Jokes of the week:

1. One Liners
Q: How do you find a blind man on a nudist colony?
A: It's not hard.

Q. What's a Puerto Ricans's idea of safe sex?
A. Locking the car door!

-- Did you hear that ten thousand bathtubs were sold to Haiti?
-- They're being refitted as passenger ferries.

-- Did you hear about the dyslexic who tried to commit suicide?
-- He threw himself behind the oncoming train.

2. Baby Talk
On the first day of school, a teacher gives a talk to her first grade class. "Ok, you are in firstgrade now, so no more baby talk. Ok, Susy, what did you do over the summer?"
Susy:"I took a choo-choo to grammy's and grampop's house..."
Teacher"No no! What did I just say?! No more baby talk!"
Susy:"Ok. We took a train to my grandparents' house."
Teacher"Very good. Bobby, how about you?"
Bobby:"Oh not much. I did go to the library every Tuesday for reading hour. The stories were good. I especialliy enjouyed 'Winnie the Shit."

3. Oh GOD...not YET!!
Three buddies die in a car crash, they go to Heaven and are directed to an orientation. They are all asked, "When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning upon you, what
would you like to hear they say?"
The first man says, "I would like to hear them say that I was a great
doctor, a devoted family man, and that I'll be greatly missed."
The second man says, "I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and that as a school teacher I made a huge difference in our children's future."
The last guy replies, "I would like to hear them say...

Q. Whats the meaning of trust?
A. 2 cannibals giving each other a blowjob.

Q. What did the midget say when he was arrested for rape?
A. "My friends put me up to it!"

6. DUuuu-UH!
Two blonde girls are standing on either side of a fairly deep and wide river. Blonde #1 hollars across to blonde #2 "HOW DO I GET TO THE OTHER SIDE?" Blonde #2 ponders for a moment and looks up and down the river, then hollers back "duuuh,..YOU ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, silly!!"

7. What does a guy with a 12 inch cock eat for breakfast?
---"I usually have bacon and eggs"

(For more jokes check out the Mega-Site at the LAFF YO ASSes OFF page!)


National Pornographic
-Triple XXX Blowout Sale!!! -

Sale! Sale! Sale!
for 4 FEROCIOUSLY fucked filled hours of nature's wildest gettin' down nice n' nasty!
-Back Orders Available-

Mad As Hell Townsfolk
- Take No More -

An angry mob of fed up townspeople - citing the increasing number of residents stepping in horse shit on city streets- resorted to vigilante efforts to stop the dastardly culprits.

(For more jokes check out the Mega-Site at the funny PHOTOJOURNAL page!)

Stupid News:

Man Killed by Hiccup
Remedy Punch to Chest Proves Fatal

July 3, 2000

OCEAN CITY, Md. (AP) -- A man suffering the hiccups asked a friend to punch him in the chest to try to get rid of them. When his friend reluctantly obliged, Joshua Thomas Burchette collapsed on the sidewalk and died.
An autopsy was to be performed on Burchette, 23, to determine the cause of death.
Burchette had complained of hiccups after a couple of beers on Saturday. The friend was not identified by police.
Burchette's mother, Jeri Ann Fisyer, said her family has a history of heart problems and her son often complained of chest pains, but had never been hospitalized or placed on medication.

Public Avenger says: Damn! I guess this literally is a case of.. "with friends like these, who needs enemys!"

In the "YEAH RIGHT!" Side of News:

School Credit Given for Marijuana Work
Students Volunteer in Drug Legalization Efforts

June 27, 2000

High school student Scarlett Swerdlow got school credit for marijuana lobbying. BETHESDA, Md. (AP) -- Maryland requires all public high school students to do volunteer work to graduate. How those students donate their time is largely left up to them.
So 18-year-old Scarlett Swerdlow decided to pass on the government internships and homeless shelters to work for a cause she fully supports: legalizing marijuana.
(get full story,... continued HERE at Public's mega-site in Stupid News!

Public Avenger Commentary:

Finally Over! Elian's Ass Taken
Back to Cuba!

-Everyones favorite illegal leaves the 'States better than he arrived --by plane-

Well it seeemed like forever, but thank GOD(!)...this little pampered fuckin' illegal brat has been taken back where he belongs - but more importantly, with whom he belongs. For what seems like years, the shit on little A-lian Gonzales has been dominating the news like the muthafuckin' O.J. trial! And who's the only ones to really give a damn? Nobody but them goddamn Cubans in Miami.
(get full commentary, continued HERE at Public's mega-site in Stupid News!)

(For more funny news check out the Mega-Site at the Public Avenger News page!)

Featuring Wild on E!'s Brooke Burke NAKED!! -- here

Other Avengers Angels Pages!

"Tia Carrere Playboy Pix Page"
"Christina Aguilera Page"

(Maxim Magazine spread)
*Fake Lyin' Ass Hos Page*
(featuring Shannon Elizabeth)
"Real World & Road Rules girls"
NAKED Playboy pix!!!!

(Spring Break/Wet T-Shirt Honeys)


THE Carmen Electra PLAYBOY Dec. Issue

OnLine Here!
(click Carmen)

Riddle of the Week

(easy one) Rearrange the letters in the words "NEW DOOR" to create one word.
(Richard Addison figured out the last one - good brain on Richard!)
(if you'd like to know the answer - email me,.. or ask me direct, if you know me.)

MY GIRLS! - (click images to visit my tribute to these lovelys!)

A HOT Girls Special - Ethnic FLavors


Other HOT Chicks: Jennifer Lopez, Kathy Lloyd

Guys, j@ckin' off to these... is not a sin!

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