Blade Page 2
Blade Page 3
Blade Page 4
Former Identity -  Dr. Hess
Weaponry -  Sharp hook for a left hand, wicked blade for the right
Puppet Type - Rod          
First Appearance -  Puppet Master
By far the most popular and infamous of the puppets, Blade is a merciless killer who always gets the job done. Built as a tool of revenge, Blade is loyal to the Puppet Master but will turn at the drop of a hat if he or any of his friends are betrayed or threatened. Hard as it is to believe, but this miniscule killing machine was once a brilliant and inquisitive German scientist being forced to do research for the Nazis. Although Dr. Hess and Toulon got off on a rocky start, they eventually came to understand and respect one another; until Hess was killed by a Nazi flunky.
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