Another great night of wrestling at the Havoc Haven in Pacific, WA, by one of the best up and coming promotions on the scene today. Pinnacle Wrestling. Pinnacle recently became affiliated with the American Wrestling Association, as the Washington affiliate...

The results are as follows:

In a four corners match with the first person to score a pinfall, Caden Matthews got the win over Pacific Northwest Champ Skag Rollins, Pinnalce fan favorite Aaron Bolo, and "Stryker" Nick Sully, by pinning Sully after a frogsplash... In a Southern States Wrestling tag team title match, the champions, Beau James and the Super Destroyer held on to their titles after defeating Draven Vargas and Hoss Tull. During the match Vargas accidently hit his partner, Hoss Tull, which Tull took personally and refused to tag his partner and pretty much left him on his own , to lose what pretty much turned into a handicapped match. After James and the Super Destroyer got the victory Hoss, James and The Super Destroyer triple teamed Draven and pummeled him until some of the boys from the back ran in to make the save..."The Canadian Superstar" Seth Knight came out to the ring for the next match and ranted and raved about being undefeated in Pinnacle, and put up $200 to any wrestler in the locker room that could defeat him. Cedric answered the challenge, and put up a great fight, but was unsuccesful and was defeated, therefore, Knight remains undefeated, and keeps his $200 dollars...The next match was a tag team match seeing Wildcard and Cadillac Calli$$ getting the DQ win over the team of Diafullah the Butcher and Marion Gein also known as "Slaughterhouse Inc.". Before the match even got started, Gein beat the hell out of his OWN partner, Diafullah, before he even made it to the ring. They worked great as a team , in the losing effort, then beat each other all the way back to the locker room. Those guys are a strange , but dangerous team. Watch out for "Slaughterhouse Inc." in the future...In the semi main event, The team of Twist, Nelson Creed, and Juggernaut defeated Laramie Lexow, Davey Richards, and Mac'z Payne in a six-man tag match. After the match Mac'z was attacking Juggernaut, when Jack Evans ,the Pinnacle Champion ran in and tried to hit a body press on the big man, Mac'z Payne, only to be caught and hit with a devastating shoulder breaker which would injure his shoulder before his title defense...In the main event, Jack evans, bad shoulder and all, was to defend his title against the Reason. Evans came out taped up and in a sling, and put up a great couragious effort, in a great back and forth match. The bad shoulder proved to be too much for Evans though, as the Reason was able to put Evans away with a submission hold after Jack Evans missed his 630 splash and came down pretty hard on his already injured shoulder, Therefore the winner, and brand new Pinnacle Champion, The Reason...

This great young promotion continues to get better with every show, and with their recently becoming an AWA affiliate, things can only get better...The sky's the limit for Pinnacle wrestling!!!
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