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The Supreme Leader of Shambhala, the ‘King of the World’, addresses to people

Shambhala is a wonderful spiritual zone, mentioned in many peoples’ legends, in Romanian folklore being referred to as the ‘realm of the kind-hearted’. There are holy beings living in Shambhala, who watch with infinite wisdom over the Earth and life on this planet. They have sent from time to time messages, beneficial inspirations and precise methods to improve people’s existence.

What is Shambhala ?    The False Prophets.    Persons of God’s Choice.    What Does Faith Mean ? 

The Messengers from Shambhala.    The Deficiencies of Our Civilization.    The Purification.

Reward or Penalty, According to One's Deeds.    The Perfect Man.    People Send for Their Tribulations.


What is Shambhala ?

"Shambhala, this marvelous place, this dreamland is a zone not inhabited by the so-called humans. It is an energetic, vibratory, pure realm, which seems unreal for the mortals. It is a different world from the earthly one. We, in Shambhala, only need space to move in, and that is all. We are tiny lights, endowed with maximum intelligence, always in motion, eternally indefatigable, wonderful energy sources supervising and controlling the Universe.  

But most of all, we supervise the Earth, this planet impoverished by all sorts of evil entities incarnated in humans. We, from Shambhala, control every grain of terrestrial matter, every living being from this beautiful planet. But we also believe that it is our duty before the Holy Lord to protect the Earth, to surround it with the so-needed divine aura.

In spite of this, there are countless dangers which threaten it. The people’s wickedness and greed has grown to highest proportions ; perversity, hate, lie take toll of human lives every moment. We strive to purify large Earth’s areas, but it is not everywhere that the Word of God is welcome to the people’s hearts. Many earthlings wish to possess the world forever, but nothing is everlasting in Universe, except the Will of God, our Almighty Lord. That is why our endeavor seems to be in vain…

Yet, we, the sages from Shambhala, often let the humans know that the Doomsday is getting nearer. Then every single soul from our planet will report to our Lord what they have done with their pure faith : if they still have it, how strong it is ; if they have not got it anymore, why have they lost it. Thus, the evil ones will disappear, as a result of their own incapacity to walk on the Holy large Way, the Way leading to God, the Almighty. The good people, the ones endowed with unshaken faith in the Divine Will shall be saved from destruction.

We all talk about the Apocalypse, or the ‘end of the world’, but how many truly know the real causes of this terrestrial tragedy ?

The causes lie in people’s lack of faith, in their desire to rule the Universe, in the pettiness of the souls, who often believe themselves to be great.


The False Prophets

We all see how many false prophets rule the Earth. They make a fortune by telling fortunes, forecasting anyone’s future just for making big money. But is it fare to use their born quackery to tell people lies ? Why do not they let people the freedom to build their own destiny, why not allowing them to think openly, and not led by some ready-to-foresee person ? Isn’t it more just, more human that every man should learn from his mistakes, and correct his behavior by sincere repentance, by beseeching Divine Charity and Compassion ?

Indeed, today’s world generally have the impression that they can conquer everything, that they can move everything from its place, even the mountains, that money is the magical key of any door, but they forget the essential : everything comes from God, nothing is eternal, and everything, absolutely everything changes ceaselessly without hindrance and without asking for permission. So, having in mind that the terrestrial world is transient in Universe, we must not just rely on some attractive illusions, which may be of some importance to the majority.

Eternity is a golden assignment, it cannot be obtained by the means of the computer or the crystal ball, but it is given to us, or not, by the Supreme Divinity, the Almighty and Omniscient Lord. We just humbly obey His Will, and hope that in a near or not-so-near future we will be forgiven and escape from the thorn-like chain of karma. Until then, we are put in sometimes bizarre circumstances, when we return to Earth to live in miserable conditions only for expiating some stern punishments for deeds of our karmic past.

Therefore, my dear earthlings, do not let yourself be surrounded by lie, hypocrisy, craving for money and other such ‘jewels’ which kill the pure soul, unprepared to face the dangerous temptations !


Persons of God’s Choice

We, in Shambhala, are here to ensure a protection shield for the Earth’s civilization, which is in danger to collapse, prey to its own vices. We are all enlightened spirits, endowed with exquisite intelligence, and we are gifted to irradiate with beneficial energy every corner of the Earth or its surrounding space. We can only be seen by some clairvoyants, and we show ourselves neither to laymen, nor to those ‘initiated’ in evil and not in the Divine Will. We watch over humankind day and night, we do not need to rest, but we are not tired either. We wish to bring the pure beauty and genuine faith in the Lord on this planet.

People, most of them, have forgotten how to pray sincerely, with the devotion rushing out from the bottom of their soul. And now they wonder why their requests do not always reach where they should ! But it shall come a day of the Ultimate Judgment, a day when everybody will pay, or will be rewarded according to their deeds…

In the years to come, a lot of nuisances will occur in this world. People will not realize what they will have experienced. The troubles will come instantaneously, taking them by surprise, but the majority will still believe that everything is but natural, including the disasters they endure. But even so, mankind generally will understand too little from its experiences. The leap of faith in the Holy Lord only belongs to those chosen by Himself to rise the planet Earth at the spiritual height desired by the Supreme Divinity…

Nevertheless, some of the important persons will manage to awaken, to a certain extent, the minds and souls of their fellowmen. Also, there will come out some messengers of the Divine Word, of whom too few will know that they are only temporary embodiments of that wonderful and invisible world, called ‘Shambhala’.

God knows everything, and gives to everybody what they deserve, either good, or bad. Every man has his karma and must undergo the events claimed by it.

When the problem of a spiritual selection between the Lord’s devotees will rise, many will be rejected at the ultimate test, although they will have apparently fulfilled their obligations as regards to the holy matters. There are very few devotees to have the true faith within their souls…


What Does Faith Mean ?

To truly trust in God means to have the Divine Sparkle inside you. As the fire burns and purifies the air all around, so the flame of pure faith in a human soul has the power to cleanse the hearts and minds of those around him.

However, it is not enough to be a true believer yourself. You must share a great deal of your faithfulness with your fellowmen. If you do not disseminate faith to others, you act as a living tree, but barren, fruitless. Selfishness is not compatible with true faith. If you are a person of God’s choice, then share your inner light with everyone around you !

What is to say of those false prophets who often exhibit themselves in countless sermons, singing prayers on the newest musical rhythms ? These are incarnations of the evil entities who were once close to the Holy Lord, but who, as a result of some serious mistakes due to their craving for surpassing The Supreme Ruler, were forced to leave the high and bright zone in which they resided. Having reached below, these entities try now by different ways, in different places and some times to quench their insatiable craving for glory. Thus, diverse ‘brotherhoods’ or ‘religious sects’, as they are called, have emerged, in which there is anything but true faith. Some of their victims cannot be recovered any more. They decay and expect a long chain of reincarnations, by which the Lord offers them the chance to rehabilitate themselves. A very small part of the members of the satanic sects manage to waken as from a bad dream and, being helped in due time, they succeed in becoming normal beings again. The best path to chose in life is the Path of true and unselfish faith in the Holy Lord.


The Messengers from Shambhala

Hence, nowadays world does not want to realize that the present state cannot last longer, when the unfaithfulness in God take toll of human lives everywhere on Earth. That is why a new order among people is necessary, a new vision on life and death, vision which appears to be ‘new’ just for some, being in fact as old as the hills, but belonging exclusively to the wise beings from Shambhala. We, in Shambhala, do not intend to make victims, we do not want to destroy the humanity, we are only having in view to bring back peace and true faith in God, as they were at the beginning of life on Earth. But it is not easy for us to achieve this goal, because there are too few of those who know and understand the noble aim of our peaceful struggle.

We have had emissaries in all ages and on all continents, some of them sacrificed themselves for our noble ideas, others got on better. Through them, we transmitted to the earthlings technical and scientific methods, artistic divine inspirations, quick decisions of stopping terrible wars, which threatened to burn down a large part of our planet’s surface. We have operated from the subtle space, almost unknown, to rectify a part of the evil which was established on Earth by the humans animated by malevolent entities. Not very few were the situations when some political leaders, who had descended from superior spirits, incarnated with a view to implementing noble things, fell into wickedness and fornication, not being able to reject those dirty habits which overcome them…

We, in Shambhala, want to settle a new earthly civilization, inspired by a strong faith in the Supreme Deity, a noble, pure peaceful civilization, worthy of inhabiting this wonderful planet. It is not easy to carry out our intention – we are always hindered by some lodges, brotherhoods and sects, inspired by the unbelief in the Lord. Our men are often persecuted, hit without guilt, banished from the public life, slandered, ostracized. It is only by true faith and our prayers that help them resist to the pressure they confront with. Still, we keep on believing that we shall overcome at the end. But our victory will follow a long chain of punishments and sufferings that mankind will have to bear until the end of Apocalypse and some time afterwards…


The Deficiencies of Our Civilization

The great sages of the world have warned the population from Terra of the serious consequences of the too sophisticated present civilization. The nowadays terrestrial civilization is from many points of view destructive. Here are some of them.

There are not sufficient conditions to keep the military secrets. The espionage transacts very dangerous information, which can put in question the humanity’s living conditions.

There are no means and safe ways to ensure the perfect security of the nuclear armament. Nuclear uncontrolled explosions are possible at any moment. Not to mention the current flaws of the wide-spread nuclear plants; these are means of terrorizing the population, many of the earthlings knowing and feeling the consequences of these disasters.

There are no possibilities to prevent the cosmic catastrophes that threaten Terra. We, with our divine powers, help protecting the planet against the remainders of comets and meteors, but we cannot perform any kind of miracles. If the Will of the Supreme Divinity is to destroy the civilization from Terra, than it shall take place. The present one is not the first, there were another six terrestrial civilizations… The present civilization concludes a cycle. It must be swept, refreshed, purified. The deadwood must disappear and the fresh grass should germinate, but this demands from earthlings to pass through a purgatory that will burn all the impurities related to human species. This will definitely happen at the right time, when it will be settled by the Lord and His Counselors."


The Purification

Reward or Penalty, According to One's Deeds

The Perfect Man

People Send for Their Tribulations



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