Pro Wrestling In The Know's interview with Josh Prohibition...(interview by Steve Strout)
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How long have you been wrestling for?
Since April 21st, 2001

You have roots in backyard wrestling. Did your backyard roots have an adverse affect on you career at first?

When I started backyarding I had no aspirations of going pro.  I just did it because I was bored and pissed.  I got some national publicity and promised money and fame so I continued to do it for a short time.  I got offered the opportunity to train and jumped at the chance and that ended my backyard days.  I honestly probably had 6-7 backyard matches.  Since then I�ve had like 300 some pro matches but for some reason some douche bags still consider me a backyard wrestler.  It�s usually just moronic internet marks and fat hillbilly wrestlers that feel that way though.  I think I�ve proven that my backyard days are far behind me. 

Who or what influenced you to get into the wrestling business?

ECW, its wrestlers, and Mick Foley were my biggest influences.  Not being able to play baseball anymore and being really pissed were the other influences.   

Would you recommend aspiring wrestlers avoid the backyard route, and go straight to formal training?

Yes, definitely.  If you want to backyard and do something crazy and dumb become a backyard wrestler.  If you want to be a pro wrestler do amateur wrestling in high school, get in great shape, and start training at a good school.  There are so many terrible wrestling schools out there.  If the trainer of the school has never wrestled anywhere reputable and had never worked any good indy workers chances are the school is pretty crappy and a waste of money. 

What do you feel has been your biggest acomplishment so far? What are your goals you hope to reach in your career?

Wrestling at the ECW was a huge accomplishment.  Going to japan and England was awesome.  I would like to go back to japan and get a WWE dark match.  Besides that stuff I�ve reached all my other goals. 

What promotions have you worked for? Who are you currently wrestling for?

Man, I�ve wrestled for too many to list.  The main ones ive been working monthly are UWA Hardcore Wrestling, NWA Upstate, AIW, Cleveland All Pro Wrestling, and Mid-Ohio Wrestling.  Then I usually mix in another couple random bookings every month.   

Who are your biggest rivals in wrestling? Who has been your toughest match so far?

M-Dogg20 has been my biggest rival along with Tracy Smothers and Chris Hamrick.  Every time I turn around I�m wrestling one of those dudes.  As far as toughest matches, most of the time I�ve worked M-Dogg on a big stage we go all out and do some crazy stuff.  I�m usually pretty beat up the next day.   

What are your favorite kind of matches (straight up,tag team,ladder,hardcore,etc....)

I like singles and tag matches.  I�m sick of doing stuff with ladders and tables.  Too often we get thrown into those kinds of matches and its kind of lame when there is no story behind the match.  I�ll do a ladder, cage, or hardcore match if a feud builds up to it but I hate matches like that that don�t make sense. 

If you could have a match with any wrestler,past or present,who would you wrestle?

Chris Benoit, He may be the greatest ever. 

Is there anything you would like to add or say to the wrestling fans reading this interview?

Suspend your disbelief, be vocal, have fun, don�t take yourself too seriously, allow yourself to have fun at shows and don�t try to get yourself over.  I miss being a fan sometimes.
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