(??) Yes, it's ready... Piece of cake. ...The Colony is still alive... I can let it fall at any time... Please let me do it now. I'm getting bored. All I have to do is... go back to the Earth and scatter the Virus. (Mysterious Voice) You're exactly what I expected... You're doing a good job... hee hee hee (??) Nobody dares to fight against you, except those stupid Maverick Hunters. I'll do anything for you, anything... ( Mysterious Voice) Good... I'm going to Earth to execute our plan. Stay where you are and await further instruction. (??) But I don't think you need to do it personally. Are they really a threat? Are X and Zero really so strong that you can't let someone else do it? ( Mysterious Voice) Hee hee hee... Yes, in a manner of speaking... Zero... I'll show you what you really are and who your true enemy is... Hee hee hee. Bwah ha ha ha ha!

(Alia) This is Hunter Base. Can you hear me, X? Sigma appeared suddenly and moved toward the statue which is under construction. We lost his trail and haven't picked up any readings since... I've lost contact with Zero, too. Where would he go? You can reach the statue by going straight in that direction. Stay alert! Several machines, even some deserted taxis, have become Mavericks in the area. Be careful. What a terrible sight... The highway's been badly damaged... We've got to find Sigma before he destroys anything else, or we'll be in very serious trouble. This building is seriously damaged. The walls could collapse at any second, so try not to get trapped by falling rocks... You can take advantage of the lay of the terrain. Can you see a red rope ahead of you? Jump and grab the rope carefully! You've finally reached the Statue. I lost the traces of Sigma and Zero somewhere above you. But remember: The guard system of the construction site is malfunctioning as a result of the Sigma Virus. Kick the guard walls quickly and climb them!

(X) Zero! Are you alright? (Zero) ...I'm okay. Just a bit of a bruised ego. Anyway, where is Sigma?! (X) He took off. Alia is looking for him now, but can't pick up any readings. (Zero) He is a virus... ... he can't be seen or analyzed correctly like other data. You have to feel his evil energy. That's the only way to find him.  (X) I see... Well, you should go back to the base, Zero. You can't fight him in this condition. I can feel him... Sigma is close by.  (Zero) I'll leave here so as not to disturb you, but... I'll check the surrounding area before I go. I can feel him, too. Sigma is very close to us! Be careful, X... ( Sigma) Hee hee hee... Stupid Maverick Hunters! You will all feel the true Maverick power... right before you die!

(Signas) We only have 16 hours left before the collision! We have to upgrade the Enigma before then. There are 4 Mavericks that have the devices required to enhance the Enigma. GRIZZLY SLASH, a weapons broker. He has a CRYSTAL BALL. DUFF McWHALEN, he lives in the ocean. We will have access to HYDROGEN if we can secure the ocean. SQUID ADLER, an Ex-Mavericks Hunter. He has an ENERGY CART. IZZY GLOW, a Doctor of Engineering. He has a LASER DEVICE. There are 4 other Mavericks but these 4 Mavericks are the only ones who have the devices to upgrade the Enigma. X, Zero... You are the only Maverick Hunters that can match these Mavericks. Split up so you can gather the devices! Prepare your equipment and fulfill your mission!
(Douglas) The Space Shuttle. Stand-by!  (Signas) I trust you... Zero. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you...  (Zero) Don't mention it! This is my mission. I'm the only pilot left, you know.  (X) Zero, I'll do it instead of you! ( Zero) X, you should stay here. Who else will protect the Earth?  (X) Don't talk as if you won't be back! (Zero) I'm sure I'll be back! I won't die on such an easy mission. When I become a Maverick... I think that's when I'll have died.  (X) OK, Zero! I'll be waiting for you... ... you'd better come back alive! (Alia) It's about time... Zero... (Zero) OK! I'm ready! ( Signas) Ready, Zero? This is our last chance! Blast-off!!! (X) Zero! Be sure to come back safely... Zero! Zero! Zero!! ( Alia) Zero, the colony is approaching... Go! (Douglas) I'm sure it'll work this time! ( X) Zero will make it and get out okay! ( Zero) Locking on to the Space Colony. I'll get as close to it as possible, then I'll abandon the Shuttle. I saw lots of debris from the Colony around here... I have to pilot the Shuttle around the debris... Otherwise the Shuttle will be destroyed before it crashes into the "Eurasia" Colony. ( Douglas) Zero! I believe you can do it! ( Zero) Thanks, Douglas... It's time to go... I'll cut the communication in 5 seconds and get out of here! ( X) Good luck, Zero! ( Signas) Good luck, Zero! ( Alia) 7 seconds to impact. 5...4...3...2... ... it crashed into the Colony! ...... Destruction of the Colony is... ... 86%! It will be gone within 10 minutes! ... We've succeeded in destroying the Colony! ...Zero? Can you read me? ( Douglas) ...Zero! ( Signas) ...Zero! Can you read me? ( X) ...I feel... I feel Zero! ( ??) ...Ga ga ga... (Zero) ...This is Zero... Do you hear me? ... I managed to... survive... (Alia) We've got a response from Zero! ( X) Zeroooo! Are you all right? ( Zero) It was challenging, but I'm OK... Everything is fine! I think I can make it back to Earth. ( Alia) We'll get you from wherever you fall... Until then, try to get some rest. It won't be easy, though... ( Narrator) After a few hours... ( Lifesaver) We've found Zero. He's safe but he's very exhausted. We'll return to the Hunter Base now... ( Alia) Wait! What is this reading? ...This is exactly the same reading... ...Should we call this the Zero Virus? The scraps of the Colony Virus and the Sigma Virus combined together...? ...I wonder what's going to happen...

(Alia) A new virus...? Out of the frying pan into the fire... For the moment, we've named it the Zero Virus... I'm reading a strong energy reaction from point 11F5646! We may be able to solve the mystery of the Zero Virus... But it's very risky... What should we do? I know we can't escape... so we'll just have to fight it! Go for it! We must bring this to an end once and for all! 

(Dr. Light) I never expected you to come here without the armor... But it's very dangerous to go without adequate equipment. To finish this battle, I'll give you the Ultimate Armor. You can perform the Giga Attack unlimited times. But don't get lazy and depend too much on the power of the armor. The end is near... Good luck, X! ( X) Zero... I thought you'd be here... Zero...I came here to bring you back.  (Zero) My instincts told me I could find clues somewhere near here... ( X) Zero, it's too dangerous. You'll end up being consumed by the virus... (Zero) You... Don't tell me you haven't checked my virus readings... (X) I did. Why weren't you damaged even though you have been infected by the virus? In fact, you have become more powerful with the infection?! Why?! This isn't the time to fight when we have a mission to accomplish, but... I'll bring you back by any means.  (Zero) You say you'll bring me back to the base even if you have to fight me? X, you can't dare to fight me. Your big heart. That is your kindness and your weakness. I'm  okay... Trust me. (X) Zero... I don't want to lose you... I'm really worried about you...... and I do trust you... That's why I have to fight you here to bring you back.
(Zero) ...Uh, Ugh... ...X, X... ( X) ......... (Zero) ......... (??) ... Ha ha ha... ...You've done very well, X... I will make your end easy!! ( Zero) ...No, I won't allow you to! I know everything you're trying to do! ( ??) Wha, what?! You pitiful fool! ( Zero) ...No! I won't allow you to!! (Zero) Haa... Haa... ...You're as ... persistent... as ever... Sigma! ( Sigma) Blast! I haven't completed you... I will retreat for now... Somehow I know you two will come again. I'll be waiting for you, ha ha ha... ( Zero) Wait! Sigmaaaa! ...I WILL defeat you ... without fail!!

(Alia) I'm getting a stronger energy reaction from point 11F5646! The energy is too strong to get an accurate data sample. I must be reading Sigma... I can't think of anyone but Sigma! Sigma is behind all of this... I won't stop you from going to fight anymore... I leave everything in your hands...

(Sigma) Hee hee hee hee. Impressive... The number one Reploid, you are... You came much earlier than I expected. ( X) Why? Why did you do this?! ( Sigma) I've conducted thorough research, and produced a tremendous result. I wanted to find out what Zero truly is... and scatter the Virus all over the earth purify his body... But the amount of the virus was insufficient. SO I used the rundown  colony...... making it a virus colony and let it land on the earth. You know the outcome, don't you? (X) You almost annihilated the Earth for that?! You're sick! (Sigma) Fortunately there are those handy guys called Maverick Hunters, ever ready and able to come to the rescue, and I knew the Earth would be safe and sound. But alas, most of the hunters have also become Mavericks... Heeheeheehee. That was a close one... hahahaha! (X) You...! How many Hunters have been lost because of you...?! I'll never forgive you for this! You're going to pay for what you've done! (Sigma) Hee hee hee. The number one Hunter, you are, X... (X) ...(Sigma) The stronger you are, the more I want to destroy you... It was pointless to have Zero fight you, after all you ARE the number one Hunter. You show no mercy for enemies or comrades. ( X) Shut up! Where are you?!  (Sigma) Here I am. You can challenge me at anytime. I have delightful news. I've recently acquired a new partner. He has been very supportive. He seems to have created quite a few robots. And he gave me the toughest body that you will ever see. You got here sooner than I expected, so it is not yet complete... But... it is enough to defeat you... He is an excellent partner... I believe you two know each other... In fact, he used to be a comrade of yours. He was very persistent about you... and that makes him very helpful to me. You see X, there is someone other than me... who hates you... Now feel our combined rage and die! ...But not before suffering horribly, hahaha! ...Goodbye, X

(Sigma) Gwaaaaaaaa! Darn... But I'll never... die alone! I'll take... Zero... down with me! ( X) No! Stop using Zero as a shield! (Sigma) Gha ha ha ha ha...! Isn't it painful to have to watch while others suffer? You can put up with your own pain...... but can't bear to see others, especially Zero, harmed, can you? I'm taking Zero, the one most important to you... to the underworld! Goodbye, X... Gha ha ha ha!

(X) ......... .........Zero? Zerooo! Zerooo! Zero! Zero! NO! Don't die! Do you hear me? Zeroo! Zeroo!  (??) ......... Dro... Drop dead...!  (X) ......... Uh? O, Oh, NO... (X) ...Gu, ghaa... ( Zero) ...How persistent... ...you are... ...Die... ...Sigma... ( Zero) ...X, X... ... Do... you... hear... me? Darn... Your... optimism led... ...to your own... ... demise... ... You... should... li... li... live. (X) ......... (??) ......... ...Not yet... Actually, I want you to rest and relax for now... Hold on, X... ... Just for a few more moments. 

Narrator: 3 years from then...

(Alia) A large Maverick has broken out in HORIE 2146 block! Go into action immediately! ( X) Let's go! Now! Get a move on... We've been used to living in peace... ( Hunter A) Since that time, Captain X's eyes have changed... ... and sharpened... ( X) I can face any enemy now... I will feel this way... as long as I have this Saber... I'll do it today, Zero... with you...! Forever... We'll be together... Zero...

(??) Yes, it's ready... Piece of cake. ...The Colony is still alive... I can let it fall at any time... Please let me do it now. I'm getting bored. All I have to do is... go back to the Earth and scatter the Virus. (Mysterious Voice) You're exactly what I expected... You're doing a good job... hee hee hee (??) Nobody dares to fight against you, except those stupid Maverick Hunters. I'll do anything for you, anything... (Mysterious Voice) Good... I'm going to Earth to execute our plan. Stay where you are and await further instruction. (??) But I don't think you need to do it personally. Are they really a threat? Are X and Zero really so strong that you can't let someone else do it? (Mysterious Voice) Hee hee hee... Yes, in a manner of speaking... Zero... I'll show you what you really are and who your true enemy is... Hee hee hee. Bwah ha ha ha ha!

(Alia) This is Hunter Base. Can you hear me, Zero? Sigma appeared suddenly and moved toward the statue which is under construction. X is already en Route. Follow and regroup with him as soon as possible! You can reach the statue by going straight in that direction. Stay alert: Several machines, even some deserted taxis, have become Mavericks in the area. Be careful. What a terrible sight... The highway's been badly damaged... We've got to find Sigma before he destroys anything else, or we'll be in very serious trouble. This building is seriously damaged. The walls could collapse at any second, so try not to get trapped by falling rocks... You can take advantage of the lay of the terrain. Can you see a red rope ahead of you? Jump and grab the rope carefully! You've finally reached the Statue. I lost the traces of Sigma above you. I also lost contact with X... I've got a bad feeling, Zero... Something is going on above you... Climb up and find out what's up. But remember: The guard system of the construction site is malfunctioning as a result of the Sigma Virus. Kick the guard walls quickly and climb them!

(Zero) X, what happened to you? (X) I was attacked by Sigma... My armor was damaged... But I'm all right... (Zero) Sigma! As usual, we can't trust him or underestimate his maliciousness... You should go back to the Hunter Base. I'll take over your mission. (X) I'm fine, even if I lost my armor... Besides, I can feel him... Sigma's very close. (Zero) I can feel him, too... ... Sigma is very close to us! ............ Or is Sigma coming for... us? After all, Hunters and Mavericks are very similar. We all simply... ... exist. (X) ............ Zero, what are you talking about? What's bothering you? Anyway, I'll continue to search the surrounding area... and Zero,... ...Be careful. Signal me, if you need me. (Sigma) Hee hee hee... Stupid Maverick Hunters! When I die, you will finally know the true power of a Maverick!

(Zero) Oh, no! The Sigma Virus has been leaking out... (X) It must have spread all over and could cover the Earth by now... All of the Reploids are getting severely damaged! (Zero) Sigma! He lost to us on purpose... We have to evacuate immediately! (Alia) Th...s...Hunter...ase... This is Hunter Base. Do you read me? Are you all right? Any damage? (Signas) Are you all right? X! Zero! The entire Earth has been thrown into a panic because of the Sigma Virus. It's dangerous to stay there. Report back to the Base! (Zero) Darn it! Sigma! You will pay for this! (X) Even if we fight, what good will it do? A battle won't solve the problem. (Signas) The situation is far worse than expected. Sigma's explosion has spread the Virus all over the Earth. It's affecting both people and Reploids. What's worse, the Space Colony, Eurasia, is heading straight toward us. At this rate, it's going to crash into the Earth... in 16 hours. Everything... including Reploids and the entire human race, will be... ... annihilated... (Alia) We have no choice... For the sake of the world, we must destroy the Colony! ... But the only weapon we have in the Hunter Base that still works is... ... The Enigma... And it's very old. We also have a space shuttle. But, it's been affected by the Virus, and the Auto-Pilot function doesn't work... So we need someone to fly it to the Colony and let it collide... It's almost certain death, but we have no other choice. (Signas) How's the condition of the Enigma? (Douglas) Far from perfect... In order to use the Enigma, we need to build it up with some devices. The Enigma doesn't work as is. (Signas) Under the influence of the Sigma Virus, a lot of Maverick Hunters have become Mavericks, and only a few hunters remain normal. Let's join forces with the rest of our brothers and complete the Enigma!

Signas: We only have 16 hours left before the collision! We have to upgrade the Enigma before then. There are 4 Mavericks that have the devices required to enhance the Enigma. GRIZZLY SLASH, a weapons broker. He has a CRYSTAL BALL. DUFF McWHALEN, he lives in the ocean. We will have access to HYDROGEN if we can secure the ocean. SQUID ADLER, an Ex-Mavericks Hunter. He has an ENERGY CART. IZZY GLOW, a Doctor of Engineering. He has a LASER DEVICE. There are 4 other Mavericks but these 4 Mavericks are the only ones who have the devices to upgrade the Enigma. X, Zero... You are the only Maverick Hunters that can match these Mavericks. Split up so you can gather the devices! Prepare your equipment and fulfill your mission!

(Alia) Incoming message from... ...sources unknown. (Signas) Who's this? I've never seen him... (??) Nice to meet you, Maverick Hunters. I have no hard feelings toward you, but this is my mission... Before long, I will attack the Hunter Base... Aw, are Mr. X and Mr. Zero there? Please play with me! I'm really bored... Don't worry! We'll fight like true sportsmen, hee hee hee. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Dynamo. See you soon... 
Signas: How dare he... at a time like this?! Should we even attempt to fight against one so arrogant? 

(Douglas) At last the Enigma has been completed! It's old, but we reinforced it with some devices... It should work fine... Well, we're ready!

(Signas) The time has come at last! We are going to launch the Enigma. The fate for the Earth depends on it. (Alia) The energy, the power, the angle... everything is clear. (Signas) All right... Blastoff!!! (Signas) Did we make it? Did it crash? Alia, give us the report. (Alia) We have succeeded. The colony has been destroyed. Although scraps from the colony will fall to the Earth, they shouldn't cause severe damages. We barely avoided total destruction... The damage is significant... I wonder when things will be restored. (Douglas) We'll take time and repair the damages. (Signas) Right. We have a lot to do... before the Earth can return to normal... (Alia) No way... What is this reaction? (Signas) What's up, Alia? (Alia) I spotted the Virus reaction. And it's a new one... The readings are like that of Zero... I mean... a Zero Virus? It's like Zero, and seems to have very strong power... The Virus of the colony and that of the Earth have been mixed... and have produced a new Virus... ...The Zero Virus... (Alia) ...This is exactly the same reading... ...Should we call this the Zero Virus? The scraps of the Colony Virus and the Sigma Virus combined together...? ...I wonder what's going to happen...

(Zero) I've been fighting the Sigma Virus for a long time... It is the virus that causes all Reploids to transform into Mavericks. The most dreadful virus to ever exist. Why... I wonder why I'm not harmed? Instead, I feel energy growing within my body... What on earth is happening to me? I have a bad feeling about this... (Lifesaver) ...That's all of the report on Zero. (Signas) Zero has fought Sigma several times, I believe he has the Virus antibodies. (Lifesaver) It's possible... He doesn't react negatively to the Virus... His power-output is actually growing... For the most part, the body systems of X and Zero remain mysterious. I can't predict what will happen... I suggest you take measures... (Signas) Keep this secret... I'll think it over. (Lifesaver) His power is growing with the virus... It's too dangerous to keep them loose! Please... at least do something about Zero... before it's too late!
(Douglas) The Space Shuttle. Stand-by! (Signas) I trust you... Zero. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you... (Zero) Don't mention it! This is my mission. I'm the only pilot left, you know. (X) Zero, I'll do it instead of you! (Zero) X, you should stay here. Who else will protect the Earth? (X) Don't talk as if you won't be back! (Zero) I'm sure I'll be back! I won't die on such an easy mission. When I become a Maverick... I think that's when I'll have died. (X) OK, Zero! I'll be waiting for you... ... you'd better come back alive! (Alia) It's about time... Zero... (Zero) OK! I'm ready! (Signas) Ready, Zero? This is our last chance! Blast-off!!! (X) Zero! Be sure to come back safely... Zero! Zero! Zero!! (Alia) Zero, the colony is approaching... Go! (Douglas) I'm sure it'll work this time! (X) Zero will make it and get out okay! (Zero) Locking on to the Space Colony. I'll get as close to it as possible, then I'll abandon the Shuttle. I saw lots of debris from the Colony around here... I have to pilot the Shuttle around the debris... Otherwise the Shuttle will be destroyed before it crashes into the "Eurasia" Colony. (Douglas) Zero! I believe you can do it! (Zero) Thanks, Douglas... It's time to go... I'll cut the communication in 5 seconds and get out of here! (X) Good luck, Zero! (Signas) Good luck, Zero! (Alia) 7 seconds to impact. 5...4...3...2... ... it crashed into the Colony! ...... Destruction of the Colony is... ... 86%! It will be gone within 10 minutes! ... We've succeeded in destroying the Colony! ...Zero? Can you read me? (Douglas) ...Zero! (Signas) ...Zero! Can you read me? (X) ...I feel... I feel Zero! (??) ...Ga ga ga... (Zero) ...This is Zero... Do you hear me? ... I managed to... survive... (Alia) We've got a response from Zero! (X) Zeroooo! Are you all right? (Zero) It was challenging, but I'm OK... Everything is fine! I think I can make it back to Earth. (Alia) We'll get you from wherever you fall... Until then, try to get some rest. It won't be easy, though... (Narrator) After a few hours... (Lifesaver) We've found Zero. He's safe but he's very exhausted. We'll return to the Hunter Base now... (Alia) Wait! What is this reading? ...This is exactly the same reading... ...Should we call this the Zero Virus? The scraps of the Colony Virus and the Sigma Virus combined together...? ...I wonder what's going to happen... 

(Alia) A new virus...? Out of the frying pan into the fire... For the moment, we've named it the Zero Virus... I'm reading a strong energy reaction from point 11F5646! We may be able to solve the mystery of the Zero Virus... But it's very risky... What should we do? I know we can't escape... so we'll just have to fight it! Go for it! We must bring this to an end once and for all! 
(Dr. Light) Zero... I wasn't able to create any armor for you... But I seem to be able to enhance your abilities... (Zero) No. I don't need any enhancements... (Dr. Light) I see... Whether you enter this capsule or not, The decision is up to you. But if you enter, the Z saber will be enhanced, and your defense power will be increased... I believe in you. You will use these powers in the right way to fight evil. Decide... and choose your fate. (Zero) ............ (Zero) X. X... Lifesaver... Why are you here? (Lifesaver) Look...! Just as we expected... Their is is everywhere, and yet he is not infected at all. He must've already become a Maverick! (X) No! Don't, Lifesaver! You are jumping to conclusions! Still...I agree with you that Zero might be a danger.
Zero: What are you talking about, X...? You don't mean it, do you? (X) .........I do, Zero...I came here because I'm really worried about you... I'll fight for you, Zero. You are tired, aren't you? Go back to the base and get a complete physical check! (Zero) Wait! What if you are the one who has become a Maverick...? YOU go back to the base! I can handle this mission. It's stupid to endanger both of us. (X) Zero, I can't allow you to handle this mission anymore... Don't make me force you to go back! (Zero) So you're serious, then...I can't believe this... I had hoped it would never come to this, that we wouldn't have to fight over such a trivial matter, but so be it... Prepare to lose, X! (Zero) Ooooh... I thought...I thought I won... I never expected you to attack with the Soul Body... Impressive... X... Cough...

(Zero) ...Uh, Ugh... ...X, X... (X) ......... (Zero) ......... (??) ... Ha ha ha... ...You've done very well, X... I will make your end easy!! (Zero) ...No, I won't allow you to! I know everything you're trying to do! (??) Wha, what?! You pitiful fool! (Zero) ...No! I won't allow you to!!

(Zero) Haa... Haa... ...You're as ... persistent... as ever... Sigma! (Sigma) Blast! I haven't completed you... I will retreat for now... Somehow I know you two will come again. I'll be waiting for you, ha ha ha... (Zero) Wait! Sigmaaaa! ...I WILL defeat you ... without fail!!

(Alia) I'm getting a stronger energy reaction from point 11F5646! The energy is too strong to get an accurate data sample. I must be reading Sigma... I can't think of anyone but Sigma! Sigma is behind all of this... I won't stop you from going to fight anymore... I leave everything in your hands...

(Sigma) Hee hee hee hee. Impressive... The Number One Reploid, you are... you came much earlier than I expected. (Zero) I'll finish this battle once and for all... (Sigma) Zero... I'll ask you one more time. Don't you want to acquire the power of your true self? (Zero) Ha! I have my true powers... (Sigma) I met an old man who knows a lot about you... He told me an interesting story. He told me that you are something far greater than what you appear to be... On his advice, I scattered the Virus so that it could infiltrate you, but you haven't shown any signs of waking up... (Zero) I won't become a Maverick! I won't yield to your pitiful virus! (Sigma) Hee hee hee. You don't seem to understand. I'm not talking about becoming a Maverick. You felt it, didn't you. You felt a tremendous power fill your body... A power from the Virus. That is because the Virus purifies your body. (Zero) Shut up! (Sigma) You can destroy me, but death is all that awaits you, too... Embrace your true self now, or forever be lost. Wake up, Zero! (Zero) I'm not afraid to die... But I won't die alone... (Sigma) Ha! Pathetic fool...so be it!

(Sigma) Hee hee hee. The number one Hunter you are. Zero... Tell me... Which one of you is stronger, X or Zero? (Zero) Who cares... Where are you, Sigma?! Face me! (Sigma) Hee hee hee hee. Calm down. I'm here... Let me tell you about an old man I met... He told me that you are the strongest in the universe... Tell me. Who is this old man? (Zero) How should I know? I don't know such a person. (Sigma) You must know him. Don't tell me you've never met him in your dreams. (Zero) I don't... know him... (Sigma) He seems very interested in you,... as if he was your own father! (Zero) Shut up! Enough! I won't allow you to escape this time, Sigma! (Sigma) Gwaaaaaaaa! Darn... But I'll never... die alone! I'll take... you... down with me! (Zero) You've lost. What can you do now? (Sigma) Gha ha ha ha ha! X seems to be somewhere close... The three of us can die together... You won't feel lonely if X is with you... (Zero) No! Leave X out of this! (Sigma) Time to go! Say goodbye, Zero! Ghaaaa ha ha ha ha ha!

(X) ......... .........Zero? Zerooo! Zerooo! Zero! Zero! NO! Don't die! Do you hear me? Zeroo! Zeroo! (??) ......... Dro... Drop dead...! (X) ......... Uh? O, Oh, NO... (X) ...Gu, ghaa... (Zero) ...How persistent... ...you are... ...Die... ...Sigma... (Zero) ...X, X... ... Do... you... hear... me? Darn... Your... optimism led... ...to your own... ... demise... ... You... should... li... li... live. (Zero) ......... ...Hah! Die, Sigma! ......... Hmm? It's strange... I've defeated the Sigma Virus. Why did I fight against Sigma again? I...I feel... pain... Oh, I see... The energy is running out... and the memory device is... malfunctioning... Finally  I... I going to die... (Zero) ...Who is this? Even now, I have no idea... I've had a recurring nightmare... (Zero) ...This time... It's my figure that appears... I see... I finally got the meaning of the dream... ...What? What are you making? It's... the one that destroys Reploids... ...II... understand.. ...everything now... (Zero) ...II... I.. ...I'm sorry... (Zero) ...I'm sorry, X... But...I think... ...I have to die... to restore the peace... But now... Everything will come to an end... ...Good bbye... X..

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