Mailing Address P.O. Box 1591 Sausalito, CA. 94965

Te. (415)240-9416

I Peter Romanowsky married into a very fiscally conservative family in the late sixties and was very impressed with the vast amount of property, influence, and political connections that my in-laws had. Back in those days, my late father-in-law was Chairmen of the Marin Board of Supervisors, Chairmen of Marin General Hospital Board, Chairmen of the College of Marin Scholarship Fund, Chairmen of the Maritime Academy in Vallajo, founder of the local chapter of the Oceanic Society and so on and so on.

I was amazed at his political connections and his vast business ventures, our local newspaper titled his as the man with the golden touch, in a Marin personality profile.

He was a Pat Brown appointee to the State Harbors and Navigation Commission, then he was reappointed by Ronald Reagan in the same position. He was a Captain for Matson Lines and went to Hawaii from San Francisco in the hay day of commercial ship travel with some hundred and fifty trips.

before that he was a Ships Captain in the Merchant Marines. But with all his property, influence and all his political power, I could never quite look at the world as he did, due to my early calling into the ministry at the age of eighteen.

He spoke of how he entertained General Eisenhower and General Patton on his ship when he served in the Merchant Marines, in the Mediterranean Sea during World War II. Where his ship was also hit by a German Aircraft and kept his crew from abandoning ship by gun point. He also rescued the crew of a Canadian troop ship numbering some two thousand soilders plus sailors, that was hit and sank in the Mediteranian Sea. Of which he was awarded the Canadian Cross, a metal which he said, was never delivered because of the confusion of the war. I am saying all this, to give some background as to why I decided to go into politics, what led me and what drove me to make such a radial move, from the formal ministry into something so dirty as politics. Well maybe I've had enough, like so many people, I'm tired of the rich ruling over the poor, I'm tired of people with education privilege and power lording it over others, instead of helping them and talking advantage over them. I'm tired of the foxes ruling over the chicken coops, I'm tired of lawyers making the laws that benefit themselves, I'm tired of judges giving lawyers special privileges, I'm tired of minority landlords ruling over the majority tenants, making the rules up as they go. Then running for public office with the hard earned rent money, they ripped off from the working class I'm tired of real estate investors getting elected with their cash windfalls, I'm tired of the medical community putting their own people in office with the money they pulled out of the bodies of the needy. I'm tired of the MBA's getting elected, and using their business degrees to work for the land barons,, corporate executives, banks, etc. You might say in general that I'm tired of a class of people lording their knowledge, wealth, power, privilege and position over the majority which do not have such, and are made to feel that they are worth less because they choose to work in some trade or advocation. I am not trying to advocate a class struggle or class warfare but a non violent political solution. The middle class has shrunk again in California, the rich got richer, the poor got poorer, what will happen next if this trend continues, is that the poor will eventually out number the rich, by ten to one, then true chaos will REALLY erupt. Like in France, Mexico and other historical countries where the middle class got too small, or been reduced to a non- buffer size, by taxes, drug and poverty crazed street gangs, etc.The choice is ours will we continue taxing the middle class out of existence, will we continue using their tax money to finance or reward immorality, drug use, alcoholism,lack of productivity?. No! we can't, we have to find the problem and then fix it. Not all poor people are poor because they did something wrong, just as not all poor people are poor because they are victimized. So with every other social problem, some feed off the problem and some are out there from no fault of their own. For example here in Sausalito some people actually live and dress poorly just to get attention, when in their pocket for example could be $5000.00 cash. There was actually such a person here at one time, his name was Rudy Homer. I offered to give him a new clean outdoors flannel shirt one time, exactly like the tattered one that he wore. But he declined because he said people give him money when he goes around wearing that shirt. i asked him how much?. He said that it was a trade secret, he also always had dogs with him, people would give him money to feed his dogs without even asking. He used to carry up to $5000.00 rolled up in his top shirt pocket. He owned a home in San Francisco and he owned countless old boats that he would salvage and rent out, anchored out in Richardson Bay next to Sausalito. He also owned a grave plot, but he was mistakenly cremated when he died, instead of being buried, after he was killed in a fight on one of his boats, with a neighbor, he sold drugs along with his legitimate occupation of being a landlord and general marine be continued 1/12/99

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