The Mira Foundation


The Mira Foundation is a non-profit organization that is one of the PET Projects (pardon the pun) of late Past Grand Chancellor Gerry Baumholtz, and the Domain of Quebec.

The Foundation trains seeing-eye dogs and donates them, free of charge to their clients. The average cost of training and maintaining these magnificent animals is $16,500.00 with the Mira Foundation paying 100% of all the costs. Even after the dogs find a new home, Mira continues to pay for the support and feeding of these animals. Deserving clients AS YOUNG AS NINE (9) YEARS OLD have received dogs from the Mira Foundation. This is the only institution in Canada (and possibly the world) that will provide help for such young people. Congratulations to the Mira Foundation.

Congratulation for a job well done. With the support of the general public through our Annual Pythian Appeal, the Mira Foundation, and many of our other projects can be successful.


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