

30th-Year Reunion October 19­22, 2000

Another sign I'm getting old: I have just learned that this is the 30th anniversary of Tiny Tim's wedding to Miss Vicky on the Tonight Show. I remember tuning in to what was the most watched of any show for many years, with David Elson's wife, Barbara, who was wearing those big pink curlers women used to wear and her pajamas and bathrobe (because those days people didn't wear sweats). When I tell the young attorneys in my office of the show, I draw blank stares. This great moment in our lives is unknown to people who are not our age. And when I am asked how this ludicrous event became so important, I can't think of an explanation. Perhaps we can discuss it at our upcoming reunion (see below).

I recently reported that Jim Selna had been appointed a Superior Court Judge in Orange County. Two other classmates have now joined Jim on the bench. Verna Adams writes me that she should be addressed as the "Judicial Goddess of the Marin County Superior Court," now that she has assumed a judgeship there. Verna, whom I recently described as the "Dean of the Marin County divorce lawyers," was one of Gov. Gray Davis's first judicial appointments.

In the other hemisphere, Bill Hodge has taken a long-term leave from the University of Auckland Law School to be an adjudicator in the Employment Tribunal, which he describes as like the NLRB. Bill will continue to teach labor law as an adjunct professor at the law school.

Jim, Verna, and Bill join Chris Munch, a state court trial judge in Denver, Vaughn Walker, a federal district court judge in San Francisco, and Barry Klopfer, a superior court judge in Ventura, on the bench.

Adam von Dioszeghy is going full circle in his life. As you know, Adam was born in Budapest and left for America in 1956 as a result of his fighting in the revolt that year. Over time, he has represented a number of Hungarians in disputes in the U.S. Now Adam and his wife, Aliz, are moving to Budapest to live. Adam, who will visit America two or three times a year, welcomes all of his classmates to his new home.

I have some litigation against Pac Bell where my adversary is being supervised by Pac Bell senior counsel Bart Kimball. Carl Mundt is putting together a farming/ranching/forestry investment in Argentina with two Argentine partners and a friend living in England. I noticed that Warren Lyons is on the Stanford presidential search committee. Any of you who are interested in a career change should give Warren a call.

My wife, Kimra, and I have been traveling. We went to Bali and Hong Kong in June, the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone in October, and as of this writing, are about to leave for New Year's in Venice. This fall I coached the mock trial team of a local inner-city high school. We made it to the quarter finals and finished sixth among 65 public and private high schools in Los Angeles County. It was an incredibly gratifying experience.

Once again, prepare yourself for our class reunion, October 19­22, 2000. Your failure to attend will subject you to public obloquy and scorn in this column.

Alan B. Pick, Esq. Pick & Boydston, LLP 523 West Sixth Street, Suite 1134 Los Angeles, California 90014 Tel: 213/624-1996 Fax: 213/624-9073

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