Cow Transformation

     He knew it wasn't a good idea... but he did it anyway. Completely naked and bearing nothing but a small syringe, he found himself quietly sneaking towards the farmhouse. He lifted the wooden bar which kept the doors from opening and pulled the doors open, the pungent smell of cow excretion greeting him. He didn't care, though -- instead of causing him to hesitate or rethink what he was about to do, the smell instead drove his desire to do it even more. He closed the doors behind him, and looked around. The lights were off, but the full moon shone brightly in through the windows near the top of the walls, shedding more than enough light to see. Most of the cows were asleep, and the only one who was awake was busy chewing cud. All the cows were hooked up to milking machines. As he looked around, there was an empty stall near the back of the barn. He knew it was there -- he had watched as only hours earlier they carried the dead cow away. He quietly walked towards the back of the barn, the dry hay crackling softly under his feet. He opened the empty stall's door, and walked inside, closing it behind him. It was now or never, and he wasn't about to turn back.

     Before he could change his mind, he quickly injected himself with the liquid in the syringe, tossing it away outside of his stall. Almost immediately, he could feel the changes begin to his body. He looked down at his throbbing, erect member only to see it begin to shrink into his body, and while he could feel his testicles being reabsorbed as well, his -- now technically her -- scrotum began to grow into the beginnings of an udder. While all this was happening, all the hair all over her entire body began to fall off in clumps as short black and white fur began to grow in its place. Before she was unable to, she quickly went over to the milking machine left in the corner, taking the four cups and placing them over the buds of what would soon become her teats, turning the machine on. It was a good thing, too, as no sooner did she finish than her fingers and toes began to grow together, hard hooves taking their place. The change continued up her arms and legs as they changed shape, the joints of her elbows and knees reversing direction, forcing her to drop to all fours now. Her entire body began to swell with added bulk as it rearranged to a more bovine shape, and she could feel her head and face begin to shift, two tiny horns growing from her forehead, her nose and mouth lengthening into a snout, her ears shifting positions and changing shape, growing longer. She felt her tongue grow much longer and bulkier in her mouth as a long, thin tail began to grow from the base of her tailbone, covered in the short black and white fur with a small tuft of black fur at the tip.

     Half of the cow serum had now finished its job -- what was once a young adult male human was gone, now only a regular-looking female cow hooked up to a milking machine standing in a stall in a barn surrounded by other cows in his place. She was ecstatic. This was what she had dreamed of for years, and now it really was. However, the other part of the serum -- a pain killer which would eliminate the pain of the transformation -- now suddenly wore off as well. Before, all she felt was a gentle suction on her teats. Now, a searing pain shot through her body, and as she tried to scream out, nothing but a loud "moo" came out of her mouth. She could do nothing but stand there and try to bear the pain, unable to think of anything but how to forget about the pain. As time passed, however, she felt the burning pain gradually diminish. As it did, she realized her mind was beginning to get somewhat hazy. She was a human, she just turned into a cow... but how long ago was that? What was her name when she was still a human? Where did she come from? Where was she now? She was beginning to have trouble even remembering words to form her thoughts. All she was aware of was a growing desire to go eat some of the hay in the corner of her stall. As she went over to take a mouthful, the last of her human thoughts faded and eventually disappeared from her mind -- "This is what I want... I'm happy..."

     Needless to say, the farmer was rather confused on how a new cow magically appeared in his barn when he went into the barn the next day...

Jul 10 2003
By Prometheus
Prometheus's Cave
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