Joseph L. Auger

[email protected]

The news that's fit to print as of November 1st 1998:

Jeez! What a year. Between the haze of fatigue and splendor, glorious distress, bubbles of love, bubbles bursting and reforming, everything else wobbles around, day to day, oblivious to its wake...(pant pant), sorry. I've been involved in an adaptation of Dylan Thomas' "A Child's X-mas In Wales" at The Sandra-Feinstein-Gamm Theatre,(formerly Alias Stage), and I guess it's rubbing off a bit. Not really a bad thing though I tell you. I'd forgotten how absolutely gorgeous his words are. Moving and funny, doomed but ultimately immortal. I wonder if Mr. Thomas would be pleased or not with how this adaptation is being put up. If nothing else I think he might be somewhat amused by the way his home life in Wales was pulled from the story and depicted in real time. Directed by an old friend of mine, Kate Lohman, it has been nothing but sheer pleasure to be working with her and the small ensemble of actors, Chris Byrnes, Tom Epstein, Jeanine Kane, Sandra Mayoh, and native Welshman, John Morgan. John has been teaching us bits of the Welsh language and traditional Welsh folk songs that we have incorporated into the play in a really nice way. Kate has done a really incredible job in molding us into a tight knit little group that has a hard time keeping a straight face during rehearsels. I'm gonna miss it when it's over. The play is up Nov. 27th - Dec. 20th.

The other big news for me is my departure from AS220 as House Manager/ House Sound and Volunteer Co-Ordinator. It's been a long run here,(13 years), but I think that it's time to move on for a while and see what's out there. AS220 has been like college to me, in every sense of that atmosphere; good, bad or indifferent. I've said it once before and I'll say it again. AS220, has been everything under the sun to me, but never boring. I look forward to coming back somewhere down the line with perhaps some new colors to paint with. Where am I going to go you say? Well... I'm hoping to concentrate on my performing, acting, writing, publishing, and Producing for a while; basically going freelance I guess. I'm hoping I'm up to the task. We shall see...

As far as my writing goes, I really want some time to focus on selling some songs, researching, and working on my novel,(a science fiction romance), called "All In Good Time". I feel a possible explosion of wordage within the next six months that I want to be ready for. I've already got enough new songs to start recording, though I probably won't begin in earnest for a couple of months at least. I'm as excited as I am petrified by the possibilities these days. We shall see...

Another fun thing that I'm doing is hosting an open mic every other Wednesday at The Custom House Tavern and the past couple of nights have been a hell of a lot of fun. I must thank Steve Dubois for the oppurtunity since his editing duties at Providence Monthly have kicked into high gear. Come on down and join the revery and delight to the ubiquitous Mark Carter's a cappella rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody", the finest display of pop culture kitsch you'll ever hoot, holler and raise a jar to.

Hopefully more to come as the holidays approach with wide eyes and claws.
Take care of your heads.

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