AWA-Pinnacle, January 21, 2006  at the Havoc Haven in Pacific, Washington
January 21, 2006 was a record breaking night for AWA-Pinnacle wrestling, as they sold out the Havoc Haven for the first and definitely not last time. This great event also featured a special appearance by the legendary Dr. Tom Pritchard. Pritchard (who is probably best known for his tag team  the Heavenly Bodies ,along with "Gigolo" Jimmy Del Rey, of WWF/E and Smoky Mountain Wrestling fame),  was in town for the weekend for one of his training seminars at the Havoc Haven. He has become one of the premier trainers in wrestling , and it will do nothing but good for all the up and coming northwest wrestlers that attended his seminar. The night also featured northwest legend Buddy Wayne as the AWA-Pinnacle commissioner for one night only.

Now to the event. The night kicked off with an exciting battle royal featuring 15 northwest wrestlers, and Pinnacle students. AWA-Pinnacle wrestler Hoss Tull showed he was a force to be reckoned with ,and was victorious in the battle royal match. I'm sure this victory will open the eyes of the rest of the Pinnacle locker room.

The second matchup was a tag team encounter, with Rollin 2 Deep being victorious over the team of Twist and Blitzkreig II. Twist and Blitzkreig put in a great effort in losing, but R2D has too much experience as a team (and help from Phil Goode on the outside), and proved why they are one of the top teams in the northwest.

The following matchup was an AWA-Pinnacle championship match with Dave "the Reason" Hollenbeck victorious in his defense of his title over "Stryker" Nick Sully. Hollenbeck is arguably the top wrestler in the northwest, and Sully put up one hell of a fight with the champ. Nick Sully showed he has a bright future in the wrestling business, so remember the name people!

The next exciting match was a 3 on 2 handicapped match ( Commissioner Buddy Wayne made the announcement that it would be 3 on 2,  before the match) with the indy superstars Harry "Bulldog" Smith and the "Stampede Kid" TJ Wilson, also known as the Stampede Bulldogs, losing to the trio of Scotty Mckeever, Nelson Creed ,and Laramie Lexow. As good as the Bulldogs are, they couldnt overcome the odds. Over the past months, Lexow and the Bulldogs ahve developed quite a rivalry at AWA-Pinnacle.  I doubt we have seen the last of the Bulldogs at Pinnacle, and I am sure they will be back for revenge against Lexow and whoever his partners happen to be at the time.

After a brief intermission, the action resumed with a great matchup between archrivals, and top 2 northwest rookies, Caden Matthews and  "the Ideal Reflection" Christopher Ryseck. For this match , Pinnacle brought in Supergirls champion Rebecca Knox to be the special guest referee for this grudge match. The match was a great back and forth battle between two rising stars of the business with Ryseck coming out victorious with some help from the "special referee".  It turned out that Knox and Ryseck had a plan to try and take Caden out all along. Ryseck was able to get the pin afer the Supergirls champ gave Caden a couple chair shots to the mouth and head, which left him bleeding out of the mouth. The two continued to attack Caden after the match to the point that he had to be helped out to the locker room. This fued is developing into one of the top rivalries in not only the northwest, but in wrestling in general. We have not seen the last match between Caden Matthews and Christopher Ryseck!

The main even of the show featured a 5 on 5 elimination tag match featuring The Stampede Bulldogs, Twist, Dave Hollenbeck and their team captain, the one and only Dr. Tom Pritchard vs. Team Captains Beau James, Rollin 2 Deep, Hoss Tull (who won the battle royal earlier in the night), and indy star Jack Evans. The match came down to one member of each team, Beau James and Harry Smith going head to head, with  Pritchards team being  victorious after Harry Smith of the Stampede Bulldogs pinned Beau James.

This was another great night of wrestling put on by AWA-Pinnacle. As mentioned before, this show was totally sold out! so if you plan on making it to the next AWA-Pinnacle show you better pre order your tickets from their website so you dont get turned away.
For more info on AWA-Pinnacle and to preorder tickets and merch click on their banner below...
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