One year had passed since the Judge’s decision that had Gus coming to live with Brian and Justin. A year in which had seen some things remain the same while other things changed, some for the better and some for the worse. Lindsay and Melanie continued with their counseling, working through the issues they had both between themselves and the way they interacted with the rest of their family, especially their children.

Gus’ relationship with his mothers improved, although observers could tell that there was still a hint of tension between the family. Melanie took great care to let her son know how much she loved him. She stopped insulting Brian, at least in Gus’ hearing and made sure to spend time with the little boy when he was visiting. Lindsay made sure that Gus knew how important he was to her and that, just because he now had a little sister, that it didn’t mean they didn’t love him any less.

When it came time for the judge’s six month review, things had improved enough that, while still giving Brian full custody, she allowed more liberal visitation right for the two women, including unsupervised visitation for Melanie. The girls would have Gus two weekends a month, and once every other week depending on everyone’s schedule. Brian had no problem making sure that Lindsay and Melanie had access to their son, knowing how much Gus missed having his mothers. The little boy loved living with his fathers, but Brian understood how much one wanted his mother’s love.

Brian’s relationship with Debbie improved in the year since he had been granted custody of his son, also. While she still believed that Brian hadn’t needed to go to court to resolve all the issues that needed to be resolved, she would admit that Gus was much happier living with his father. That he was, in fact, thriving in Brian and Justin’s care. She also couldn’t deny that Brian was a great father, making sure that his son knew that he loved him and would always be there for him, no matter what.

The only downside that came from Brian gaining custody of his son was that his mother and sister finally found out about his son. It had happened when Claire had come over to Brian’s home to ask for some money. It seemed that her son John, the same little bastard that had once accused Brian of sexually molesting him, had gotten into more trouble with the law and Clair needed some funds to obtain a lawyer to help him out. Brian refused, thinking that the boy deserved anything and everything that happened to him, but before he could get his sister to leave, Justin had arrived home with Gus in tow. Joan Kinney showed up on his doorstep two days later. Both Brian and Justin shivered at the memory of that meeting and both were thankful that it had been Gus’ weekend with his mothers allowing him to miss the argument that ensued.

Eight Months Earlier

“Mrs. Kinney, what a surprise,” Justin said, shocked at the appearance of his lover’s mother at their door. “Did Brian know that you were going to be here?”

“Of course he didn’t,” she said coldly, entering the home without being invited in. “I knew that if I told him when I was coming that he would make sure not to be here just to spite me.” The older woman looked around the home, seeing the child’s toys mixed in among the expensive furniture. She turned to look at the blond that had opened the door. She remembered seeing him once, when visiting Brian’s home. “This is my son’s home correct? Do you often answer the door to other people’s home when you’re visiting?”

“Justin lives here, Mother,” Brian said, coming from the living room to see who had been at the door. “He has every right to answer the door, although it appears I still need to teach him when to slam the door on certain visitors.” The blond couldn’t help himself and stuck his tongue out at his lover who only smirked at him before turning his attention back to his mother. “Why are you here Mother and how did you find out where I lived? I know I certainly didn’t give you the address.”

“Your sister came to see me yesterday,” Joan began only to be stopped by Brian rolling his eyes and walking into the kitchen. It was the closest room to the front door and as far as he wanted his mother in his home.

“And let me guess,” the brunet said. “Dear sweet Claire couldn’t wait to tell you that the family pervert has a son.”

“Yes, she mentioned that you had a child,” Joan told him, following Brian into the kitchen, Justin right behind. She watched as her son made himself a cup of coffee, not offering her any, and frowned in disapproval. “How could you not tell me that I had another grandson? Where is his mother?”

“His mother lives with her wife and has visitation with Gus. That’s where he is right now and I just have to say that I’m glad. The last thing I want is for my son to have to deal with any of your sanctimonious bullshit. I don’t want him scarred by you the way I was.”

“How dare you speak to me like that, you ungrateful man. I did the best I could considering what little help I had from your father. I had no one to turn to. No one that would help me and the lord knows you weren’t an easy child to raise. Always thinking you were so much better than the rest of us. Always testing my patience. Provoking your father. Nothing I did was good enough for you. I don’t know why I should have expected anything to change. You’re still the selfish boy you have always been.”

“Well, I’m glad I could live up to your expectations,” Brian drawled. “Now is that all you had to say because Justin and I had some plans for this weekend and your being here makes them kind of hard to do.” Brian looked over at his lover who was blushing, knowing exactly what kind of plans Brian was talking about.

“Don’t be so disgusting, Brian,” Joan said, knowing what her son was talking about. “You’re my son, Brian, as much as you might wish otherwise and now I find out that you are a father yourself. Yet, here you are, obviously still practicing your sinful life. You’re only condemning yourself to a lifetime of pain and an eternity in hell. And what about your son? What kind of life are you condemning him to live? What kind of influence are you on that little boy? The lord only knows what kind of things he has to see. What kind of disgusting things you do in front of him.”

“You mean like showing him that I love him and want to make sure that he’s happy growing up? Those kinds of disgusting things?” Brian stalked over and stood towering over his mother. “My son, and how I raise him, is none of your damn business, Mother. You have never been a part of his life and you will never have anything to do with him. In fact”, Brian walked over towards the front door, both Joan and Justin following him, “after today, I don’t want anything to do with you either.” Brain opened the door. “Good-bye Mrs. Kinney. Please don’t darken this doorstep again. And make sure you stay away from my son.”

Joan looked at Brian and could see how serious he was. She raised her head proudly and walked out the door, turning at the last minute. “Brian, it isn’t too late. You have a son that must mean that somewhere inside you is a good man. Go back to the Church. Let Jesus help you.”

“Good-bye Mother.”

Present Day

The Taylor-Kinney household never heard from Joan Kinney again and, after being told to fuck off numerous times, Claire also took the hint and left her brother and his family alone and both men were happy about that. As much as Brian would have liked having his family’s love and support, he knew that he didn’t need the Kinney’s to make him happy. He had the family he wanted in Justin, Gus and their friends. And now Brian Kinney was preparing himself for something he never thought he would be doing. Going on a family vacation with his lover and son to Florida so Gus could meet Mickey Mouse.

“Christ, when did I become so fucking domesticated?” Brian growled, looking around the bedroom he shared with his lover.

“About the same time you finally were willing to admit that you loved me and Gus and let us all the way in,” a voice said from behind him. Brian turned to see Justin leaning against the doorframe, smiling at the brunet.

“Is that what happened? Damn Anita, must have given me some bad shit to make that happen,” he drawled, causing Justin to laugh. He knew that no matter how much Brian might moan and bitch, the older man wouldn’t change his life for anything.

“Yeah, that must be the reason.” Justin walked over to his lover, who wrapped his arms around the smaller man. The two men kissed gently, just relishing the closeness between them.

“Is Gus asleep?” Brian asked as he slowly began to undress his lover.

“Finally,” Justin answered, helping Brian take off his own shirt. “I didn’t think he would ever go down considering how excited he is about tomorrow. He can’t wait to go.”

“Just like his Daddy Justin,” the brunet teased the younger man. “You’re just as excited to go as he is.”

“I am,” Justin admitted as he and Brian made their way over to their bed. “It’s Gus’ first real vacation anywhere and I’m glad that we’re the ones that get to be there to experience everything with him.”

“Yeah, so am I,” Brian admitted, he and Justin lying down on the bed, holding each other tightly. It was a ritual the two men enjoyed and did as often as possible. They had some of their best conversations in bed, and not just sexually. “My parents were never ones to take us on vacation, especially someplace like Disney World. That would have meant spending way too much money.”

“Their loss,” Justin said, kissing Brian softly. “And now I’m even happier that we are going on this trip, just so that I can watch father and son experience something different.”

“Christ, could you even get any cornier?” Justin grinned as he shook his head. “Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?”

“Don’t even try it,” Justin told him. “You love everything that’s happened to you. To both of us, just like I do.”

“I never thought I would ever have a life like this,” Brian said. “The whole partner, kid and house thing. I thought that was something for dykes and breeders and dickless fags and I wasn’t going to be any of those things.”

“And yet, here you are. You have a son you loves you. A partner who adores you,” Justin leaned over and kissed Brian. “And a beautiful house and I have to say, you are most definitely,” Justin cupped Brian’s growing erection, “a dickless fag.”

“And all because I picked up an annoying blond boy under a street lamp four years ago.”

The two men began kissing softly, allowing the passion that was always there between them to slowly build up until they could no longer hold it in. When they both came down from their high, they wrapped their arms tightly around each other and fell asleep together, both with a content smile on their face. Both knowing that, no matter what else might happen, they would be able to see it through, together.


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