Los Angeles Daily Journal

May 15, 2000


Reports Criticize Family Law Jurists in Marin County

By John Roemer, Daily Journal Staff Writer




    Duncan, now retired from the Alameda Superior Court and working as an arbitrator, managed to beat back the recall movement mounted against him in 1993 by fathers' rights groups.



    Judges across the state are watching the Marin County recall effort closely, uncomfortably aware that pressure tactics against the judiciary are mounting.

    Indeed, in the year since Duncan fought off his antagonists, anti-judicial campaigns have grown much more widespread and better organized.

    At a press conference scheduled for today on the state Capitol steps in Sacramento, a group called Mothers of Lost Children said it will unveil an "explosive" report "on practices in Sacramento Family Law Court that endanger children."

    The report was the work of Karen Winner, a New York consultant and the author of "Divorced From Justice," who prepared a similar study lambasting Dufficy and other family law officials in Marin.

    Mothers of Lost Children is an affiliate of a statewide group called the California Judicial Investigative Task Force. In February, it sent a letter and a questionnaire to every judge in the state. ...



    [Judith A.] Reisman is president of an organization called the Institute for Media Education, which focuses on sexual issues.

    Reisman added that she has been disappointed at the poor response by judges to the questionnaire. "There's an elitist judicial conceit at work here," she said. "Judges believe they are answerable to no one."

    Duncan, the former Alameda County judge, said the California Judges' Association is alarmed at the tactics on family law jurists. As a member of the CJA's Family Law Committee, he said, he's hearing from worried members.

    "I've talked to five or six judges around the state who want me to urge Judge Dufficy to stand his ground and not transfer out of family law," Duncan said. "They're saying, 'Tell him, don't take a dive on this, or we'll all be at risk.' "


    Duncan said the Alameda County campaign against him was clearly an attempt at intimidation.



    So instead of quitting, he fought back, sending a spy to meetings of the recall committee.



    Duncan said he and other retired judges are advising Dufficy on how to campaign against the recall. "I suggested he hire a professional consultant, and the CJA has expressed some interest in getting involved," Duncan said.

    CJA legislative counsel Robert L. Waring termed attacks on family law judges "epidemic," ..... "We have seen an increase in organized efforts to discredit family law judges...."

(Get out your handkerchiefs, folks!)


Los Angeles Daily Journal

May 15, 2000


Parents Try Recalling Three Bench Officers

By John Roemer, Daily Journal Staff Writer




    SAN FRANCISCO -- The first judicial recall campaign in Marin County history seems reminiscent of the arena that spawned it: divorce court.

    The recall petition drive targets three Marin family law judges .... 

    Fueling the drive, in part, is a report on the county's family law system by New York consultant Karen Winner, the author of the 1996 book "Divorced From Justice." Unhappy ex-spouses in several jurisdictions have hired Winner to investigate and report on local court practices.


    Judges and some family law practitioners in Marin "put power, profit and self-interest over the welfare and safety of children and litigants," Winner wrote.


    Angry over Winner's report, Marin citizens are gathering signatures in a recall drive against Superior Court Judges Michael Dufficy, Lynn Duryee and Terrence Boren.

     The judges will resist.



    The Daily Journal has learned that Winner was paid and largely inspired by Yevrahn Ornstein, a wealthy Marin resident.


    "[Ornstein] has money, and he's very angry," Dufficy said in an interview at his chambers at the Marin Civic Center Courthouse.

    Ornstein, who describes himself as a children's rights activist, in a 1997 newspaper article compared Marin's child protection policies to Nazi Germany.



    "I make tough decisions," Dufficy said. "That's what I'm paid to do, and I've never been overturned by the Court of Appeal....

    "Yet I get pressure, intimidation and this recall tactic. ..."


    Dufficy said he and his fellow bench officers will mount their own campaign to combat the recall effort. "We're going to resist strongly, but it's a tough situation to be in," he said.

    Dufficy ridiculed Winner's charge that he lines the pockets of attorney friends by appointing them to represent children in custody disputes.



    "There's never a jury, so the judge makes every single decision," he explained. "You build up a critical mass of unhappy people who get in a room together and make you sound like a jerk. It's gotten to a frightening point."


Our thanks to Attorney Phil Putman for sending this to us.


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