Joseph L. Auger

[email protected]

The news that's fit to print as of June 1st 1998:

Yikes! It's been a while since an update but with good reason. First I'll say that the CD "The Long Term" is finally out bein' done up in Canada. CDMan, (who pressed up The Smoking Jackets CD), is doing the job and I'm more anxious than I ever thought possible. I had done the first master and had not a real shot to listen to it, apart from perfunctorily, while the artwork was being readied. Then I found, to my great embarrassment, that it sounded absolutely horrendous. The mixes seemed a sorry state, so promptly throwing that master out a window, set about remixing all 15 songs in a months time. Some people thought me crazy, but it was just no use spending two years and lots of dough to release a piece of art.

So apologies to everyone who helped with the Production of the CD and the premature due date. Thanks as well to everyone for sticking by me despite being in a constant state of grumpiness for the past couple of months. Summer is coming and so is a visit to a sanitarium! Huge thanks to Winsor Pop for putting together the art package and, as always, making all the right decisions for the look of it. Rob Pemberton at Sound Station 7 deserves a medal for having to do two different masters of the CD. He was nothing but professional and spot on with everything that it needed and didn't need. Thanks also to J.J. for making the whole thing affordable at such an awesome studio!

I'll be playing a whole boat load of gigs coming up this summer, mostly around Providence, but I am hoping to maybe get some travel in before having to decide what the hell I'm going to do for money come September. Click here for an ongoing list of my upcoming performances. There will be a CD release party in September somewhere in Providence and I'm hoping to get a bunch of people to flesh out the live sound along with plenty of food and drink for the occasion. More on that later. So onward to a warmer day and a summer full of...dare I say...hope?

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