Joseph L. Auger

[email protected]

The news of the Past, Present and Future.

News of the Past: January 1st 1999

A horrible and ungraceful New Years Eve rings in my ears. Having left AS220 as a payed employee, it was my thought to finally make my money primarily from music instead of arts administration. Came the month of May and ideas of a partnership with two musical and spiritual buddies and hope filled the air, and after not a heck of alot of deliberation, a house in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, (read as Eden), was rented, as a place for living and making music.

A few unfortunate changes and the three partners turned to two before we even got there. So the studio and memories that I had spent many years building at AS220 were effectively put to sleep as the house in the country beckoned.

June 1999 - Jan. 2000

The house is perfect though expensive, sitting atop a hill, next to a non odorous cattle farm, swathed in trees and shrubs, away from the bustle of the city. There is nothing like waking up to cows and wild turkeys looking at you through your back porch doors. It was a dream, Eden on earth; at least to me, (check out the cover photo of Paula Feldman's album "Summer St. Sessions" by clicking below to get an idea of the beauty of my back yard.) My studio partner and I worked like dogs to keep everything together with not alot of problems, at least not initially.

The birds and the nature around us are endlessly inspiring to our slowly tiring bones. The city was not missed for sure, at least not by me. I saw myself living there forever if it could be worked out. The thought of buying the property was already being bandied about with the owner.

One of my beloved cats, 6 year old Clairabelle Bookbinder succumbs to a virulent cancer and passes away on September 31st 1999.

Work continues on various musical Productions, Paula Feldman and Steven Jobe being the two most important along with ongoing work on my various personal projects.

Jan. 2000 - June 2000

...And then there was one. My studio partner decided it was time to move along. Fatigue and mounting financial problems forced her hand, so I took on the unenviable task of paying for the property on my own, such was the strength of my resolve and determination to make it work; and initially it did work! My dream of a complex of live and work studios for myself and guest artists would have been perfect. More on these ideas later.

Music making was, as always, one of the highest priorities and having seen a stunning release by Paula Feldman in Jan. 2000 called "Summer St. Sessions", work continued on Steven Jobes' album, ending with a series of sessions for string quartet that, as far as I'm concerned, is the best recorded work I have ever done. The country atmosphere at its most inspirational for me, I was realizing, briefly, that one of my dreams had come true, to have a house with a recording studio within in its walls. It worked fairly well until more than one mortgage company told me that I was both not poor enough or rich enough to qualify for any kind of financial help as a first time home owner. "Welcome to America Mr Auger."

With hope losing ground, my strength gave out and between work related repetitive motion injuries, emotional and personal devastation and financial ruin, I cracked, badly, and my Eden had to be abandoned as was I by someone I had foolishly hoped might be my Eve. Perhaps I was presumptive that anyone would be interested in my vision. I guess I asked too much of this visionless existence. The city pulled me back. Damn.

June 2000 to the present

In therapy to rebuild my fragile Pysche and my poor physical health, in litigation with my employer of the past year to help pay for the injuries sustained there, still in unrequited love with my errant Eve, and deposited into an apartment back in the city, I started the long slow task of rebuilding myself again, which is the road that I am still currently navigating. Thanks to certain people in my life, it has been a much easier task and if not for them, I would not have survived and that's no lie!

As always music remains my primary lifeline. With time on my Carpul Tunnel inflicted hands, I've been able to take stock of my many personal projects, unfinished and neglected. With surgery iminant on said hands, I wrote an album of songs over the holidays of 2000, as both a tonic for those waiting for something new and to function as an appetizer to "A Fool's Paradise", which looks to have an April 1st, 2002 release. The album, "Love (And Such)", is out and making the rounds as we speak.

..what's next eh...?

Solo projects by ex 'Amoebic Ensemble' and 'Eyesores' string man Matt Everett, began in earnest over the summer and with basic tracks almost finished, is looking to be a major local release toward the fall.

Steven Jobes' album, now officially titled "The How and Why Wonder Book", is virtually complete, with a summer release.

Also in the works is an album of Spanish and Brazilian musics by Marylynn Mair, ex of the Mair - Davis Duo, which will look for a fall release.

I have also remastered the complete works of 'The Robert Jazz Quartet',(now known as 'V. Majestic'). It consists of 'The Fist Of Dad Suite' and some other sundry recordings that, apart from one song, remained unreleased. Click on the link to V.Majestic above for the entire scoop on this much underexposed band and to hear the remastered works.

I am also working with my old comrades in arms and legs, Keith and Stan Munslow as 'Curio' , a local band from the mid to late 80's here in Providence . We are putting a sort of retrospective CD together of unreleased, remastered, re-recorded and new songs to mark the good work that we used to do. It's been alot of fun reconnecting with those two especially as friends and writing partners. I've included one of our new songs on my new album "Love (And Such)" in a solo acoustic version that will see a full production by the whole band when I am able. The lyrics of the song, "Turtle" are mine and the music is by the three of us. I am hoping for a fall to Christmas release. Keep tuned here for info as it happens.

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