Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy

Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy

Quest 3 - The magical effects of that overwhelming, endless love. A love that left a deep mark in the golden sands of the deserts, a mark that cannot be destroyed. It was a love that touched the sky. A magical, immortal love.

A magical mystery hides in the sands of the deserts from the beginning of time...

Oh, the sweetness of those Arabian Nights that have been awaited for so long!

Those magical nights that are the heavenly mirror of a glorious story that today reborn under the soft moonlight after centuries of forgetfulness. It's the magic of an enchanting story that today raises powerful from the past. A story of bravery, of devotion and sacrifice. A story of love, hope and faith.

Ali of Agrabah and Azul of Alexandria found each other and they knew they were those for whom they had been waiting for all their lives. They recognized in each other those faces that had been in their dreams from the beginning of time. But sometimes life is not long enough to hold so much love. Sometimes a heart is so small for such a big feeling. Sometimes ten thousand years are not enough to burn out that kind of immortal love. Ali and Azul were blessed with the opportunity of loving each other.

But Fate decided to separate two hearts that were meant to be together. Two souls that were one. Great love is proved in fire and blood. Strong love is proved in tragedy. And for Ali and Azul things are not going to be easy, especially when there are magical powers trying to destroy that love from within. But Destiny is stronger than any evil scheme and love is more powerful than any spell. Even death is weak in front of true love.

This is an adventure that became history... and history became legend.

"Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy" is the end of the Quest Saga that started with "Quest for Freedom". It is also the peak of a love story that started in "Quest 2: The Voice of Fate" and continued through the "Crescent Love" Trilogy.

"Quest 3" is a story of magic and adventures but most of all, it is a story of love and faith.

We are offering to you the magic and enchantment of the Arabian Nights... a surrender to the magical story of two hearts that were meant to be against all the odds of the world.

"Love is what remains when everything else is gone."
-"Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy"

Jan. 22, 2002: UPDATE! "The Art of Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy" section now finally open! Check it out! If you want to be informed of all future updates directly, please subscribe to our update list that can be found below. :)

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DISCLAIMER: "Q3: Azrak's Legacy" is a story written by Eva Luz Villal�n Turrubiates and illustrated by Kristin Bergh. The characters of Ali and Azul are � Pending of Nevi Publishing. The rest of the original characters are property of Nevi Publishing. Princess Yesenia, Prince Cassim, The Royal Twins and Prince Mahdi are property of Sedeara and used with authorization. Aladdin and Jasmine are � Disney. Official Q3 Site design by Federica Chessa and Lisa Kozan. Official Q3 Trailer design by Lisa Kozan.
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