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Hittite King List

The table below is reproduced from Trevor Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites, Oxford, 1998, pp.xiii-xiv.

Old Kingdom

Labarna                        ?-1650

Hattusili I                       1650-1620             grandson (?)

Mursili I                          1620-1590             grandson, adopted son (?)

Hantili I                          1590-1560             brother-in-law

Zidanta I                        |                               son-in-law

Ammuna                       | 1560-1525           son

Huzziya I                       |                               brother of Ammuna's daughter-in-law

Telepinu                        1525-1500             brother-in-law

Alluwamna                    |                               son-in-law

Tahurwaili                     |                               interloper

Hantili II                         | 1500-1400           son of Alluwamna (?)

Zidanta II                      |                               son (?)

Huzziya II                     |                               son (?)

Muwatalli I                     |                               interloper


New Kingdom

Tudhaliya I/II                |                               grandson of Huzziya II (?)

Arnuwanda I                | 1400-1360*          son-in-law, adopted son

Hattusili II (?)                |                               son (?)

Tudhaliya III                 1360-1344             son (?)

Suppiluliuma I              1344-1322             son

Arnuwanda II               1322-1321             son

Mursili II                         1321-1295             brother

Muwatilli II                     1295-1272             son

Urhi-Teshub                 1272-1267             son

Hattusili III                     1267-1237             uncle

Tudhaliya IV                 1237-1228             son

Kurunta                         1228-1227             cousin

Tudhaliya IV+               1227-1209             cousin

Arnuwanda III              1209-1207             son

Suppiluliuma II             1207-?                    brother

* Includes period of coregency, + Second reign as king

Bryce notes (loc. cit.): "All dates are approximate. When it is impossible to suggest even approximate dates for the individual reigns of two or more kings in sequence, the period covered by the sequence is roughly calculated on the basis of 20 years per reign. While obviously some reigns were longer than this, and some shorter, the averaging out of these reigns probably produces a result with a reasonably small margin of error."


According to the line of Hittite Kings a king's name was added the suffix -ili to identify him with the sun god. Apart from Illyrians there were no other people in Europe or Asia who would continue to add specifically -ili suffix (sun's name) to a king's title. There is no doubt that Hittites learned how to deify dead kings from their neighboring Assyrians. Among Semitic languages -ili suffix meant simply god.


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