^^^^My Online Friends^^^^

There used to be a bunch of 'em, now, there's just like... four I talk to on a regular basis. I used to have hella people talk to me online, but they all went bye-bye =( Makes me sad... but, for those few who've still hung on, I LOVE YA!!!!

The man, the myth, the legend...

~*~*~This is the AWESOME, Ever-spectacular Sancho! He lives in the middle of no where in New Hampshire, but soon his new residence will be in my closet! Hehe, I've known him for a few months now, and he's SO the kewlest! Hopefully one day I'll give him all them notes that belong to him, so far about seventy-five... Silly Sancho =) He's muh big brover, and he's so invited to my wedding, hehe. He's the kewlest friend, and a blast to talk to, that's only when he isn't making you cry in your dreams.. hehe =). When him and Taint Man get down here, we're gonna take 'em to the best restaraunt, Jack in the Box!! You wanna talk about classy? hehe. Ah well, that's why they love us, hehe. =) Sancho's great, I didn't expect him to be so friendly and so like, happy to know me I guess... hehe =) He's great, easy going, laid back, totally accepting and understanding... Yeah, he's like, the founder of The Crew in my book, and as soon as he gets his happy ass down here, I will consider him apart of what he likes to call, The Amazing AZ Crew.. hehe =) Yeah, he has intentions of coming down here along with TJ, which is totally awsome, because I know he's cereal and plans on following through with the idea, hehe... he doesn't make empty promises =)~*~*~

Jamie, Jamie Bo Bamie...

~*~*~This is My Jamies!! I've known him for a little over two years. Hehe, I joined an E-fed that he ran, and we got to be good friends = ). Him and I are totally best friends, eventhough he's not going to be online as much because of his new job. He's employed at like, a weenie stand place, haha, but he'll be working at a grocery store in due time, hehe. He's such a cutie = ) he's a few months older than me, but I always give him a hard time because he's only a freshman, haha. = ) It's all good, though, it's all in fun = ) he's always there to talk to me when I'm all angry and stuff, and he's there for the good stuff, too. He's a great guy, one-a my best friends of all time! = ) He's into punky shtuff too, which is great = ) Jamies and Megan are opposed to move here after they graduate from high school in Mundelein or something in Illinois... hehe. We're all going to college together, go us! = ) He's silly, he calls his little sisters, "little dammits". Is that not the cutest thing?! I think it is, hehe. Yeah, he's great... and no matter what happens, he'll always be my Sugar Daddy! haha, sorry folks, outside thing = ) Haha, just thinking about it, I REALLY hope he's not friends with Brian anymore, haha... that kid's... different... yeah.~*~*~

Do YOU like to be punched in the spine?!

~*~*~Everyone, meet my funny friend, Al. He's one of my Canadians = ). He's a friend of my brother, and that's how I met him. I've known him for like... just a few months. He's the most greatest! He has the greatest sense of humor, and him and I have quite a few things in common. He listens to kickin' music, hehe, he's all into like, rock stuff, he loves Nirvana, he's into like, Bruce Dickenson, Our Lady Peace, stuff like that, I guess, hehe. Hopefully he'll hang out for awhile with me, and maybe one day I'll get to meet him in person. Yeah, that'll be kewl. = ) I like, don't ever get to talk to him like, ever anymore, because I like, never get on MSN anymore, and I'm not sure if that's okay or not.. heh. He's a silly billy, for reals. He's always making me laugh, hehe. And he's never mean to me, either, which is totally cool = ). He's going to be living in my closet too! hehe, that's if his girlfriend, Corey, lets him. He feels sorry for me because I live in the U.S. of A. and for good reason, I guess. And always member, he's an asshole, NOT a bully =)~*~*~

"You better look before you leap, still waters run deep and there won't always be someone there to pull you out, and you know what I'm talkin' about." ~*~*~The Suicide Machines, "I Never Promised you a Rose Garden"~*~*~

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