Supervisor Rose targeted in recall bid





Some of the same people involved in the effort to recall District Attorney Paula Kamena now have set their sites on Supervisor Annette Rose.

Yesterday morning Ron Mazzaferro, a Sonoma County investigator and one of the leaders of the Kamena recall, submitted a formal notice of intention to circulate a recall petition aimed at Rose.

The stated reason for the recall is Rose's personal use of county credit cards, which was disclosed by Rose's opponent, Toni Kendall, in the March 2000 election.

Mazzaferro said he doesn't know who is organizing this recall effort. But among the 42 people who signed the notice of intention are Peter Romanowsky, another leader of previous recall efforts, and Thomas Van Zandt, the Mill Valley patent lawyer who is seeking to replace Kamena in a May 22 special election. The same group also failed in its attempt to gather enough signatures to put the recall of four Marin County judges on the ballot.

Neither Romanowsky nor Van Zandt could be reached for comment yesterday.

Marin County elections clerk Yvonne Guenza said the notice contains the 20 valid signatures necessary to permit the circulation of a recall petition. Rose now has seven days to draft a brief answer to the grounds for the recall as listed on the petition, Guenza said. The response also will appear on the petition when it is circulated, she said.

"I'm a little taken aback," said Rose, who heard about the recall effort for the first time early yesterday morning. But she said she sees no reason for concern.

"Last year's election was an opportunity for the people of Marin to change supervisors if they so wished," she said. "I did win the election with a higher percentage of votes than I received in the two previous elections."

And she noted, "No one has presented any new information."

A county audit in 2000 showed that Rose had accumulated $32,000 in charges on her county credit cards during the prior five years. The tab included clothes and other personal purchases, including $3,500 for cabinets from Home Depot.

The charges were made despite warnings from the county's top financial officer, Auditor-Controller Richard Arrow, that the personal purchases violated county policy and state law.

Rose eventually repaid all of the money, and Kamena decided there had been no criminal violation. Kendall demanded an investigation by the Fair Political Practices Commission, but there is no evidence that any such inquiry was ever mounted.

Kendall has moved and could not be reached for comment.

Once the recall petition receives final approval, its circulators will have 120 days to gather the 6,394 signatures necessary to force a special recall election, Guenza said. All the signatories must be voters registered in Marin's 3rd District, in Southern Marin which Rose represents, she said.

Contact Richard Halstead via e-mail at [email protected]




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