[Robinson Cousin Homestead logo]

Heirs of Julius Rober(t)son Indenture - 1818
(Zadock Spivey, Susanah Spivey, Bartlet Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, David Thompson, William Randall, Frederick Hargate, Lewis Sandlin, Robert Haley)

Source: Film # 0986249

p 244

This indenture made and entered into this 26th day of December 1818 between Zadock Spivey, Susanah Spivey, Bartlet Rogers and Elizabeth Rogers the heirs & representatives of Julius Roberson Dec'd of the one part and David Thompson of the other part Witnesseth that whereas William Randall Frederick Hargate & Julius Robertson all of North Carolina did enter for their mutual use and benefit one thousand acres of land on the waters of Buffalow (sic) River in the State of Tennessee or as it was then a part of North Carolina at the time of entering and locating the same. Now we the heirs of Julius Robertson Dec'd being vested with one third of said Entry on which a grant issued by the State of North Carolina to William Randall Frederick Hargate & Julius Robertson the number and date of which we cannot assertain (sic) as the papers are said to be in the possession of Hacklemore (Hargate?), for and in consideration of the sum of forty one dollars in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby convey to him the said David Thompson all the right, title and interest in us appertaining or of right decending (sic) to us by virtue of us being the heirs and representatives of the said Julius Robertson Dec'd being one third of tract of land which said land or so much Thereof as we heirs aforesaid may be entitled to we hereby warrant and defend to him the said David Thompson and his heirs and assings forever as an indefensable inheritance in fee simple all of the said one third of the said one thousand acre survey. In Testamony (sic) whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals.

Zadock Spivey (his seal)
Susanah (her mark) Spivey (her seal)
B Rogers (his seal)
Elizabeth (her mark) Rogers (her seal)


Lewis Sandlin
Robert Haley

Clay County State of Kentucky

I Abner Baker Clerk of the County Court of Clay Certify that Zadock Spivey, Susanah Spivey, B Rodgers (sic) and Elizabeth Rogers on the 22nd day of January 1819 personally before me in my office acknowledged the foregoing Indenture from them to David Thompson to be their act and deed their hand and seal for the purposes therein specified and the said Susanah Spivey and Elizabeth Rogers the wife of Zadock Spivey and Bartlet Rogers were examined privately and apart from their said husbands, as the law is, and said Susanah and Elizabeth freely and voluntarily without constraint relinquished their right of dower in the aforesaid tract of land to said David Thompson. Which Indenture with this certificate is duly recorded in my office folio "A" Page 244 etc on the 31st day of May 1819. In Testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the County to be annexed and subscribed my name as clerk aforesaid the date last above mentioned.

A Baker (Seal)







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