There's nine planets in the solar system
that orbits
around the
sun, including other known objects that descend there.

Pictures: Encarta

There's nine planets, over 10,000 known asteroids, and countless comets that rotates around a central star- the Sun. The planets orbits the Sun in the same west to east direction. Each planet have at leat one moon except for Mercury and Venus. They both are scalding hot, and Mars is a cold barren desert. The inner planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are considered small planets with solid, rocky crusts and they're close to the Sun. Earth is the only planet that have lakes and seas. The outer planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gas huge, gas giant planets and they' are farther away from the Sun. Each gas giant planet have a retinue of orbiting moons, and each is circled by thin rings, but Saturn's are easily glimpsed. Pluto is a tiny planet of ice and rock, so dim and distant that it wasn't discovered until about 1930, and since it is so small and distant astronomers know a little about it.

Mostly every object in the Solar System is descended from the Solar Nebula, a great cloud of interstellar gas and dust that condensed to form the Sun about 4.6 billion years ago. On the fringes of the Solar Nebula, icy particles mossed together to become the comets. Deeper within, rocky debris from the era of plantary formation persists in the form of asteroids, always colliding and knocking off stone and iron chips that may fall to Earth as meteorites. Most known asteroids are in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter, but others follow paths that can take them close to or even across the orbit of the Earth. Comets revolve around the Sun in orbits inclined at every possible angle to orbit of the Earth and many approach from any direction.


Planets Info.

                                                          Rotation        Surface               Revolution
                 Diameter         Mass            Period       Temperature             Period
                    (km)          (Earth=1)        (days)    (variable, in deg.C)    (Earth years) 
Sun            1,390,000     333,000.0       24.60              5,500                  --------
Mercury     4,880            0.06               58.60              167                     0.24
Venus         12,104          0.82               243.0             457                      0.62
Earth          12,756          1.000             1.00                14                       1.00
Mars          6,794            0.108             1.03               -55                       1.88
Jupiter        142,984        317.8              0.41              -153                     11.86
Saturn        120,536        95.142            0.45              -185                     29.46
Uranus       51,118          14.539            0.67              -214                     84.01
Neptune     49,532          17.2                0.67              -225                     164.80
Pluto          2,274           0.002              6.39              -236                     247.70

Credits to: Encarta Encyclopedia and National Geographic.
              Other credits/movements to: Richinda S.