Queen's College


STANDING (L TO r): Messrs. J.A. Rodway, C.I. Trotz, R.D. rock, E.P. Clayton, C.T. Barker, C.I. Drayton, Chunilall, J.N. Chung, R.C.G. Potter, E.R. Burrowes, C.A. Yansen, R.L. Clarke, B.A. Eyre, J.R.Ramsammy, K.A.L. Brown, S.M.D. Insanally, R.E. Jackson, E.A.Watson, R.T. Moore, H.A.Whittaker, M. Delph, M.T. Lowe, M. Grassie, C.E.M. Boland.
SITTING (L to R): Messrs. G.H. Narayan, S.R.R. Alsopp, Miss L. Dolphin, Messrs. H.A.M. Beckles, N.E. Cameron, V.J. Sanger-Davies, E.O. Pilgrim, D. Hetram, Miss A. Akai, Messrs: C.R. Barker, E.W. London.


BACK ROW (L to R): M Ridley, G. Lee, R.B. Glasgow, A.C. Robinson, H. Niamatali, K. Saul, M. Khan, J. Nicholson, and E.R. Ting-A-Kee.
CENTRE ROW (L to R) B.A. Ho, R.M. Isaacs, D. Gray, D.O. Niles, W.F. Younge, and W.H. Bacchus.
FRONT ROW (L to R) W.H.A.L. Parris, L.A. Robinson, H.G. Rohlehr, G.R. Insanally (Head of School), V.J. Sanger-Davies (P'cpal.), D. Ramharry (Dept. Head of School) N.A. Robinson, M. Hamilton, C.R.L. Payne.


STANDING (L to R): D.A. Lee-Owen, D.R. Spence, J.R.K. Butchey, J.P. Croal, T.C. Edwards (Features Editor).
SITTING (L to R) W.A. Ramsahoye (Asst.Editor, D. Hetram (Supervisor), W.A. Rodney (Editor), L.L. Lewis.
ABSENT: J.W. Lashley, W.H. Bcchus (Sports Editor).



Progress in the field of education in B.G. has always been slow (at times almost negligible), but the accumulated effect undoubtedly presents quite a satisfying picture of improvement both in Primary and Secondary educational facilities. The result is that more students are able to attain the higher levels of education, and Guianese students have already won high reputations at the U.C.W.L, and in Universities in Great Britain, Canada, and the U.S.A. These are the men and women whom B.G. expects to lead her into the Promised Land of political autonomy and economic self-sufficiency, and to bequeath her with a cultural identity. But the important question now is what does B.G. have to offer these students on their return � or rather, if they return.

Earlier this year the three U.C.W.L lecturers who were in B.G. to interview prospective students of the University, led a discussion which touched on the subject. For the Science students the prospects are quite good and will probably remain so for some time, but for the Arts students (who are still in the majority) the future is not very rosy. Young men who return home can find employment in the Civil Service at a salary of $240 per month while the females are even more unfortunate and must be prepared to accept $147. Thus, after educating himself (or herself) at a cost of several thousand dollars, the young Guianese is being asked to return and accept the salary of a Class I Clerk. Moreover, the chances of early promotion are also decidedly thin, since, owing to the fact that the Civil Service has already reached saturation point, those at the top must leave before there are any vacancies. The newcomers must therefore abound in the virtue of patience, especially since many top level Civil Servants are comparatively young men. The situation is even worse in the teaching profession where there is only one Govt. Secondary school for boys and one also for girls which automatically eliminates the possibility of transfer as in other Government departments. These are the conditions which the young Guianese is offered, and patriotic sentiment towards his home mud must make him return when they are excellent opportunities abroad with respect both to salary scales and working conditions.

If in spite of everything patriotic favour prevails and Guianese accept these conditions, then they must demand a price � the price of independence. Not that this would prove a panacea and provide them with lucrative salaries, but at least it would give them something to strive for. In the past Guianese who returned home with optimism in their breasts were speedily disillusioned. After some time the majority, became completely uninterested in their country's future, and were quite satisfied with a modicum of social and economic security. Others became narrow- minded and refrained from any agitation for improvement for fear that they would get a black mark against their names and perhaps hamper their chances of further promotion, forgetting that their biggest black mark is their skin and their history. Lastly, there are a few who lose the common touch and eventually identify them- selves with the master race. Independence would go a long way towards dispelling these various attitudes of fear, apathy,, and hostility, since once the country is independent it must either sink or swim by itself, and the chances are that the instinct of self-preservation will assert itself.



DABYDEEN, S. (1956-1959)-1956-Govt. Senior Scholarship. 1958-G.C.E. Advanced Level (distinction in English and History); President of Historical Society; U.C.W.I. Open Scholarship.
CHOO-KANG. H. Y. (1956-1959)-1956-Govt. Senior Scholarship. 1957-G.C.E. Ordinary Level. 1959-Advanced Level; U.C.W.I. Open Scholarship.
GRAY, D. (1951-1959)-1951-Govt. County Scholarship. 1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level; Q.C. Senior Scholarship; Editor of Lictor. 1957-School Prefect. 1958-Assistant Supervisor of Co-operative Society; Head of Cunningham House. 1959-A8vanced Level.
HO, B. (1950-1959)-1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level; L/Cpl. Cadet Corps. 1957-School Prefect; Cpl. Cadet Corps. 1958-C.Q.M.S. Cadet Corps; C.S.M. Cadet Corps; Head of Pilgrim House. 1959-Advanced Level.
INSANALLY.G. R. (1951-1959)-1951-Govt. County Scholarship. 1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level; Percival Exhibition; Q.C. Senior Scholarship; Cpl. Cadet Corps; School Prefect; 1957. C.Q.M.S. Cadet Corps; Assistant Editor of Magazine; Irwin Cup for Biology, Deputy Head of School; Head of Durban House; C.S.M. Cadet Corps; President of Science Society 1958-Head of School; 2nd Lieut. Cadet Corps; Irwin Cup; Organizer of Radio Club; President of Dramatic Society, Advanced Level 1959-Advanced Level; U.C.W.I. Exhibition.
NICHOLSON, J. A. (1948-1959)-1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level; Q.C. Scholarship. 1957-Cricket colours. 1958-Football colours, Advanced Level 1959. Advanced Level.
NILES, D. 0. (1950-1959)-1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level; 1957-Cricket and Football colours. Captain of Athletics. 1958�School Prefect. Athletics and Hockey colours; vice-Capt. Cricket. Deputy Head of Raleigh House; 1959�Advanced Level; Athletic Scholarship to Michigan University, U.S.A.
PARRIS, W. H. A. L. (1951-1959)-1951-Centenary Exhibition; 1954-Q.C. Middle School Scholarship. 1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level. 1957-School Prefect. 1958�President of Poultry Club; Head of Raleigh House; Advanced Level 1959; U.C.W.I. Exhibition; Guiana Scholarship.
PAYNE, C. R. L. (1949-1959)-1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level 1957-School prefect; Athletics Team. 1958�Advanced Level. Head of Weston House. 1959�Advanced Level.
RAMHARRY, D. (1949-1959)-1956-G.C.E. Ordinary Level. 1957-School Prefect, Deputy Head of House. 1958�Head of Percival House; Deputy Head of School; Organizer of Radio Club; Treasurer of Science Society; Secretary of Educational Tour Club; L/Cpl. Cadet Corps. 1959-Advanced Level; Open Scholarship to U.C.W.I.
ROBINSON, N. A. (1950-1959)-1952-Q.C. Junior Exhibition. 1955-Q.C. Middle School Exhibition. 1957 � G.C.E. Ordinary level; assistant Editor of Magazine. 1958 � Head of Moulder House; School prefect; 1959- Advanced Level; Guiana Scholarship.
ROHLEHR , H.G.(1951-1959) 1951 � Gov�t County Scholarship. 1956 � L/Cpl. Cadet Corps. G.C.E. Ordinary level. 1957 � School prefect; Deputy Head of Durban house; Secretary of Educational Tour Club and Science Society; Cpl. Cadet Corps. 1958 Sergeant Cadet Corps. Advanced Level. Head of Durban House. President of Educational Tour Club. 1959 � Advanced Level.
SAUL, K.W.K. (1956-1959) � 1957 Secretary of Volley Ball. School Cricket Team. 1958 � Vice-President of Educational Tour Club, School prefect. 1959 -Advanced Level.

OTHER DEPARTURES: Before July 1959.

Archer, 0. R.
Bryce, R. A.
Carrega, G. V.
Case, F. H.
Cooper, G. G.
Dwarka, R.
Elias, J. M.
Fletcher, I. M.
Forde, R. 0. B.
Hammond, F.
Hudson, M. G. F.
Isaacs, W. A.
James, C. A. W.
Pairaudeau, B.
Wish-art, K. M. G.

De Challus, F. A.
Ewing Chow, F. D.
Parley, S. A.
Field Ridley, R. D.
Isaacs, R. M.
Joao, F. P. A.
Robinson, N. K.
Sankar, Y. C.
Mattai, B. (L.6.C)

Correia, V. J.
Green, W. G. E.
Hamilton, M.
Harvey, C. W.
Jackson, H. F.
Lee, W. A.
Moonsammy, N. A.
Munroe, M. N.
Narayan, Y.

Chan, 0.
Persaud, S. K.
Persaud, Y.
Walker, S. A.

Eraser, J. C. M.
Hubbard, E. A.
Singh, H. D.

Cholmondely, C. H.
Ibbot, F. G.

Khan, M. F.
Massay, L. E.
Narine, B.
Nathoo, L. A.
Phillips, E. A.
Paul, S. R.
Roberts, R. R.
Semple, J. S.
Wilson, K. E. W.

Carryl, R. V.
Sargison, R.. W.
Sue-Ho, J. Q.

Balgobin, H. R. M.
Caesar, G. W.
Griffith, C. J.
Odle, P. D.

Burrowes, G. T.
Richards, W. N. J.
Taharally, R. E.
Wills, S. A.

Alt, J. I.
Browman, N. I. L.
Dash, C. C. M.
Green, R.
Haniff, A. A. J.
Hetram, M. N.
Holder, T. C.
Johnson, E.
Ridley, S. A.
Young Hing, C. S.
Vaughn Cooke, D. H.

Nauth, B.
Pairaudeau, J. G.
Persaud, W. M.
Rampersaud, H.
Sahoy, R.
Seerai. E. C.
Yhap, M. V.
Younge, W. F. D.

Watson, J. W.

Washer, C.


Akai, T.J.
Austin, B.W.
Azeez, E.B.
Bates, P.J.
Bisram, R.S.
Brotherson, K.C.
Choo Kang, T.O.
Clarke, L.
Da Camara, G.A.
Daniels, G.W.
David, C.A.
Davis, G.
De Boer, M.W.
Denbow, C.H.
Douglas, F.L.
Dow, M.J.
Drepaul, C.C.
Dunn, P.T.
Edwards, V.
Farquharson, C.J.
Farrier, R.N.
Fletcher, H.E.T.
Foo, P.J.
Fraser, I.C.
Gafur, M.Y.
Gaskin, G.D.
Gill, D.G.
Gobin, R.W.
Granger, S.O.A.
Griffith, D.M.
Griffith, H.C.
Hack, M.V.
Harris, D.D.
Hastings, P.R.
Heywood, P.C.A.
Hill, D.F.
Ibbott, R.G
Insanally, A.M.
James, H.A.M.
Jobe, C.I.
Joseph, E.A.S.
Khalil, M.W.
Knickerbocker, G.
Lam, C.A.
Lawerence, C.
Lee, R.L.
Leo, W.A.
Lim, R.E.C.M.
Low, E.A.
Lue-Ming, C.
McDavid, G.I.
McWatt, K.D.
Mahesh, K.
Maxwell, C.W.
Nurse, S.E.
Panday, N.N.
Payne, T.B.
Persaud, D.
Persaud, L.
Persaud, L.N.
Persaud, P.
Persaud, R.
Piggott, P.N.
Proctor, G.A.
Rahaman, S.R.A.
Rayman, D.S.I.
Richards, D.L.
Rohoman, G.O.
Saul, M.A.
Singh, C.P.
Singh, M.
Singh, R.M.N.
Somwaru, M.S.
Stafford, D.H.O.
Stoby, R.M.S.
Thompson, N.H.
Vargas, A.E.
Veerapen, K.
Wade, C.O.F.
Warren, G.L.
Wilson, G.L.
Wilson, K.E.
Yasin, M.N.
Young, A.



STANDING (L to R) O. Forbes, R. Zitman, J.W. Lashley, N. Chan.
SITTING (L to R)R. Diyalgee, W.H. Bacchus (Capt.), J.R.G. Ramprashad (V. capt.), and J.A. Nicholson.
ABSENT R.R. Roberts, and H.B. Sheppard
STANDING (L to R) R.M. Jankie, L.L. Lewis, T.C. Edwards, R.R. Roberts, R.O.H. Spence, C.S. Spence, R.Roopnaraine, J.R.G. Ramprashad.
SITTING (L to R)G.F. Rampersaud, D.A. McWatt, D.O. Niles, Mr. Rock, R.M.S. Khan (Capt.), N.W. Grant.
ABSENT: H.S. Birkett.

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