In The Year 21XX. . . 

The world has become a place where the human race coexists with Reploids. Many years ago a mysterious blue robot was found. Named Mega Man X, this robot possessed a high level of intelligence. It also was able to display emotions like humans. Mega Man X was a robot that people thought could never be duplicated by modern science. Even though Mega Man X is a good natured robot with a kind and warm personality, he also has the power to cause a lot of destruction. . .

Dr. Cain studied and analyzed Mega Man X, and then succeeded in creating the "Reploids." However, some Reploids began to malfunction due to problems with their electronic brain. They are called "Mavericks." The Replodis who hunt them are called "Maverick Hunters." In order to help Mega Man X became a Maverick Hunter. 

Later, a red robot was found. This robot named, "ZERO" had high attack power. When he was found, he was out of control like all the other Mavericks. The strongest Reploid, Sigma helped to bring ZERO under control. Sigma took ZERO under his watch. After that, ZERO never malfunctioned again and was eventually promoted to a Special A level Hunter.

Soon after, Sigma rose in revolt and tried to destroy everything. And then the Mavericks kept increasing and became more powerful. But thanks to X and ZERO's work, the peace was restored over and over again.

However. . .
. . . . . . . . . Where am I now. . .? This place is familiar. . . Why am I here!?  Why are you. . . It can't be. I crushed you! . . . Die! X! Zero, you must tell me! Tell me what's going on! X, now we see terrible confusion all over the world. Someone broke into the Mother Computer System of the Hunters Base and set its data to sabotage the world order. Who is doing such a thing!? I won't allow anyone to disturb the peace we have tried hard to maintain. It seems that they are reproducing the fighting data of the past. . . X, your data is contained in the past data in the Mother Computer. And the one who brought you back from the data world is. . . Hi, I'm Middy! Middy is the greatest computer genius in the world. No one can match him. . . He will work with is to solve this case. It's nice to meet you, X! Nice to meet you, too! Let's work together to restore peace.  X, so. . . Let me explain what should do. In order to put the past data back, we need to fix a data in the "core" of the Mother Computer. This is the core of the Mother Computer . But the way to the core is "protected." Unless you clear the protection, you can't enter the core. The guardians of the protection is the boss data of the past. To break the protection, there is no other way but to go into the computer as a data form and then crush them all. Zero, I'll do it! OK. I'll let you handle this. I'll stay here and clean up all the Mavericks who are committing crimes in the confusion. Don't forget that even though they are past data, they are still very strong. X, be careful! X: All right! Here we go! Good luck, X! Energy charge! Setup complete. Ready to transform! Start the Installation! 

Techno: I didn't expect the past data could be destroyed so easily. . . Huh. We would get into trouble if the computer protections are broken. . . We need to make a move quickly. Geemel: Kekeke! Take it easy! Let's relax and see his action from here. Geemel, you'll get hurt if you disvalue his power. Zain: Don't worry, I'll do it. . . I'll crush him for sure. . . Techno: OK. You go then. Geemel: Kekeke! Don't fail us!

You you must be X. . . My name is Zain! You have no chance of beating me! 
I underestimated you. . . You got lucky. . . But next time your luck won't be able to save you.

X! Finally we've cleared all the protection! All right! Dr. Cain. . . I'm going to go to the core!

Zain: I've been waiting for you, X! You have no chance to win!

I can't believe this. . . Kyee! X, you disgust me! Who are you?! My name is Geemel! How dare you defeat my buddy! I'll get you later! Remember!
X, Finally you can enter the core! All right! I'm going to go to the core! ???: Fu fu fu. . . I am impressed. You have done very well. I know your voice. . . Sigma! So, you've been behind all of this?! Fu fu. . . your efforts are worthy. . . But they will end here! Ha ha ha! X! Get ready to be destroyed!

Ha ha. . . Nice try! But you're just a tiny bug to me. Ha ha ha ha. . . Techno: Oh no! We've been spotted! Is there nobody who can stop him? Geemel: Darn! With this type of situation I just run away. . .! Techno: Geemel! Darn! He left me behind! Dr. Cain: X, finally I've found Sigma's hiding place! You can warp from the core of the Mother Computer. X: All right! Dr. Cain, I'm going to go there now! Dr. Cain: It would seem that someone worked with Sigma and hacked the computer from there. Middy: . . . You know what, X! I have something to tell you. . . . . . No. Never mind. Good luck! Techno: Darn it! I didn't notice it soon, but he's already come so close! I need to make a move quickly. . . X: No! I won't allow you! I'll crush the machine! Techno: Waaaaaaaa! ???: Brother! Techno: Oh. . . that voice sounds familiar. . . X: Middy! Middy: Sob! My brother, Techno! Techno: What. . . am I doing here. . . Middy: Techno! Oh, you're waking up. . . Techno: I've been controlled by Sigma. . . Middy. . . it's all over with me. . . In order to hack the Mother Computer. I connected my own CPU directly with the computer. . . Middy: Nooo! Don't say that! Techno! Please hold on! Techno: Sigma is good at toying and controlling people's hearts. He took advantage of my heart and made me work for him. Middy: You are a genius! You don't have a weak heart. Techno: Huh, you think so? Middy. . . But. . . you don't understand. . . Middy: Nooo! Please. . . Techno! Don't leave me! Techno! X: Middy. What happened? Middy: Techno is my twin brother. We share the CPU. So if he dies, I also die. . . X. . . Never give in to him! Be sure to defeat Sigma! . . . . . . . . . X: Middy! Hold on! I'll be back soon. Stay here!

Sigma: I thought you would come here. I enjoyed your performances so much. . . But the entertainment is over. You must fall! Get ready! X: It'll be the final battle! I'll finish you at any cost! Sigma: Hee Hee Hee. I guess I will retreat for now. . . However. . . X. . . Don't think that this is end! Ha ha ha. . . !

X: Middy, hold on! We have to evacuate now! Middy: Uh. . . X. . . It. . . seems I'm done for. . . Thanks to you, Techno recovered his senses. . . Thank you, X. . . X: Middy!! 
Zero: X, our mission here is complete. . . . What's up, X? Where is Middy? X: Zero. . . I'm sorry. . . I couldn't save Middy's life. Zero: . . . X. It's not your fault. Middy sacrificed himself to help all of us. He helped us to defeat Sigma. . . Don't waste his sacrifices! X: . . . . . . . . . It's not true peace when the strong rule the world and the weak is sacrificed. . . It is very wrong, for sure! I will fight to prevent that!

Thanks to X and Zero's work, Sigma's ambition to take over the computer world was stopped. But the last words of Sigma make X feel unrest. . . "But, I won't let evil win. No matter how strong or how many enemies I must defeat, I will always fight to protect the peace." X makes this promise in his mind.

A tip from Middy! Congratulations! You have cleared this game. Let me give you a tip as a reward for your efforts. "Hard Mode" is now available! New stages and bosses are waiting for you to challenge! You can start a game with the same equipment when you've cleared the game. So you'll be prepared even when strong enemies attack you! Make sure you remember to save your data now!! Good Luck!

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