Pinnacle Wrestling's "Unleashing"
July 30,2005 (Steve Strout)
   A brand new promotion made an impressive debut on July 30th at the Havoc Haven in Auburn , Washington, with the opening rounds of it's tournament to crown the first ever Pinnacle champion...To be totally honest, the main reasons I was going to this show , was the opportunity to see the indepent wrestling sensation Jack Evans, who I havent had the opportunity to see wrestle in person yet, and "The Reason" (formerly known as the northwest star Havoc). I left this event pleasantly surprised though, as all the Pinnacle wrestlers were awesome Every wrestler on the show gave it their all, and gave the packed house more than their money's worth. The event featured the first 2 rounds of the championship tournament , with the finals to be the next afternoon at the second show of Pinnacles "Unleashing"( unfortunately we could not make it to the next day's show, but I will put the results of the tourney finals at the end of these results)...
     First round action was as follows... Seth Knight "the Canadian Superstar" def. Cadillac Calli$$...Wildcard def. Hoss Tull...Twist def. E.J. Forge...Jack Evans def. Laramie Lexow ( this match had what was one of the sickest bumps I have ever seen , when Lexow threw Evans out of the ring into the wall, which made a sickening thud!! I dont know how Evans got up from that)...Dilgear def. Marion Gein by DQ..."The Reason" def. Astro Imperial...Christopher Ryseck def. Aaron Bolo to conclude round 1...
    Due to Dilgear being injured in his match, he was unable to continue in the tourney , so the promoters made two triple threat matches featuring the winners of the first round matches. The winners of the triple threat matches would square off the next afternoon in the finals...
    The first triple threat pitted Jack Evans vs. Twist vs. Ryseck, with Evans winning after hitting Twist with his spectacular corckscrew 630...the other triple threat saw "The Reason" over Knight and Wildcard, to set up the finals of Jack Evans vs. "the Reason"...All in all this was an excellent show, and I look forward to going back to the Havoc Haven to see the stars of Pinnacle in action again and again!!! Be sure to keep your eyes and ears open for these guys.
Jack Evans was victorious over The Reason to be crowned the very first Pinnacle Champion!!!
For more info on this great up and coming promotion click on the Pinnacle banner below!!
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