The Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary

A "Protestant" nunnery. The late Mother Basilea Schlink (means "Queen of Heaven") was the order's founder. She blended mysticism, crypto-Catholicism, Proto-Mariolatry, and all the accoutrements of medieval asceticism and convent life. No wonder the term evangelical has all but lost its meaning. Note: For an insiders' look at what life under the Queen of Heaven is like, read Charlene Andersen's Personal Story

In Indonesia the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary has been promoted for years by YASKI, which has received financial compensation from the sisters for publishing "Mother's" stuff.

The following appears on a Catholic Charismatic website that bows before the throne of Mary, Mother of God. The site gives special recognition to Basilea Schlink. It seems inconsistent that there would be two Queens of Heaven, Basilea and Mary, but that's the way it goes.

[The following is from a website that stresses Mary's role in salvation and how the Charismatic movement, including Schlink, are slowly beginning to align with Rome in its idolatry.]

My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Mary Mother of God
Mother of all Christians

Mary and Charismatic Prayer Meetings

Mary's role in God's plan was beginning to be examined by some conservative Protestants in the early 1970's. J. Neville Ward, a Methodist minister, wrote a book on praying the Rosary, "Five for Sorrow and Ten for Joy". Basilea Schlink, a Lutheran nun, suggested Protestants consider the meaning of the text of Lk 2:35 that seemed to connect Mary with Jesus in a special way regarding the salvation of the world. Around the same time an international conference of the charismatic renewal was held at Notre Dame University (South Bend, Indiana). Many Protestant observers were present at this large charismatic gathering including David Wilkerson whose book, "The Cross and the Switchblade", was one element that inspired those first few who became the seed bringing forth this Catholic charismatic renewal.

Joseph Cardinal Suenens in a keynote address at the Notre Dame conference revealed that the secret of being in union with the Holy Spirit was to be in union with Mary. The assembled crowd responded with a great and unified reaction of praise of God to this proclamation. However, it seems that some Catholics as well as some of the Protestant observers were not pleased with this suggestion. Around this time David Wilkerson had a vision which he later published under the title, The Vision, in 1974.

In his book, The Vision, Wilkerson indicated that charismatic Catholics would be persecuted by the rest of the Church for turning away from the Virgin Mary and the authority of the Pope. He further suggested that those returning to the tradition of the Church would allow their pentecostal experience to lie dormant and that others should have to "come out from among them". This line of thinking that relationship with the Virgin Mary was somehow in opposition to centring one's life around the person of Jesus Christ seemed to fly in the face of what Mother Basilea Schlink had been suggesting that Protestant too, examine Mary's role.

The following are quotes by "Mother Basilea Schink" which were published in several forms by YASKI, including bookmarks with "Mother's wise sayings" and a book called Our Dream Comes True.  As with all false teachers, a lot of truth is mixed in with the poison. Otherwise, who would drink it?!
  1. “What road leads to true happiness? The road of submitting yourself completely to God.” – Basilea Schlink (Yes, there is only one God and Muhammad, whose emphasis was on submission, is His prophet -- right? And didn't Jesus say, "I came into the world that you might have happiness and that you might have it truly"? Should our motivation of submission to God and His will be the obtaining of happiness?)

  2. “You are truly the servants of God and you shall put all powers under His feet if you face them by shouting the name of Jesus whom you serve.” – Basilea Schlink (Really?)

  3. “The servants of God are like victorious soldiers who struggle for the kingdom of God and fight against the kingdom of Satan. A soldier must be ready to submit himself and his everything in order to notch a victory. Follow in the footsteps of committed soldiers on the battlefront if you really want to become a faithful servant of God.” – Basilea Schlink

  4. “If, to your dismay, you find that your sermons and ministry cannot break hardened hearts, take a look at your own heart. Perhaps it is hardened and God may be waiting for your heart to mellow. If a minister repents, people whom he ministers to will be attracted to his repentance.” – Basilea Schlink (Stop worrying so much about yourself, shepherd the flock of God which He bought with His own blood, and take the true Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to those who have never heard. Whether your heart is hard or soft, God is faithful and will still work through His Word. Do you really think God will send people to hell or refuse to minister to His people because YOU have a hard heart?!)

  5. “Let God use your life for ministering to others so that people come to Him and glorify Him, not come to you and glorify your name.” – Basilea Schlink (A strange statement coming from someone who changed her name to the "Queen of Heaven"!)

  6. “Your ministry should be the same as Jesus'. That is, because Jesus has laid down His life for us, we, too, ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” (I John 3:16). Follow in His footsteps by submitting all your riches, belongings, friends, honors and rights to Him. Otherwise, Christ's power will not be manifested in your ministry.” – Basilea Schlink (In my experience, and the experience of many others, statements such as these really mean that "we should submit all our riches, belongings, friends, honors and rights to the organization or person that is making the statement." These kinds of statements are the favorites of all the cults.)

  7. “Jesus loves you. Therefore, love Him! Nothing can separate you from His love, which is stronger than death and the hell.” – Basilea Schlink (Not quite the same as the Word of God which says, "We love Him because He first loved us!" In the Word of God, our love for Him is a natural response to the Gospel, with "Mother" it has been turned into a law!)

  8. “In the name of Jesus, you will experience the power of redemption. Call upon His name and you will experience this truth.” – Basilea Schlink ("As many as call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." I suppose we could alter it a little and say, ". . . shall experience the power and truth of redemption.")

  9. “If you want the glory of God to be manifested in your ministry, you must willingly let God prepare you to enter the darkness of the night.” – Basilea Schlink (Yes, God will be so thankful if you do!)

  10. “Start your ministry by treating others as very important people who are more important than you. Enter each house with a humble heart and God will come to the house.” – Basilea Schlink (The first statement is good advice. The second statement is simply not true and can be better fulfilled by a Buddhist than a Christian! Jesus often entered people's homes in great sorrow.)

  11. “God is calling you today. You never know whether He will still be calling you tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. Therefore, come to Him right now!” – Basilea Schlink ("God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever." The problem is not that God changes His mind about calling you, but that your heart will get harder and harder if you continue to reject His calling. "If you hear His voice, harden not your heart!")

  12. “Whether or not God will speak to and through you, and how often, depends largely on how regular you are in making time for personal communion with God and on how faithful you are in submitting yourself to Him and waiting for Him.” – Basilea Schlink (The Pharisees were the foremost experts in the devotional life. God can use His Word according to His purposes, even if you speak it while in a deep sleep.)

  13. “Through personal, invisible fellowship with God, you can proclaim the glory of His presence, and bring the Living God to others.” – Basilea Schlink ("Personal, invisible fellowship" is simply NOT Gospel proclamation! "Mother's" statement is blatantly false!)

[These quotes have appeared in various publications and on bookmarks published by YASKI in Indonesia.]

What is clear in all of these statements from the Queen of Heaven, is that her orientation is pure law! Her statements are all about what must be done to win God's favor, power, protection, and working among us. In effect, this counterfeit queen is simply an antichrist figure, posing in the church as though she were saying something that was in agreement with the Gospel of Christ. Antichrist movements have always pointed people to their works as the way to relationship with God. The Bible makes it as clear as can be that the only way to favor with God is through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This whole way of thinking that we find in the sisterhood is perhaps best summed up by a quote from Martin Luther. Dr. Luther spearheaded the Reformation of the 16th century and turned the church back to Scripture as the authority for Christians and Christ as the only hope of righteousness:

"From this you see how frightfully we erred and were misled up to this time in the papacy. We knew nothing and were taught nothing of the righteousness of Christ inherent in His going to the Father. Instead, we directed the people away from Christ straight to themselves, and we placed our comfort and confidence in our own works. Yes, in addition, we made of Christ a terrible Judge, whom we had to propitiate with our works and with the intercession of Mary and the saints. We taught that we had to atone for our sins and earn righteousness by penance and by rendering satisfaction. Every one of us was afflicted with this blindness and misery. We did not know anything at all about Christ, from whom we might have taken comfort; but we sought everything in ourselves exactly as the heathen do, and we repeated what we heard from the pulpits: 'May God spare my life, that I may atone for my sin.'21 Those are words typical of Turks, Jews, and papists; for in them there is nothing about Christ and His going to the Father, but they express complete dependence on ourselves and our own reformation."

Luther, M. (1999, c1961). Vol. 24: Luther's works, vol. 24 : Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 14-16 (J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed.). Luther's Works (Jn 16:12). Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House.
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