Why E-commerece is better:-

Below are some reasons why we believe you should take the digital leap and start doing business online right now. Cost effective Time saving Geographical accessibility Easy to introduce new products Maximize Profit Better Customer Support Live / Work from Anywhere

How much time it will take to kick start business and why?


Baking businesses are some of the easiest types of businesses to set up. If you have got the skill, you only need some basic tips and guidance to get off the ground. Cakes, cupcakes and other desserts all rule the roost and there is always a demand of these from people who have a sweet tooth. You just need a few basic tips to get your business going. Here are some tips to kick start your baking business:

Learn the craft: You may be the greatest home baker, but with the amount of competition that has sprung up in the Pakistani market you always need new ways to stand out. Make sure that you learn the craft of baking through and through. You need to be known for good experiences not bad ones! Stand out: As we said before, there is a tonne of competition and you need to stand out. Go beyond the regular rosette and fondant cakes and explore other ways you can innovate your pastries. Go online and use the tools you have at your disposal to learn more about decorating and look for ideas which other people have not done yet. Get certified: Getting certified will definitely up your market value so to speak. A course from a somewhere like PC or COTHAM or CIIT will ensure that people know that you have gone all out to learn your craft. If you can afford it, opt for short courses from places like Dubai. Get an Internship: Interning with some of biggies like Muneeze Khalid or some other well known baker or cook will ensure that people know you. This will not only be a learning experience but you will make new contacts too. Promote yourself: Find ways to reach a wider audience. Sign up on HerFloor and post your baking goodies. Just do anything to get your food and your name out there to the people. Chances are once they know you they will definitely order. Get help: Don’t be afraid of getting people to help you. Help can be paid or perhaps just get a loving family member like your mother or your sister to learn the craft with you so you can work on the business aspect more. Presentation: Even when you are baking a simple cake or loaf for a client make sure that it is presented to them beautifully. Not only the final look of the product but you also need to have a proper cake board or box for it. Not having these things makes you look like a rookie. Opinions: Get people to give you feedback, ask clients or organise a small tea party at your place for a group of food bloggers. Know what the market wants. Work on these tips and you will definitely have a soaring business in no time!

What hardware and software is suitable for your business:

Company Mission: TwinPeaks Software develops and markets advanced industry specific accounting and management programs worldwide. In order to succeed, TwinPeaks Software must and will create and maintain a technological edge over its competitors. This edge is based upon the following guidelines: • Uses the most advanced tools available on the market worldwide. These tools must include the most up-to-date software, hardware, and computerized systems. • Associate with other software designers to create and maintain bridges, in order to avoid recreating the wheel. • Employ people of character not just skills. Skills can be learned. Character is innate. • Respect the beliefs, ideas and skills of each and every employee. Maintain a happy work environment. A company is as good and successful as the people it employs. After all is said and done, this company must thrive beyond the rate of return on its investments. It should improve the quality of life of its customers, employees and the common human being.
Online Ordering for Bakeries:
Since 1987, TWINPEAKS Software has been one of the nation's earliest developers of bakery management software. The company has grown from a small computer retail store in Glendale, California to a software house providing solutions to businesses all over the nation. TWINPEAKS Software has established a reputation as an aggressive pioneer in the development and marketing of industry specific software to businesses such as bakers, grocers and deli stores and cafes. Over the years, the customer base of TwinPeaks Software has rapidly grown to well over 3000 companies, including many Fortune 500 companies. POS hardware: Pos hardware to our customers is a courtesy service. Purchasing the proper POS hardware can at times be difficult. Selecting the right “all in one POS touch screen” is challenging. The choices are many. Acquiring the component parts of a complete system separately and ensuring that they all communicate with one another correctly requires technical knowhow.