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Conozca más Acerca del Proyecto. Petroglifos de Caborca. Tomado de Dominique Vallerau: Rvta. Trace No. 14, 1988
Bibliografía. Petroglifos de Caborca. Tomado de Dominique Vallerau: Rvta. Trace No. 14, 1988
Galería de Imagenes. Petroglifos de Caborca. Tomado de Dominique Vallerau: Rvta. Trace No. 14, 1988
Sitios de Interes sobre el Tema. Petroglifos de Caborca. Tomado de Dominique Vallerau: Rvta. Trace No. 14, 1988
Síntesis de Noticias. Petroglifos de Caborca. Tomado de Dominique Vallerau: Rvta. Trace No. 14, 1988
Documentos Basicos. Petroglifos de Caborca. Tomado de Dominique Vallerau: Rvta. Trace No. 14, 1988

[ Apache (Inde) ] [ Cucap� (Espel ) ] [ Cochim� (M'ti-pa) ] [ Cora (Nayeri) ] [ Guarij�o (Makurawe) ] [ Hohokam ] [ Hopi (Hopituh) ] [ Huicholes (Wirraritari) ] [ Kikapu (Kikeapoa) ] [ Kiliwa (Ko'lew) ] [ Kumiai (TI'pai) ] [ Mayo (Yoreme) ] [ Opata ] [ P�pago (Tohono o'odham) ] [ Pima Alto (Hia-ced O'odham) ] [ Pima Bajo (O�oob) ] [ Seris (Konk�aak) ] [ Tarahumara (R�ramuri) ] [ Tepehuano (O'dam) ] [ Yaqui (Yoeme) ]

Apache (Inde)
Autor T�tulo Aparecido en� Editorial A�o Ciudad
Aberle, David F. (1918- ) The peyote religion among the navajo NUEVA YORK; WENER GREN; 1966.XXVI.454 P.ILUS University of Oklahoma Press 1991 Norman
Annerino, John People of legend. Native americans of the southwest
Sierra Club 1996 San Francisco
Antochiw K., Michel "Breve historia de la naci�n Apache." Luis Lejeene: La guerra apache en Sonora Gobierno del Estado de Sonora 1984 Hermosillo
Basso, Keith H. ( 1940-) "Western apache" W. Sturtevant (ed.) Handbook of North American Indians Vol X Smithsonian Institution 1983 Washington
Basso, Keith H. ( 1940-) The Cibecue apache Holt-Rinehart & Winston Holt, Rinehart 1970 New York
Basso, Keith H. ( 1940-) Western Apache Witchcraft Antropological Papers 15 University of Arizona Press 1969 Tucson
Bleeker, Sonia The Apache Indians
William Morrow and Co. 1951 New York
Bourke, John G. (1843-1896) An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre. An Account of the Expeditions in Pursuit of the Hostiles Chiricahua Apaches in the Spring of 1883
Scribner's Sons 1958 New York
Boyer, L. Bryce Childhood and folklore : a psychoanalytic study of Apache personality
Library of Psychological Anthropology 1979 New York
Boyer, Ruth M ; y Narcissus D. Gayton Apache mothers and daughters: four generations of a family
University of Oklahoma Press
Browne, John Ross (1821-1875) Adventures in the Apache Country: A Tour Through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada. Tambien en Arizona Silouettes, 1950 (Tucson) Harper and Brothers 1951 Tucson
University of New Mexico Press 1936 Albuquerque
Cortez y de Alarte, Jos� Mar�a. (John Wheat, tr.) Views from the apaches frontier: report on the northern provinces of New Spain
University of Oklahoma Press 1989 Norman
Devereux, George "Mohave ethnopsychatry and suicid. The psychiatric knowledge and the psychic disturbances of and indian tribe" (Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin No. 175) Smithsonian Institution 1961 Washington
Forbes, Jack D. Apaches, Navaho and spaniards 1540-1698 Publicacion de tesis del autor University of Oklahoma Press 1960 Norman
Griffen, William B. Apaches at war and peace The Janos Presidio, 1750 - 1858
University of New Mexico Press 1988 Albuquerque
Guevara Sanchez, Arturo Los atapascanos en Nueva Viscaya (Cuaderno de trabajo, 6) INAH 1989 M�xico
Henrikson, Craig Ernest Acculturation, value change and mental health among the Navajo
University of North Carolina 1971 Chapel Hill
Kunitz, Stephen J. Drinking careers: a twenty-five year study of three Navajo populations
Yale University 1994 New Haven
Luna Francisco " El sue�o apache " Cultura Norte a�o 4, n�mero16 Programa Cultural de las Fronteras 1992 M�xico
Manr�quez Dur�n, Miguel "La capital de Sonora: Ciudad y matria. S�mbolos urbanos que particularizan a los hermosillenses. De los tacos de Cabeza al cerro del Apache" Cultura Norte a�o 2, volumen 1, N�mero 6 Programa Cultural de las Fronteras 1988 M�xico
McCarty, Kieran Robert O.F.M. "Bernardo de G�lvez on the Apache Frontier: The Education of a Future Viceroy" Journal of the Southwest, 36 (2) University of Arizona Press 1994 Tucson
Mirafuentes Galvan, Jose Luis Los dos mundos de Jose Reyes Pozo y e l alzamiento de los apaches chiricahuis, (Bacoachi, Sonora, 1790). Estudios de Historia Novohispana Vol. 21 UNAM, Inst. Investigaciones Hist�ricas, Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico 0100 M�xico
Opler, Morris E. "The Apachean culture pattern and its origins" A. Ortiz, editor, Southwest. Handbook of North American Indians, Smithsonian Institution, 10 Smithsonian Institution 1983 Washington
Opler, Morris E. "Chiricahua apache" W. Sturtevant (ed. gral.): Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 10, editado por Alfonso Ortiz Smithsonian Institution 1983 Washington
Opler, Morris E. "Mescalero apache" W. Sturtevant (ed. gral.): Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 10, editado por Alfonso Ortiz Smithsonian Institution 1983 Washington
Rodr�guez, Martha Historias de resistencia y exterminio. Los indios de Coahuila durante el siglo XIX Colecci�n: Historia de los pueblos ind�genas de M�xico INI-CIESAS 1995 M�xico
Santee, Ross Apacheland
Scribner's Sons 1947 New York
Scott, Richard B. "English language skills of the Mescalero Apeche indians" Am�rica Ind�gena 22 (3) Instituto Indigenista Interamericano 1960 M�xico
Sonnichsen, Charles Leland (1901- ) The mescalero apaches (The Civilizati�n of the American Indian Series.) University of Oklahoma Press 1958 Norman
Stevens, Robert Conway "The Apache menace in Sonora 1831 - 1849" Arizona and the West 6 (3) University of Arizona Press 1964 Tucson
Stone, Charles Pomeroy (1824-1887) Notes on the state of Sonora 1860
M. Polkinhorn 1861 Washington
Tiller, Veronica E. "Jicarilla apache" W. Sturtevant (ed. gral.): Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 10, editado por Alfonso Ortiz Smithsonian Institution 1983 Washington
Velasco Avila, Cuaht�moc Jos� La amenaza comanche en la frontera mexicana, 1800-1841
Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico 1998 M�xico
Young, Robert W. "Apachean languages" W. Sturtevant (ed. gral.): Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 10, editado por Alfonso Ortiz Smithsonian Institution 1983 Washington

[ Apache (Inde) ] [ Cucap� (Espel ) ] [ Cochim� (M'ti-pa) ] [ Cora (Nayeri) ] [ Guarij�o (Makurawe) ] [ Hohokam ] [ Hopi (Hopituh) ] [ Huicholes (Wirraritari) ] [ Kikapu (Kikeapoa) ] [ Kiliwa (Ko'lew) ] [ Kumiai (TI'pai) ] [ Mayo (Yoreme) ] [ Opata ] [ P�pago (Tohono o'odham) ] [ Pima Alto (Hia-ced O'odham) ] [ Pima Bajo (O�oob) ] [ Seris (Konk�aak) ] [ Tarahumara (R�ramuri) ] [ Tepehuano (O'dam) ] [ Yaqui (Yoeme) ]


Unidad de Informaci�n y Documentaci�n de los Pueblos Nativos del Noroeste Mexicano Obreg�n 55, Centro, Hermosillo, Sonora, M�xico, CP 83000 Tel: (662) 212-65-51 y 213-17-64, Fax (662) 212-50-21 email: [email protected]

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