The project: Newspaper Calicos

The idea: Through selective breeding and a bit of luck, breed all of the tan colors out of the a calico cat. The only colors that should be persent on a Newspaper calico are grey, black and white, in any order or pattern. The eyes, too, should be black or grey.
The progress: Almost none. This is, however, a knew thing to me. It's coming very slowly, but surely.

These are catz that I have come across in my web surfing that I find to resemble my idea of the Newspaper Calico. *Note: these cats can not be put into the NPC program simply because I do not know their backgrounds, nor if they are hexed or not. Even so, they're wonderful pets. :) Thanks again to all the former owners.

Name: Dirk
Problems: Almost a prefect NPC. Only, his tail poofs out. It's a good idea of the coloration I'm getting at, however.
Seely Name: Seely
Problems: Again, a very nice example of what I'm trying to get. This would be considered a half NPC, simply because the only grey is in his eyes. For a 'true' NPC, there should be each color (grey, white, black) in more than one place. Pretty darn close, though.
Name: Coal
Problems: This is the least NPC-like out of the three. While he's very pretty, he has no white and his eyes are blue. They grey and black are a plus, however.

Lend a Paw?

Here's how you--that's right, YOU--can help. If you have a cat that looks similar to these above, please send it in and I'll consider using it in the NPC project. What will you get out of it? If I use you cat, I will post a link to your page if you have one and if you don't I will breed a cat for you, using any two cats from my cattery. So, read the requirments and send them in!

  • Must be a purebred calico
  • Must be at least third generation
  • No poofy tails or longer-than-normal bodies
  • Coat must be dominated by at two of the colors (black, white, grey)
  • Send a picture of the cat before you send a .pet file.
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