September 30, 2005
ICW at the Tacoma Elks Lodge in Tacoma, WA
(Jeff Walker)

It was a night of surprises as ICW returned to the
Elks Lodge in their first show there since June. The
crowd was moderate, around 120-150 or so, but the
action was first class.
The show started with veteran wrestler Richie Magnett
defeating new crowd favorite Chunk.
Then, in a superb high flying match, Rad scored an
impressive victory over Marvelous Matt.
In what had to be seen to be believed, the man-monster
Chino destroyed Sloth in what was almost a squash
match, although Sloth did put up a fight. Chino's
power is impressive, and I wouldn't be surprised to
see him on TV with WWE or TNA at some future date.
In a break from the program, Randy "The Pimp" Taylor
was brought out to announce that, due to doctor's
orders, he is forced to retire. He was presented with
a plaque from ICW Commissioner Ken Hamblin, and was then
interrupted by Abdullah Nahal and Chef Hassan Akbahr.
But in a rare moment of mutual respect, Streetfighter
Timothy Flowers and the rest of Team Old School made
the save. Randy Taylor has been with ICW since the
beginning in November 1998, when it was the PWF -
Pacific Wrestling Federation. He was also a jobber in
the WWF in the early 90s. He will be missed.
Speaking of Team Old School, former member Avalanche
was defeated by Mr. GQ (who of course, had a little
help form his fellow TOS members.)
ICW Tag-Team Champions Jason Jackson and Mike Santiago
were defending their belts in a hardcore match against
Abdullah Nahal and Chef Hassan Akbahr. The match went
back and forth, with stop signs, cookie trays and
broken tables, and ended with new tag-team champions
Chef and Abdullah.
The final match of the evening saw the Honky Tonk Man
finally able to outsmart Timothy Flowers and win the
ICW Heavyweight Title! Honky used some dirty tricks of
his own to offset Flower's tactics, and history was
Right after the match, Chef and Abdullah attacked both
Honky and Flowers, and roughed up Commissioner Ken Hamblin
in doing so. This resulted in Hamblin begging Honky
and Flowers to team up against Chef and Abdullah at
their next show, which is an all steel cage affair!
Honky and Flowers agreed, and the next show is back at
the Elks, for all steel cages matches on November
18Th. Looks to be a barn burner!
Jeff Walker
* The next evening in Cloverdale BC. Flowers regained the title and their short lived friendship died that night and have reneged on teaming together on November 18th.
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