Panzer's Rubber Transformation

     "I don't know why this tape was so expensive, but it had better be worth it," Panzer muttered to himself as he ripped open the package. All that was inside was a large roll of black, shiny tape, about twice as thick and twice as wide as a standard large roll of duct tape. He picked it up and looked it over, finding nothing particularly special about it. He shrugged, and prepared for his little "session," taking off all his clothes and tossing them aside in the corner, grabbing a pair of scissors and going over to his full-length mirror.

     He started off by pulling up a small chair and ripping off a strip of the tape, pulling it taut -- he found that it even stretched a little bit, which meant when he was finished the wrapping would be even tighter than while he was wrapping! -- and wrapping it around his muzzle twice. He looked at himself in the mirror, smiling as best he could. He'd only just begun and could feel himself becoming excited by the prospect of the next few minutes. He removed the tape on his muzzle -- that was just his test strip. He sat in the chair, and began tightly wrapping his left foot until it was fully encased. The tightly wrapped tape compressed his foot, making it appear like a generic foot-shape with no details. He continued up his leg, wrapping it tightly and completely. When he reached his knee, he straightened out his leg, wrapping it tightly to keep it in a straight position. He was surprised to find when he finished, however, that he could still bend his leg quite easily and yet the tape maintained its flawless cover. He blinked -- this tape may have been expensive, but it was definitely worth it.

     He continued tightly wrapping his leg until he reached the base of his thigh where it turned into his waist, cutting the tape off. He stood up and looked at it in the mirror. Front, back, and on the sides, his leg was completely covered in the shiny black tape. It almost didn't even look like his leg anymore. The places where the tape overlapped were extremely difficult to see, and almost impossible to feel as Panzer ran his fingers down his leg, finding it was a perfectly smooth surface. This just motivated him to sit down again, and within minutes, he had wrapped his other leg in an identical manner.

     As much as he just wanted to stop there and play with his now rigidly erect anatomy, he decided to continue on. He wrapped the tape tightly around his waist, moving downward to cover his butt and overlap slightly where the tape on his legs ended, making it a seamless transition. He then moved upwards, pulling his ball sack away from his body slightly, wrapping it and then his erect member, cutting the tape off, then wrapped his tail tightly from base to tip. He looked in the mirror again -- now from the waist down, it looked like a seamless, shiny black coating. As he ran his hands over it again (now having to put in a lot of willpower to keep from playing with himself), he realized what it felt and looked like -- rubber.

     He continued on with the wrapping before his hormones got the better of him, starting now from where the tape ended at his waist and moving upwards, tightly wrapping his stomach, then his torso, then his shoulders. He took the tape in his left hand, wrapping his right arm as tightly as he could. Again, he held his arm straight when he reached the elbow, but upon wrapping it he found he could bend it easily, just like his knee, without the tape losing its flawless covering. He wrapped down to his wrist, then repeated the process with the other arm, leaving only his hands, neck, and head to be covered.

     Panzer looked at his roll of tape -- he judged by the amount left he had just enough to do the rest of his body. He wrapped his neck -- not tightly enough to compress, but tightly enough to keep the tape from wrinkling, keeping the smooth appearance intact -- then continued up to his head, wrapping everything but his eyes, ears, and muzzle as tightly as he could. He started off by completely wrapping around his muzzle, using the scissors to poke small holes for his nostrils so that not even a single of his tiny scales underneath were visible. He made the tape come down right next to the edges of his lips, but didn't cover them so he could leave his mouth open. Next he began wrapping the main part of his head, making sure to avoid his eyes for the time being. He also wrapped around his ears, leaving them sticking out.

     Once he was done with his head, he cut the tape again, and looked at himself in the mirror once more. Now only his hands were left to be covered. The rest of him was completely covered in the smooth, flawless, rubbery black coating. He grinned, and ran his hands over his entire body one last time, even stopping to fondle his tightly wrapped member for a moment, but decided to finish up the job before doing anything else.

     He looked at the roll -- he had just enough to finish his hands. He took the roll (he had a lot of prior experience), and holding his hand flat open with his thumb against the side of his hand, he wrapped his right hand as tightly as he could. When he finished, it looked like nothing more than a fingerless, featureless mitten. He took the scissors in his unwrapped hand, cutting the tape, then managed to get the tape to start right at his wrist, using his "mitten" to tightly wrap his other hand in an identical manner. He didn't have to worry about cutting -- just as he finished, the tape came off the end of the roll, sealing him in.

     He looked at himself in the mirror, and he was certainly a sight. Instead of his blue and white scales, now all that was visible was a black, rubbery, shiny, vaguely draconic figure. It was definitely a male, thanks to the well-defined, tightly wrapped (and quite erect) male anatomy sticking out. His hands and feet were nothing more than featureless mitten and sock-like appendages. His head was completely covered except for a narrow rim around his lips and his ears which stuck out, the only break in the smooth black surface being for his nostrils. He ran his mittens over his body, feeling how smooth he felt. He flexed his body and stretched in front of the mirror, admiring how perfect his new coating was. He went over to a switch on the wall. He hit it, and heat lamps in the ceiling turned on.

     It took only seconds for Panzer to get extremely hot inside his cocoon, finding the heat made the tape begin to try to shrink back to its original size, sealing him tighter in. This only made him hornier, and he sat on the floor, finally giving into his urges. He found, though, that he couldn't do much with his mittens, which only served to make him hornier. He couldn't help himself, and as he began to look around on the floor for his scissors, he suddenly realized, how would he get himself out? He couldn't use the scissors with his hands like that. He quickly ran his mittens over his body to see if he could find somewhere, anywhere where the tape was sticking up slightly, but it felt completely smooth to him. He ran over to the mirror to find the seams of the tape disappearing, slowly melting together to form a perfect, flawless rubber coating over his entire body. His eyes widened, but he suddenly noticed the rubber beginning to spread, slowly creeping up his ears, encasing them. He looked in the mirror, terrified and yet strangely turned on.

     "That's not supposed to be happen-- mmph!" He was cut off as the rubber began to spread over his muzzle, completely coating it and sealing it shut except for his nostrils. He tried as hard as he could to open his mouth, but as he looked in the mirror it didn't look like he was doing a thing. The rubber finished by slowly covering his eyes as well, leaving slightly recessed areas in the rubber coating on his head where his eye sockets once were. He could feel the rubber stop coating him, and he ran his mittens in vain over himself one last time.

     Panzer wondered if he would ever get out of his rubber coating, and yet at the same time didn't really care...

Jul 10 2003
By Prometheus
Prometheus's Cave
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