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Interview with the spirit of Ioan Petru Culianu

- Mister Ioan Petru Culianu, how did you die?

- Madam, I died instantaneously, shot in the neck, ear. I regret I did not have time to finish my scientific and spiritual work ! Dear lady, what I left behind was well done with all my heart and soul, it was the fruit of my white nights’ endeavour, the outcome of long and frank conversations with my fundamental master, the kind and charming Mircea Eliade. I shall remain forever grateful to him. We are still side by side, striving to mend the Universe from the moral point of view, taking into account the continuous interactions which influence the essential energetic aspects of the eternal life in the infinite space of human and non-human existence.

- What do you do there ?

- I am a chief-governor to supervise the energetic existence within our galaxy. I am directly at Lord Jesus Christ’s orders, who is the Supreme Governor of all our Solar System.

- What is your competence ?

- I have the main mission to watch over the energetic karmic or non-karmic changings within our Universe. I ceaselessly supervise the essential relations between beings in this Universe. I have the task to bind the lives ment to be united, so that incarnations and reincarnations are made according to the necessities and projects of the universal existence.

I fulfil the honorable assignment on behalf of Lord Jesus Christ to spiritualise every being in the subtle planes of the Universe. I have to supervise the observance of norms and laws by the beings in the subtle planes. Thus, each being under our obedience must carry out their (re)incarnational programs, so as they always, everywhere take part in the general plan sketched by the Tutelary Divine Power.

It is my task to establish the good-neighbor policy among spirits from the same energetic level, so that conflicts should not occur, which it would not correspond to the moral norms of these spaces.

I have to constantly manage the necessary connections betwen the spiritual field and the human field, the relations, still inadequate, between the energetic subtle beings and the physical beings. Together with other wise beings of my class I fulfil the most respectable mission of facilitating the manifestation of signs from spirits, which can be seen by humans.

I also have the role to supervise the contacts between the intelligent beings from our Universe and the intelligent beings from other Universes.

- Would you give us some concrete examples from your activity ?

- There are countless examples. I will provide a few, that you can apprehend.

I take care of the spirits from the same subtle plane, I supervise their behavior, I regulate their actions, and I moderate the possible conflicts.

I control the energetic connections between spirits from our Universe and spirits who show signs of life from other Universes.

I supervise the meetings between extraterrestrial beings and humans, I have the duty to inform our Solar System Governor about humans’ misbehavior as regards the intelligent beings from other planets or Universes.

I wish to notify people that they could be more prudent, for their own benefit, when acting on alien beings having reached on the ground deliberately or by accident ! There were cases when humans comitted acts of violence, mutilations and assassinations of such beings. A Christian, or any other religion’s, specific rule teaches men to behave respectably, in a civilized manner with honorable guests, yet, what happened in many places overstepped the bounds of common-sense. Many representatives of the universal Space having reached on Earth were slaughtered, tortured, confined, or annihilated by some ignorant man-faced beings, who, by taking unfair advantages of their high standing, or assuming privileges in their position of isolated savage beings, committed abominable acts on the alien visitors. All those were reported on their planets, and were registered in "The Black Book of Earth’s Doomsday". Every harm that is done on Earth has to be paid back now or in the future. People should properly understand that nothing they do to harm themselves or others remains unsanctioned. It all comes back and strikes pitilessly.

People of the Earth, calm down, subdue yourself, wake up to true faith, for you and your descendants will pay for everything you do against others ! Be wiser, my dears, do not let yourself led by malevolent forces, who want to destroy mankind ! There are countless Hell’s powers of great force highly disseminated around the Earth. Try, good people, to become wiser, try to better realize what is happening around you, not only at the surface, but also higher, much higher, or lower, very low, beneath the ground !

I wish to address you on another very important, serious issue. Take great care, my dear Romanians, how you behave, especially with your neighbor countries ! Try to resist the attempts to be drawn into dangerous war games, as in other parts of the world ! Try to be a balanced country in the Balkans, as such stability is highly needed ! In that way you bring a little peace in an explosive territory, inflamed by mean interests, which have nothing in common to human kindness and clear intelligence.

- Where there any aggressions of the aliens on humans ?

- There were many aggressions of extraterrestrials on humans. When landing in inhabited places, they protected themselves with killing laser beams, or by laughing-gas. They used knives of energy, which left burns on human bodies. The laughing-gas produced crises of sexual arousal to the victims of their experiments, especially when inside the spacecrafts. They abducted women, men, children all around the world. That may be an explanation to the frequent disappearances of civilized, or even savage beings. They abducted animals from all speciae, diverse living beings, on the purpose of studying and acclimatizing them on other planets. There are living beings in the Universe gifted with exquisite intelligence, much superior to humans’. They are great specialists in organ transplants. Lately, they have been testing forming of new speciae that are genetically related to humans from Terra or to beings from other planets, from different galaxies.

I have mentioned above the inexplicable disappearances of very many people from Terra. Besides the fact they landed in crowded areas, some of the aliens remained on the ground in isolated desert, mountainous or jungle areas. After the spacecrafts had taken off they could hide very well in some modules detached from these ships. Being well camouflaged in their original houses, having the required apparatus, they abducted people of all ages and genders, trying all sorts of experiments on them, like the afore-mentioned ones, and many others, which even I do not guess. They do have an astonishing imagination. Their intellection exceeds ours, and the curiosity, which we call scientific, is part of their daily attitude. They have sophisticated apparatus for all kind of research. They inserted different semen in women’s uterus, taken either from them or from other human-like speciae. Lately, I have noticed that they intend to combine humanoids with different types of animals, for making these to progress genetically.

We cannot exclude that some suspect unknown viruses and bacteria could emerge from the experiments done in the extraterrestrials ships. There are billions of sorts of bacteria, viruses and other disease carriers in the cosmic space, different from these on Terra. They can be brought on Earth anytime.

- Is there any collaboration between world governments and aliens ?

- Oho, of course ! There are some countries that collaborate with some type of extraterrestrials, and even extragalacticals. The country with the greatest arsenal, the best equipped apparatus designed for the afore-mentioned collaboration is the United States of America. A tradition of extraterrestrial alliance has been established there. US Army is equipped with anything it needs to detect any spacecraft, no matter how small, approaching the Earth. When it landed or alighted on sea, it is immediately encircled. Such things are kept secret. People must live in ignorance to be relatively calm. Otherwise, earthlings would watch their fellowmen much too attentively. People must live in ignorance to maintain the psycho-sociological balance between different nations and human types.

- How can you describe the extraterrestrial visitors ?

- Our visitors may be divided in several categories, depending on the planet they come from. One type is those similar to earthlings, with slight differences of physical and mental structure. These are the most courageous in relation with people, risking their lives in every attempt of physical contact. They come from the nearest planets to Earth, either from our galaxy or from the neighboring ones. Many planets are not even known, or maybe only presumed. Anyway, a well-known and easy-to-study planet is Venus.

I have to remark that, from security reasons, because of the curiosity and the possible attacks of earthlings, the extraterrestrials dwell in invisible places. The selenauts were greatly amazed when having found modules, fit up caves and remainders of spacecrafts. If they had flown over the invisible side of the Moon, they would have had many surprises, and who knows if they would have returned to Terra. On Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury is the same thing. Earthlings should realize this : the physical aspect and the way of life of those intelligent beings is adapted to the respective planet’s structure and atmosphere. They have means to protect themselves against magnetic storms, gases and dust, which are lethal to us.

- Are the spirits identical along the Universe ? How do you categorize spirits ?

- Turning to the spirits world, we calm down a bit, it is less confusing than the extraterrestrial world, yet identically dangerous, although invisible to most of the people. In my acceptation, the spirits world is minutely hierarchically organized, we may classify it in many ways, but I will give some intelligible categories to the human mind.

From the ethical point of view spirits may be grouped in two main categories : a) light colored spirits; b) dark colored spirits, who oppose the first ones. Spirits within the first category may be classified in innumerable types by their shades, from the finest bright color, which is the invisible silvery-white, to the brightest silver-gray.

As the colors grow darker and the gray color losses its shine, the spirits are more evil. The matted black spirit, without any radiance, is Satan’s. Spirits with a brighter color, up to non-shiny-gray color, belong to Lucifer, Satan’s most powerful Son. He rules the planet Earth and governs over all evil on Terra. As they are powerful spirits, they can incarnate themselves anytime and anywhere is a possibility of making a smaller or bigger damage. The bright-colored spirits fight these ones, but this struggle is peaceful and honest.

The easiest to influence, especially toward evil, are the gray spirits, but they may resist with the help of the bright-colored spirits, who supervise them all the time. The so-called "white" spirits are extremely advanced, that is to say they draw nearer to the Will of the Supreme Divinity. They are under the Celestial Superior Council’s obedience and carry out its orders, with the main aim of saving humankind from Satan’s seizure.

- Who created white spirits and black spirits ?

- This division took place in immemorial ages, it was a natural division of the universal energy. When the Universe was divided in a dense part and less dense parts, it was also required a hierarchic differentiation of the particles of energy gifted with superior intelligence. Thus, low vibration energy particles pointed to the denser parts of the Universe, and afterwards they became inferior spirits. In the so-called "rarefied" regions of the Universe, that is much lesser dense, took shelter the high vibration energy particles, giving rise to superior spirits, who have constructive intentions. All the transformations in the cosmic space took, take and will take place at the urge of a unique and almighty Energetic Will, a source of Will and Action present throughout the infinite Universe, who is called "GOD" by the earthlings. At His command, at each rank and position accordingly, the invisible intelligent beings act upon the matter of the Universe.

- Did God created Satan ?

- The emergence of Satan was inevitable since matter became hierarchically differentiated, which gave rise to the so-called "energetical opposition" to God. The fight between the opposites, under all its forms, is a law of the Universe. Once the dense matter was created, the opposition has arisen between dense matter and rarefied matter. The dense world created Satan, and the rarefied one remained on God’s side.

- Do spirits fight each other ?

- There is a continuous struggle in the spirits world. They recognize themselves from their color and vibration. The spirits with opposite vibrations hate and fight each other perpetually. Their enmity is basic, automatic and imperceptible to most of the intelligent beings on Earth. What does their fight consists of ? The black ones try to drive away the white ones when it comes to incarnation. The white spirits act the same. When a new human being is about to be born there is a tremendous challenge. The spirits swarm around the woman whose fate is to give birth in the near future. Even before getting pregnant spirits know that this event should happen, and fight each other for supremacy. The strongest spirit gets into the woman’s womb when she has become pregnant.

- What is to do for a better collaboration between humans and superior spirits ?

- It is hard to say what more it should be done for improving the collaboration between people and superior spirits. Men get good advice all the time and everywhere, but under the fight between good and evil, namely between superior and inferior spirits, people are continuously challenged, reaching moments when they are misled, not knowing what is good and what is wrong anymore. Often what is wrong is taken as good, and, conversely, good, as bad. Nevertheless, I believe the majority on Earth realizes clearly what good should look like. There are good examples everywhere. It is at human being’s choice what actions he or she should take for agreeing with their own consciousness. Still, because the mind is a product of dense matter, too, it can be moulded in different forms of manifestation, not meeting the Divine Will in all aspects.

- What do they mean, and what is the purpose of the vows which bind spirits ?

- It is my assignment, and others’ from the Superior Space, close to the Supreme Divinity, to bind spirits who are similar in some respects. We associate spirits, make them eternally united, if their color and vibration is almost identical.

So, if two or more spirits managed to become almost identical as concerns the etherical hue and the fineness of vibration, we group them, we announce them that they have become sisters and brothers, and we point out that they have the duty to watch over each other, to help each other in need, to incarnate together from time to time, so that they can be relatives or friends as human, or non-human, beings.

- What can you tell us about the myth of the sister-soul ?

- That was all about. The sister-souls are feminine spirits who were united by the above mentioned procedure. The brother-souls are masculine spirits. There can be interrelated spirits of both genders. Their common name is “mate-souls”. We mean by that that two or more spirits of the same gender, or of different gender, consider themselves to be bind together eternally, and they are also obliged to be side by side in the conditions of possible incarnations.