Queen's College

Material provided by H. Gordon Watson


This is the first Queen�s College Magazine to be issued in an independent Guyana. Our boys must therefore think as members of a free and independent community. No longer will they be able to criticise their colonial masters or lay the blame for every ill at their door. From now on their own Guyanese compatriots must shoulder the responsibility both for praise and blame

Any publication is only as good as the truth it contains. Truth is the foundation stone of life. Where there is truth there is justice, and Q.C. stands firmly on the twin pillars of truth and justice. Veritas vincit says the Latin and let that be the motto of this and all future issues of the magazine.

Accuracy (which is another word for truth) is the hall-mark of good reporting. If a report lacks accuracy, if a report is distorted whether from malice or from ignorance, then it is useless. Criticism must point our faults and suggest remedies for such faults. Merely to find fault is a characteristic of the ignorant; to find fault and to suggest means whereby such faults can be remedied is the characteristic of the wise. Education in its broadest sense should inculcate wisdom. At Q.C. we strive after a broad education and if we succeed we shall expect our boys to show wisdom.

Good luck to this issue of the Magazine.



Now that Independence has been won, the foremost thoughts in the all patriotic Guyanese will be �Whither do we go next? What is there left for us to achieve?� The prompt answer to these questions is that we should conscientiously tackle and try to find badly needed solutions to our country�s pressing problems � political, economic, and social.

The first and foremost problems we have to solve is that of how we can build our society in terms of human values in which human relations among several different ethnic groups are given a chance to function as they should. It is a well known saying �United we stand, divided we fall� . No matter what is taught in schools here in Guyana concerning the equality of man, unless those teachings are provided with a social milieu in which they can be practiced , they will wilt and die in the breasts of those who are forced to adapt themselves to the world as they find it.

This problem may well be solved through social engineering if the children of today who are to be the adult members of the next generation are taught as clearly and soundly as possible that every person is equal regardless of race, colour and creed. But there will be difficulties. It must be remembered that difficulties exist in order to be overcome. Nothing was ever achieved without trying; tact, conviction, and above all courage will be required. But we have the greatest of all advantages on our side, first that out cause is sound, and in addition the consciousness of modern man that all is not well either with himself, or with his world, and his desire for a better life. We may well make the last stanza of our national anthem our motto and our guiding light on fires of distress: -

Dear land of Guyana, to you will we give,
Our homage, our service, each day that we live.
God guard you, great Mother and make us to be
More worthy our heritage � land of the free.�

I would like to thank Messrs. Mattai and Ramdhani for the much-needed help and advice which they had given to the Magazine committee as a whole and Mr. D.C. Locke for his services in securing the design for the Magazine cover.

D. Soloman


Back Row L - R : D.I.R. Dewar (Sports Editor), A.N. Smith (Asst. Businessman),M.A. London (Sports Editor), C.M. Ross (asst. Buss. Mgr.), E.G. Klass (Buss. Mgr.)
Front Row L - R : E.D. Soloman (Editor). Mr. B. Mattai (Sup.), Mr. R. Ramdhani (Sup.), L.C. Clarke (sub-Editor)



E.B. Azeez 1959 - 1966
1963-64 - Member of stage staff, G.C.E. 'O' Level Subjects
1964 - 65 - Vice Captain School Volley-ball
1965 - 66 - G.C.E. 'O' Level, Deputy Head of 'F' House, School Prefect, School Voley-ball Captain, School colours Volley-ball.

R.A.F. Cambridge 1957 - 1966
1963-64 - G.C.E. 'O' Level
1964 - 65 - Raleigh House Cricket captain, Table Tennis Vice Captain, and Athletics Vice captain, Assistant Sports Editor ictor, Sub-Editor Magazine, Lance Corporal Cadet Corps, School's 1st XI Cricket Team, member of Q.C. touring Team of Trinidad, School's first XI Cricket Captain.
1965 - 66 - Deputy Head of Raleigh House, School Prefect, Sergeant Cadet Corps. School first XI Cricket captain, G.C.E. 'A' level, Distinction in History.

R.N. Farrier 1959 - 1966
1960-61 - Committee member of Junior Debating Society,
1964 - 64 - Cadet Corps, Assistant Advertising Manager - Lictor, Features Editor - Magazine
1963 - 64 - G.C.E. 'O' Level
1965 - 66 - Represented House at cricket, Football, table Tennis and Athletics, Head of Moulder House, School Prefect, L/Cpl. Cadet Corps, G.C.E. 'A' level.

P.D. Fraser 1956 - 1966
1961-62 - G.C.E. 'O' Level.
1962-63 - Editor of Lictor, Assistant Editor of Magazine.
1963-64 - Vice President Literary and Debating Society.
1964-65 - President Literary and Debating Society, Editor of Magazine, President Historical Society, Executive Member of Student Council, School Prefect, Head of Wooley House, G.C.E. 'A' Level. Debating Prize.
1965-66 -- Senior Prefect, Head of Wooley House, G.C.E. 'A' Level - 2 distinctions - Latin and Spanish - Guyana Scholar.

G.R. Glasheen 1958 - 1966
1961-62 - Junior School Prize, President of Junior Debating Society.
1963-64 - Art Prize.
1963-64 - School Certificate Prize, 'O' Level subjects, Special History Prize, Hockey Captain of Raleigh House, Editor of Lictor, Features Editor - Magazine.
1964-65 - Business Manager Lictor and Magazine, Troup Leader Q.C. Scouts (Queen's Scout), Committee Member of Debating Society, Chess, Historical Society, House Prefect. Student's Council executive.
1965-66 - President of Students' Council, Head of Raleigh House, Head of School, Senior School Prize, G.C.E. 'A' Level.

E.A.S. Joseph 1959 - 1966
1960-61 - Committee Member Junior Debating Society, Dramatic Competitions, Active member of School's Junior and Senior Choirs, Member of Music and Dramatic Societies.
1965-66 - Raleigh House Prefect, School Prefect.

E.A. Low 1959 - 1966
XXXXXXXXConsistent winner of Form Prizes participated in House Cricket and Athletics.
1963-64 - G.C.E. 'O' Level.
1964-65 - G.C.E. 'A' Level Distinction - Pure with Applied Maths.
1965-66 - G.C.E. 'A' Level - Disctinctions in Pure Maths, Applied Maths, and Physics - Guyana Scholar 1966 - School prefect - Head of Percival House.

M.A. Khan 1964 - 1966
1964-65 - 'C' House Cricket captain, member of Touring Team to Q.R.C.
1965-66 - Deputy Head of Austin House, Vice Captain School's XI Cricket Team, Secretary of Student's Council, School Prefect, Debating House Team, G.C.E. 'A' Level.

V.S.C. Sankat 1956 - 1966
Form prize winner of L4M, U4M, 5M
1963-64 � G.C.E. �O� Level
1964 � 65 � Science Society (Treasurer) G.C.E. �A� Level, member of Cricket and Hockey Teams (House) School and Nobbs House Prefect.
1956-66 � G.C.E. �A� Level � Distinction in Chemistry, School and House Prefect.

The School has also lost

Abrahams, M.
Ackloo, C.A
Akai, T.J.
Agard, Hilbert Joseph
Alli, Farzan
Austin, Cleland Andrew
Bacchus, Herman M.
Bacchus, Mohamed S.
Bacchus, Rahaman
Caesar, Lael Othniel
Cambridge, Charles D.
Chang-Yen, Ivan
Chinapen, Jamil K..
Choo-Kang, Terrance O.
Clarke, Leon
Daniels, Clarence
Douglas, Michael F.S.
Dublin, Keith G.N.
Fletcher, Horace E.T.
Franklin, Basil K.M.
Fraser, Ian C.
Gobin, Roy T.K.
Granger, Seipbert O.A.
Hack, Muhammad U.
Hanoman, Errol O.S.
Harris, Adam E.
Harris, Derrick D.
Harris, Frederick C.
Hasan, Kalam Azad
Hastings, Paul R.
Hentzen, Dennis R.
Heyliger, Mayhew
Iloo, David S.
Inasi, James C.
Jhagroo, Vishaldatt D.
Johnson, Allan A.
Khan, Husman
Khan, Rahaman
Kirton, Claremont D.
Lindie-David, Claude M.
Low-A-Chee, Raymond
mCaNDREW, n.c.
McCalmon, John C.E.
McDavid, Gordon I.
McDonald, George G.D.
Mahash, Krishnadat
Mohabeer, Turhan L.
Mohaboob, Alim B.
Moore, Godfrey, E.
Morrison, David A.
Narine, Kenneth
Naraine, Michael
Nezamudeen, M.A.
Ng-A-Qui, T.N.
Ng-Qui-Sang, Oscar E.
Ng-See-Quan, W.E.
Oditt, Vickram V.H.
Pairaudear, Richard G.
Persaud, Bhagwant N
Persaud, Doodnauth
Persaud, N.S.
Persaud, Leslie I.R.
Persaud, Pwinanand
Persaud, Ramnaraine
Persaud, Wilberne H.
Rambharose, Aaron T.
Ramcharran, Suresh C.
Ramjohn, David R.
Ramphal, Reuben
Ramsammy, Patrick F.
Rebeiro, John, L.
Robinson, Nesib A.I.
Rocke, James A.
Rohoman, Khalil Ur
Sawh, Mohan
Sesnaraine, Terry D.N.
Singh, Jainarayan
Sparman, Dianand
Storey, Sherlock N.
Subryan, Lionel
Teeluck, Chandra N.
Thomas, Kelwyn H.
Tiware, Jaimangal
Trew, Robert N.
Wade, Fitzgerald A.
Walcott, Percy F.
Warren, Deryck H.
Weithers, Randolph P.
West, Hawley
Young, Arthur

News of Our Boy Past and Present

The Staff and Boys congratulate:
Dr D. ROSE on being appointed Governor-General Designate.
Sir LIONEL LUCKHOO Q.C., who was knighted.
Sir JOHN CARTER Q.C., who was knighted.
S.S. RAMPHAL Q.C. on his attainment of C.M.G.
Sir KENNETH STOBY who was appointed as Chancellor of the Judiciary.
H.B.S. BOLLERS on being appointed Chief Justice.
P.A. CUMMINGS who was appointed to the Appeal Court Judge.
E.V. LUCKHOO Q.C.who was promoted to the Appeal Court Judge.
G.S. GILLETE Q.C. who has been appointed Ombudsman.
R.M. MORRIS who now holds the post of Commissioner of Titles.
H. MITCHELL on being appointed Judge.
M.W. CARTER who was appointed representative of the Guyana Mission to the U.N.
T.A. SUE-A-QUAN who has obtained his B.Sc. Hons. Engineering.
O.M. AUSTIN who has obtained his B.Sc. Hons. Engineering
A.D.G. WILSON who has obtained his B.Sc. Hons. Engineering.
F.E.M. PAUL who has obtained his B.Sc. Hons. Engineering.
G. JOSEPH whi has obtained his B.Sc. Hons. Engineering.
H. NIAMATALI on successfully passing his M.B., Ch.B., Oxon.
G. BAIRD on successfully obtaining his F.R.C.S.
J.R.S. MUNROE on successfully obtaining his F.R.C.S.
M.A.E. KENDALL who passed his M.D. (Howard) .
V. BOODHOO who successfully passed his M.B., B.S., U.W.I.
G. MITCHELL who successfully passed his .M.B., B.S., U.W.I.
W.M. PERSAUD who successfully passed his M.B., B.S., U.W.I.
R. GRANT who successfully passed his B.Sc. Howard, Summa cum laude.
R. IBBOTT who successfully gained his B.A. Howard, Magna cum laude.
L.G. ROBINSON who successfully gained his B.A. Hons. French U.W.I.
D. CHASE who successfully gained his B.Sc. Hons. Econ. U.W.I.
M. WICKHAM who has gained the position of Chartered Accountant.
R. LUCK who has gained his B. Hons.

Messrs, F.E. Liverpool, H. west. D.A. Grainger, and J.G. Singh, who have been selected for training as Cadet officers in the G.D.F., the first two at Sandhurst and the other two at Mons.

H. Dolphin who now holds the position of Captain of Freshman�s team U.W.I.

The 1966 Guyana Scholars
Messrs. E.A. Low and P.D. Fraser

Govt. Constitutional Scholarships
D.A. Morrison
K.A. Wills
T.A. Smith
C.H. Wong
R. Rupnarine
B.H. Thompson
L.M. Applewaithe

G.A.C. Scholarships - Commercial Air Pilots: C.D. Sahai, R.A. Adams, F.A. Khan.

Demba Scholarships - E.A. Low, S. Lachmansingh, Z.L. Chung.

Federal German Republic Medical Scholarships - W.J. Griffith.

Banks Breweries Scholarship - W.J. Griffith.

Congratulations also to all those boys who were successful at the external examinations both Ordinary and Advanced Levels.

�Onward, upward, may we ever go��..�


Back Row L - R :R.L. Fletcher (Features Ed.), G. Gordon (Asst. Sports Ed.)
Back Row L - R
M.J. Dow (Business Mgr.), E.A. Spence (Features Ed.), J.R. Rockford (Editor), J.D. Dennison (Business Mgr.)
Absent:K.G.N. Henderson (Sports Editor), M.V.J. Ramraj (Supervisor).


Christmas Term 1966

Adams, C.R.L.
Akbar, M.O.
Ally, A.H.
Assim, M.Z.H.
Bacchus, H.
Bacchus, M.K.
Balbahadur, K.P.
Belgrave, P.P.
Blue, K.B.
Brathwaite, C.W.S.
Britton, M.L.
Canterbury, L.A.
Carto, C.I.
Chan, W.M.
Chanderbhan, S.M.
Chang-Yen, E.
Chapman, E.V.
Chin, M.O.
Chow, R.H.E.
Choy, A.L.
Chung, R.E.L.
Conyers, L.N.P.
Cunha, H.A.
DeFreitas, A.A.
DeFreitas, K.D.A.
Dhanraj, C.S.
Dookie, A.I.
Dookwah, D.H.
Douglas, A.L.
Duff. M.F.
Edwards, A.E.
Ferrell, G.G.
Forsythe, L.S.
Franklin, G.O.
Fraser, K.C.
Ganesh, D.D.
Gannie, N.A.
George, H.L.
Girdhari, D.
Gooray, D.A.N.
Hassan, S.A.N.
Hendy, P.I.
Hinds, D.P.J.
Hing, P.S.
Hooper, H.A.
Hopkinson-Carter, C.C.
Hussain, M.F.
Hutson, M.J.
Ibrahim, S.U.R.
Ishmail, O.
Jackman, C.S.
Jackson, D.W.
Jaikaran, G.I.
Jaipaul, D.B.
Jaipersaud, S.
James, M.
Jawahir, G.A.
Jeffrey, R.A.
Johnson, D.B.
Judson, D.B.
Jumaralli, R.
Khan, M.B.
Kissoon, N.F.M.
Kissoon, P.C.S.
Lachmansingh, N.G.
Lall, Mahandra
Langevine, C.M.
Lawrence, K.O.
Layne, L.E.D.
London, L.L.
London, T.L.
Lowe, R.L.
Lui-Hing, M.G.A.
Lye, J.A.
McLean, C.
Maloney, R.W.
Maraj, L.B.
Mentor, E.C.S.
Mitchell, H.A.
Mohamed, Z.
Moore, B.A.M.
Moore, C.W.
Naraine, R.
Nero, T.M.
Persaud, Dasrath
Persaud, Drepaul
Persaud, Dwarka
Persaud, Kemraj
Persaud, M
Persaud, R.F.
Persaud, s.
Pieters, R.M.
Pilgrim, M.A.
Prasad, M.
Rahaman, A.
Raheem, M.A.
Rogers, M.S.
Roy, T.
Sankar, B.
Sankat, S.D.C.
Sarius, J.A.
Schultz, A.H.
Shah, M.A.
Shah, O.H.
Sharma, H.
Sharma, R.N.
Shepherd, S.S.
Sills, E.G.
Simon, S.R.A.
Singh, B.
Singh, C.
Singh, C.R.
Singh, N.P.
Sookoo, L.
Sookram, D.H.C.H.
Sue-Chue-Lam, A.L.
Talbot, P.A.
Tallim, R.A.
Tallim, R.K.
Taylor, W.N.C.
Trotz, R.F.
Valz, G.E.
Viera, M.A.
Ward, B.H.
Whyte, D.R.E.
Zaman, N.A.R.


Back Row L - R : E.M. Monsanto, K.G.N. Henderson
Centre L - R : S.A. McIntosh, L.A.R. Grant, A.M. London, E.B. Massiah, L. Richards.
Sitting L - R : R. Bacchus, Mr. C.O. Perry (Supervisor), A.R. Morrison (Capt.), D. Couchman.
On Ground: A. Fields (Goal Keeper).
Absent: G.H. London (V. Capt.).


Back Row L - R : A. Phang (Goalkeeper), L. Holder, G. Yong, R. Plummer, R.R. Luncheon, G. Gordon, T.H. Phillips
Stooping L - R : L.S. Lee (Vice Capt.), R. Glen, J. Mattheson, F.M. Chin.
Absent: D.A. Morrison (Captain), Mr. G.A.D. Chang-Sang (Sup.).


Back Row L - R : D. Couchman, N.L. Lee, A.C. Rambali, J. Rajroop.
Sitting L - R : T. Raghunandan, M. Oswald, T.J. Akai (Vice Capt.) J. Nunes-De Souza.
Absent: E.B. Azeez (Captain), V.J. Ramraj (Supervisor).


Back Row L - R : L.C. Clarke (Jnr. Captain), N.L. Lee, D. Couchman, L.P.E. Blenmann.
Sitting L - R : C.O. Benjamin, T.L. Hopkinon, Mr C.G. Glasgow (Supervisor), D.O. Critchlow.
Stooping: E.M.D. Phillips.
Absent: P.F. Walcott (Captain), N.S. Persaud.

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