trying to hold myself up. Colors of lights and flashes were before my eyes and people had crowded around me. Peter was gone.


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