Joseph L. Auger

[email protected]

The news that's fit to print as of August 1st 1998:

So the CD's came in and I have to say I was blown away by the job that CDMan had done, (again)! The package looked absolutely beautiful and the reproduction of the music was impeccable. They were also real helpful with a last minute shipping prang which left me shell shocked when I saw that they had arrived about 5 days before I was told I could expect them. It was a great surprise. People have been so receptive to it at this point that it's a little scary. Maybe something is there. But that isn't for me to judge in some ways. If people are affected by it, good or bad, then it is nothing short of a success, whether I sell 10 copies or 100,000. I am happy. Go figure.

My head space is in a writing mode once again which I'm a little apprehensive about. It's a great thing but I've never found myself in this place before, of finishing up one project and almost by accident another starts to gestate. More songs of love and angst, Baroque fugues, lullabies, I have no idea what's gonna happen. Time will tell me I suppose.

Big changes regarding my sound work are starting to be implemented slowly. To protect my hearing I've made the decision to retire from regular live sound work and to try and concentrate on Production and recording engineering. The odd live show to be recorded or if Uz Jsme Doma come into town,(if they asked me to be their live sound engineer forever, I'd lose my hearing for them, I love them so!),will still happen but that's it for me. Twenty years is long enough. I know that there is plenty more to learn, and perhaps becoming a freelance consultant would be a cool thing just to keep my pinkie toe in it. It's all amorphous to be sure.

I've been performing alot lately and feel I have broken down some of my barriers in regard to stage fright and execution. I'm really excited about doing more and come September I hope to get busier. Click here for current info on my gigging situation. See you there I hope!

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