Pro Wrestling In The Know's interview with Johnny Devine
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You got started in 1997, and you're a graduate of the famous Hart Dungeon. Has getting trained at the legendary facility given you an edge over many of the other wrestlers out there that have been trained by lesser known people?
Well I wouldn't call it an edge per say, but it definately makes people look at you differently when they find out you've been stretched a few times by Stu. As well, I think that the actual trainig there is better than 90% of the so called schools or trainers doing it now. I hate seeing people getting "trained" by so and so who's only been wrestling 2-5 years, and never had a good match in their life! Its depressing becaus these "trainers" are helping kill the wrestling business.

Who trained you during your time at the Dungeon?

Mostly Bruce and Ross Hart. But once I had the basics and was working alot I, would listen to anyone I could get help from. So, I credit Bad News Allen alot and Phil Lafon as well.

Any interesting stories from your time training at the Hart Dungeon that you would like to share with your fans?

Hmmm. I always liked that there were always "new" students there. Because it was so famous people would come from all over the world. I remeber one guy paid huge money to come from either england or ireland and only stayed a week because he couldn't hack it. I heard he went back and said he was trained in the dungeon though. and I guess thats true sort of.

You also have some time in training at Scott D'Amour's school right? How was training with him and his students?

Scotts school to me is one of the best in North America by far, because you are always surrounded by good workers. Alex Shelly, Petey Williams, Rhino all frequent the school and make every training session a "who'll show up today?" kind of feel. And Scott is one of the smartest men in the wrestling business bar none. So its always good to learn from the best.

You have wrestled just about everywhere in North America. Have you wrestled in any other parts of the world?
England so far. but I am always trying to get to Japan. its a tough nut to crack if you don't have the right connections.

Where has probably been your avorite place to wrestle? I would imagine TNA or at BCW for D'Amour correct?

At this point definately TNA, for the level of talent. But I like everywhere. As long as I am wrestling.

You have done matches for the WWE , and are a current member of Team Canada in TNA. How much do working with these companies help  your stock on the indy circuit?

Not as much as some seem to think. Indys are based solely on what I call the smart mark draw. That is not a rip at smart marks because we all are to an extent. But in the bigger indys (ROH, CZW etc)its all about who's the "hot" prospect. Or who the fans in a certain area like. In Philly guys like Harry Smith or TJ Wilson are smaller names and less of a draw, but in reality are better all around wrestlers than most workers in the biz! Same w Johnny Devine. No one in Philly cares about Johnny Devine because he's never wrestled there. Its crap if you think about it. but its the way of the world.

What other promotions have you been wrestling for lately?

Well right now I work for Action Wrestling Entertainment in Winnpeg as the head trainer in their new Sports Entertainment college. And I work their shows. We have a big PPV/ TV taping on Dec 6 and 7th in Winnipeg. As well as BCW in Windsor.

You were injured earlier this year. What was the extent of the injury, and are you 100% yet?
I blew my knee out in Memphis in march. I had MCL/ACL reconstruction and was out until july. I have been fine since then but need another surgery on my stomach to repair multiple hernias I have from a shitty repair surgery last year in Nashville.

The fans want to know when you're gonna be back with Team Canada on TNA. Any idea when we can expect to see you back?
I won't be back till I get the stomach surgery. When I come back, I don't want to take any more time off. And when I come back I will
definately be 100% and have something to prove.

Thanks for the interview, but before we finish up here, is there any thing you would like to add, or say to your fans?
For all of you who have been supportive of me and this crappy ass year I'm having thanks to injuries, Be patient. Our time will come and we will show the world why your support was warranted. And if they don't like it! They'll learn to love it! because I'm canadian! And proud of it!!
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