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Interview with the Spirit of Mircea Eliade


- I am glad that an earthling succeeds in talking with me. I have not got many such occasions since I arrived here. It looked as if I was sent to "obscurity" and "mildew"…

- We will strive to get you out to "light"… Mister Mircea Eliade, in which spiritual plane are you ?

- I am in the Vedic plane, where the most enlightened and intelligent spirits aspire after immortality, that is the proximity to All-Merciful Lord.

- You gave up a yogi’s way of life for a scholar’s one. Do not you regret the choice ?

- I do not regret it, I made my choice of my own accord, only consulting my spirit and consciousness.

- Do you think yoga would have been brought you happiness ?

- Yoga was a beginning of my spiritual life. It opened my mind to the world, to the infinite Universe, it showed me, through its charm and spiritual strength, that you can see the world in a particular way also. Any person who strives a little can become more permeable to the cosmic energy. That is why I do not regret my early yoga practices. They helped me become a pseudo-hermit, a man with a great moral force, opened to science, to Universe, and gifted with a very pure faith in our Almighty God.

- What do you consider religion to be ?

- Defining religion asks a complex thinking, which must be very well based. In my acceptation, religion is a creation of man for the people, to help them draw nearer to the Universe called "The Divine Will", by using means that life on Earth has.

- Do you still study religions ?

- Now I help the Governor of the Solar System, who is Jesus Christ, maintain the energetic balance in this zone of the Universe. I have the holy task to study the causes and effects, good or awful, of the confrontation between evil forces and good forces. We, here, consider the good forces serve God, and the evil forces serve Satan.

I have the great honor of using my culture and experience, gained day by day in my last life. As I was a scholar and a great expert in the history of the religions on Earth, I can now advise Lord Jesus Christ whenever He must clarify or decide upon the ceaseless fight between our spirits, the good ones, and the evil forces, the spirits of the darkness.

- You have many admirers of your scientific and literary works. Do you have anything to change now ? What do you urge people to read ?

- I advise all the earthlings to get acquainted with my literary and scientific works. Everything I wrote, word by word, took my power, shortened my nights and my life, giving me the permanent desire that everybody should enjoy my wisdom.

- What do you tell the Romanians ?

- The Romanians are taking now hard moments of the confrontation between good, that must win, and evil, that has established for long years in your wonderful country. What to tell the Romanians else than to have the strength to fight for life and truth, as I did when I was called "Mircea Eliade, the man" !

- What do you think of Westerners practicing yoga ?

- My dear earthlings, as I have mentioned above, the yoga system is a wonder, a creation of man, guided by the Divine Will and the Force of Nature. Yoga is a complex system of man acting upon his own being. Yoga defeats helplessness and evil in people. Yoga is the victory of Man against nature and of Nature against man. I only recommend practicing yoga to those who feel ready to fight with their inner nature and become friends with the outer Nature. I do not recommend yoga to those people who cannot overcome their wild impulses, greedy lust, selfish thoughts, uncontrolled acts and lack of faith in God.

- How will Jesus our Savior come ?

- This will occur at the beginning of the third millennium. There is no fixed date because it is not known how long the phenomenon will last. The Savior’s coming will not be a sudden apparition. God prepares those people on Earth who will receive the Savior as they should, and will protect Him to resist amidst believers and unfaithful. He will come in a spirit-like form, will advise people and guide them to purifying their thoughts and deeds.

- Do you believe Christianity to be the highest religion ?

- I cannot be so absurd. Each religion has their merits. Each people is free to choose the religion they want and deserve. Each man has the Divine Allowance to practice the religion which satisfy them. There is no crime to shift from a religion to another, it is important to believe in God, whatever you call Him.

- Must we, as good Christians, seek to convert those of other beliefs to Christianity ?

- It is absurd to believe that only we, the Christians, can make order on Earth. It is admirable some missioners’ endeavor to spread Christianity on all continents. The same proceed Buddhists, Muslims and many others, also. So, the Christians’ action is not unique. You cannot prevent diverse religions from taking the place desired in people’s souls. Let everything as it is ! People decide how and whom they wish to believe in.

- Do you consider Judaism as a "failed Christianity" ?

- Here is a big problem. I have been speaking that each religion have their good parts. I now declare that each religion have their deficiencies. But all religions on Earth, side by side, form a compact spiritual assembly, which through its unique force aspire to God. So it’s not the case to incriminate a religion or another. If a man makes a mistake, even in the name of their religion, they will pay some day for what they did.

- What is your opinion on Muslim fundamentalism ?

- The Islamic religious fanaticism is a result of the craving for power of the Islamic leaders. This manifestation has nothing in common with true faith in God. Ordinary people worship Allah, seeing in Him their Almighty God. But it is a long way from these people to the political ambitions of the Islamic leaders, a way sprinkled with corpses, monstrosities, absurd crimes and money thrown all over. That is what they may come to by distorting beliefs and using religion in some mean interests.

- Hadn’t you been born a Christian, what other religion would you have preferred ?

- This question is worth a million dollars !… If a spirit waiting to incarnate could choose its religion, it would be much more order on Earth. But it is something we dream upon here, in the ether, and it is another thing what our future parents do on Earth. It is no use to wish to become a Buddhist or a Muslim in my future life. It depends on the elements that will occur that moment when I will be born from a woman’s womb. God let people freedom to move, freedom to act, freedom to think, gives them discrimination. Once that a spirit accepted to incarnate, it is ready to face all the difficulties of life on Earth. It knows it will not live like in the ether. It will have a lot to suffer, but it knows every pain that it will bear on Earth will sharpen its vibrations and help it evolve.

- Mister Mircea Eliade, why couldn’t you have abandoned wearing eye-glasses, although knowing about some special techniques ?

- It is hard to answer to this question… Out of my physical weakness emerged an intellectual and spiritual super-power. My short-sightedness was due to an energetic deficiency of the eye, which I had since childhood. I did not succeed to cure it with any method. If I had had a less eye-tiring profession, maybe I could have treated myself properly. But I wrote and read day and night, so I could not get rid of this infirmity, which caused me headaches and indispositions all my life.

- As a yoga practitioner, why did you consider necessary to smoke and drink coffee ?

- Here is a problem, too. I have been speaking of my physical capacity in some regards. My intellectual work being extremely challenging, sometimes beyond my psychical strength, I was forced to use stimulus like tobacco and coffee. I knew they were damaging health at some extent, but all my life I considered my scientific and literary work to be more important than my health.

- What paranormal abilities had you during your last life ?

- I was telepathic, clairvoyeur, I had a strong intuition, a very strong and influencing bioenergetic field. I could telepathically discuss with my spiritual guides from India. I used to talk friendly with representatives of all religions from all continents. I may add my extraordinary memory and capacity to gain and store huge information, from youth to the end of my days. I did not lose my memory but dead.

- Do you still recall the information gained during your lifetime ?

- As times go by we, as spirits, forget a lot of what we once knew during our past incarnations. That is why we store up all we remember in the Universal Memory; and what we forget, is lost…

- Who killed and why, Ioan Petru Culianu, your dear collaborator ?

- It is a whole story with Ioan Petru Culianu, a very sad and very real one, mere human. From people’s wretchedness emerged a guy who revenged all those who feared I.P.Culianu’s scientific work. He was my dearest disciple. I adored him as if he was my own child. He was of an uncommon intelligence and an exceptional soul delicacy. He was devoted to me like a real son. I gave him financial and scientific support as I could. I wished he would have continued my literary and scientific work and told people what I would have told if I had had time and energy. I had a feeling of my near end. I made superhuman efforts to train him in what he had to develop.

We both made a lot of enemies among the fundamentalists. We raised faith at the supreme purity level in our inter-religious philosophy. This made angry some Pharisee, who had turned faith into a purpose in itself, namely they pursued other interests that what is called the ascension of the soul toward God. For our courage, he paid with his life. Some do not agree on the truth about their own inhuman habits.

- Where is he now and what does Culianu’s spirit ?

- The spirit of Culianu is very well now, it is doing wonderful, it improves itself. It is my brother in the Vedic plane. It assists me in my works and also has its own jobs, that is to say it has the duty to unite spirits like brothers by twos or by threes when it is possible. It also advises them to behave and what to aim at in order to get the so much dreamed for evolution.

- Where is the Vedic plane and what are its features ?

- In this respect, the explanation should be very detailed and strictly secret, but because you want to educate people with my help, I will tell you summarily what I consider I may assert in this matter.

The Vedic plane is the seventh plane, parallel to the other six, that some know of. I do not detail, but I may say that here all the spirits have the same silver-white color with pale-rosy shades, they are extremely subtle, the etheric matter which surrounds them is invisible. These spirits cannot be seen by the spirits from lower planes. They do not see each other either, but feel each other by the specific vibration. They can only be seen by the Supreme Spirits who surround the eighth plane – of the Divine Absolute – protecting Him whom we call God, and making the energetic transmissions between the Absolute and the lower planes.

- Some people deny God’s existence for that nobody have seen Him. Is God invisible to the very high spirits, too ?

- God is invisible for everyone. He is the Primary cause of the Universe in which we live. There are also other Universes with their own Supreme Leaders. We all feel God, it is not necessary to see Him. God is the Cause, Power, Will and our, everyone’s, Desire for better.

- Should one believe in God to be moral ?

- You can be moral having atheist beliefs. And you can be moral, or immoral, pretending to be faithful. But, to speak about morality is complicated and needs time.

- Have you met the spirit of Maitreyi in the after-life ?

- This is a painful question, that hurts me even now that I have lost the flesh envelope, which also refers to the piece of heart which hurt me my whole life until death. The "Maitreyi episode" was a spell that took me instantly and filled me up like a persistent poison until the end of my days. It was a divine sign which made me understand that my place was not there, in India, that my fate was not to remain in those lands, that my religion was not to be changed. I understood these things at the right time and I withdrew myself, not letting painful marks, as I dared to write in the book named by her. I regretted my whole life that I set a mark on her with my too hot imagination. I avoided to apologize her for what I had written about her, considering that would have compromised her even more. I let things go, each of us following their destiny. We have met in the Vedic plane. She is here by me all the time. We are brothers in faith in Lord. There is no other kinship between us.

- Have you ever been called to a spiritist séance ?

- Yes, I have been called many times, especially by the mediums in West. Spiritism is a common hobby in America. People believe whole-heartedly in the reality of the realm in which I am now, and they know to use wisely the information received from the spirits.

- What question wouldn’t you like to be asked ?

- This is a subtle question. A high spirit as me should answer all that is asked, but as we have our secrets, too, which should not reach to anyone’s ears, I can answer very sincerely that I would not like this question to be asked : "Mister Mircea Eliade, when will you return to Earth, and what profession would you like to be taught ?". And I would not like to be asked either : "Mister Mircea Eliade, why didn’t you marry Maitreyi ?".