bakery process


How to Make Cupcakes

Step 1: Gather your cupcake ingredients. Step 2: Preheat oven to 325°F. Place paper baking cups in 24 regular-size muffin cups. Step 3: In large bowl, mix the flour, granulated sugar and salt with a whisk. Step 4: Using a one-quart saucepan, heat one cup of butter, water, and three tablespoons of baking cocoa to boiling Step 5: Remove from heat and pour into flour mixture. Mix to combine. Add buttermilk, baking soda, vanilla, bourbon and eggs. Mix well to combine and then fold in chopped pecans. Divide the batter evenly among muffin cups, filling them two-thirds full. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Step 6: Meanwhile, gather your ingredients for the frosting. Step 7: Using a one-quart saucepan, heat butter, baking cocoa and milk to simmering. Remove from heat; beat in powdered sugar and bourbon. Spoon warm icing over warm cupcakes and top with pecan halve.

Traditional Commerce vs eCommerce

With the rapid and constant growth of digital marketing & social media around us, well, there is no deny that social media and digital space have influenced all of our lives. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, or even Instagram, all of these huge portals have changed how businesses interact with their customers or fans. Big companies are becoming more human and humans are becoming brands or influencers. People no longer go to shops & stores to buy groceries. They can order everything they wish for online. They are not bounded by their geographical location anymore. You could be living in one continent and literally order your food online from another country continent in another.

What processes can be Electrified and how( Done using Electronics):

Baking has revived itself in recent years. Cupcakes and cake pops have become fashionable and have re-ignited the baking craze. A lot of people have also taken to make their own baking businesses from home. Yet without the correct equipment your baking ambitions can soon crumble. Digital scales: According to the Hummingbird bakery – “Baking is an exact process and using the right equipment is essential. Even a slight deviation from the recipe amounts can make a massive difference to the final bake.” As baking is an exact science, digital scales are the top must have gadget to ensure accuracy and consistency. The right ingredients are essential to the bakes taste and texture, as over or undoing an ingredient can have disastrous consequences. It’s vital to get the ingredients right from the offset before any decoration or anything else can go into the mix. A digital scale will help you to improve your cooking, whether you’re a professional or not. If you are in the bread making business, the digital scale is a useful tool as every piece of bread must have a standard net weight. Electronic Mixer: Essentially an electric mixer takes all the hard work out of baking. Beating, mixing and stirring can become tiring, especially if you have a big batch to do. An electric mixer combines all the ingredients in a time saving way. It allows you to control the exact level of thickness of the mix. Also if you need to get perfectly smooth frosting for decoration, this is a must have. Essentially an electric mixer takes all the hard work out of baking. Beating, mixing and stirring can become tiring, especially if you have a big batch to do. An electric mixer combines all the ingredients in a time saving way. It allows you to control the exact level of thickness of the mix. Also if you need to get perfectly smooth frosting for decoration, this is a must have. Bake Ware Set: Cake pans, muffin pans, cooling racks and pizza pans are all vital for being able to bake your desired goods. It’s important the right pan is used, as when you’re following a recipe they are written with exact dimensions in mind. When items are placed on a solid surface it traps the heat and steam within them. This causes the product to become soggy underneath. A cooling rack will prevent this by keeping heat away from the surface. Kitchen Timer: Kitchen timers are a vital piece of equipment when baking. Setting and actively paying attention to the timer (or even forgetting you turned it on & being reminded by the obnoxious alarm) will keep your cooking on track and prevent your baked goods from burning. Digital kitchen timers are easy to use, easy to read and belong in your kitchen today.