Pro Wrestling In The Know's interview with Independent wrestling star, Joey Ryan
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pwintheknow: First off, I'd like to congradulate you on winning the PWG title recently. That's big considering PWG is one of the hottest indy promotions out there.
LegendOfJoeyRyan: Thanks.  I do my best.
pwintheknow: So, you have been wrestling since 2000 now right?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I think so.  That sounds about right.
pwintheknow: You credit Brain "Spanky" Kendricks as your trainer. How did you get started training with him?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: Well, I had some training before I met up with him at UPW.  UPW then made him the head trainer of their school.  Right around this time though, UPW was going through a slow time and didn't have a lot of students.  This, added to the fact that Spanky ran some of the most intense practices ever, led to there really only being two people who consistantly showed up to his practices.  Myself and Sylvester Terkay.  I must have spent 4 days a week training with him for about 6 months straight and he has actually said that I'm the only person who can claim to have been trained by him.  We only really took one break from practice and that was on Valentines Day in 2002, when he bought me dinner at Denny's.  How sweet!
pwintheknow: So what influenced you to want to be a pro wrestler in the first place?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I always grew up watching it, but it wasn't until a friend of mine decided to go to a wrestling school and asked me to go with him, that I actually decided to try it.  6 months later, he quit.  And almost 6 years later, I'm still here.
pwintheknow: You recently worked a WWE tv taping, how was that experience? Has the WWE bookings opened any other doors for you in the wrestling world?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I think it has.  I've been contacted by promoters who have said that they saw me on Velocity and were impressed.  I don't really question it, but I always wonder how getting beat up for 4 and half minutes impresses someone, but I guess it's the fact that I got the crowd behind me chanting "Joey" that looks good on the tape.  Usually indy guys don't get that.
pwintheknow: Other than the WWE show, you have been getting booked in other areas of the country, like in Philly for CZW, and you have some dates in the Northwest early 2006. Do you see a big difference in the crowds and wrestling in general, in the different regions?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: Yeah, I would say so.  The CZW fans don't seem to want heels and faces and storytelling in matches.  They are more interested in head drops and people getting destroyed only to rebound like Superman.  That's why I'm not so sure that my style, or the PWG style in general can get over there.  I mean, I could do all that, but really who wants to?  That isn't my style at all.  I would never really want to have a match that I couldn't show Spanky without him looking at me in disgust about.  The worst thing ever is to disappoint your trainer.  That style fine for those fans, and the wrestlers who are good at it, but I always want something more to come out of my matches.  As far as the Northwest goes, I've been there once before and I'm looking forward to going back.  Great old school crowd that still allows themselves to be worked.  That's what I love about the PWG audience.  They are smart fans, but not too smart that it makes the wrestling suffer.
pwintheknow: So how much has regualrly wrestling with , or sharing a locker room with so many other great established wrestlers (Guys like Frankie Kazarian, Jack Evans,and  A.J. Styles to name a few on a long list), helped you  in your career?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I don't think that you ever stop learning in wrestling.  I think as far as matches go, I have learned a lot about timing and pacing from being in the ring with Super Dragon so much.  I don't think I could have done an hour long match with anybody else.  Also guys like Christopher Daniels are always willing to watch a match and give pointers to guys when he's asked to.  All that stuff helps anyone become better.
pwintheknow: So, what kind of goals has Joey Ryan set for himself in his wrestling career? Have you reached any of your goals already?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I just want to have fun.  That's my only goal in life.  Well that, and sex with Jessica Alba.
pwintheknow: Thats actually one of my goals too. lol
LegendOfJoeyRyan: haha
pwintheknow: We mentioned the Northwest before. Being from the Northwest, I (and I can probably speak for a lot of norhtwest wrestling fans) am wondering what kind of impact we can expect when you make it back up here?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I don't know who I'm wrestling yet, but they have a moustache ride in their future.  I know Scott Lost and Human Tornado are headed up there with me, so I know that one way or another SoCal will be well represented.
pwintheknow: Yeah, well we look forward to seeing you guys up here.   You had a pretty successful 2005, and with the year coming to a close, how do you plan to keep it up and make 2006 just as good if not better?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: I don't plan on ever losing the PWG Championship.  That should make for a fun year.
pwintheknow: That will be a tough task with all the talent on the PWG roster, so best of luck with that.
LegendOfJoeyRyan: Thanks.  I'll do my best.
pwintheknow: Well, I have probably taken enough of your time, but before we end this interview, is there anything you would like to add or say to the fans or future opponents?
LegendOfJoeyRyan: Not really, no.
pwintheknow: Ok then, thanks again, and good luck in the new year...
LegendOfJoeyRyan: Wait, lets plug the myspace and the website and
pwintheknow: Allright then.. there ya go everyone...check those sites out for the latest on indy superstar Joey Ryan....
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