Joseph L. Auger

[email protected]

The news that's fit to print as of May 1997:

A big year (Mayday to Mayday) of playing around Providence area open mics and venues such as CAV, AS220 (as part of The Pork Chop Lounge Cabaret), and The Custom House Tavern, culminated in a bunch of higher profile shows around town. One of those was The Writers' Circle Live! that featured a number of playwrights, poets, monologists, and then myself representing songwriting.

I also made my semi-operatic vocal debut as Saint Michael in a new production of Steven Jobe's opera, Jeanne D'Arc. This opera, originally put on in May of 1993, was restaged in April of 1997 as part of AS220's annual Fool's Ball fundraiser. Luciano eat your heart out ... well not really.

Also, during the month of April, I performed two original songs to backing tracks from my upcoming CD, as part of Wellsprings and Other Serpent Tales, a play written by Mark Carter, produced by The Pork Chop Lounge and Directed by Julie Hawkins. The play received favorable notices, some of which singled me out as a highlight!
O.K.! O.K.! Enough shameless self promotion ...
Well ... maybe a little more.

As far as my CD goes, I am hoping for a fall release at this point. It will be titled The Long Term and is somewhat of a song cycle concerning the range of emotion that a one sided love affair can cause. The music traverses wildly from genre to genre with all of the instruments and vocals handled by myself.
Along with this album of songs, I also have two other releases in various stages of completion. One called The Invisible Years deals with the angst of a person in their twenties and the effects that regression experiments can have on the human psyche. Work on this album has been an ongoing concern since 1986, but a release is soon at hand (maybe by X-mas '97). Another album of songs written in 1995, called Taken Aurally, was started but left unfinished due to my sound engineering duties at AS220. Once again though, the time is right to get down to bizness and get it out, perhaps also for X-mas. It seems like a lot because it is. I hope to have some sound files up as soon as is possible to give yuz' an idear of wut' ah duz'. Yep!

Also, be on the look out for two movies at the end of 1997: watch for Steven Spielberg's Amistad and the Michael Corrente Production Strangers In Transit where you might just see a longhaired weirdo haunting a few scenes in the background.

That is if I don't hit the cutting room floor.

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