Website Idea - Proctor Real Estate

Summary - Interactive and mobile responsive real estate website with MLS feed. It should help clients find homes they like as it is updated with the MLS

Content - I will use some home pictures that I already have. I will also pay for stock photos that fit into the website

Competition - Almost every real estate agent has a website. They bigger teams and agents have the best. Bob Richards team, Blake Frei, Red Rock Real Estate. I do not like how most of them are not local looking websites. The homes are not from this area. The flow of the website is typical. The website just has a home feed. I want a clean white website with local photos and content about why Washington County is a great place to buy real estate.

Purpose - Agents get free websites typically from the brokerage. They are not very good websites and they are not branded for each agent

Desired Results - Be able to collect information from prospective clients. Clients who are searching for a home to find homes that they like

Target Audience - These people will be interested in people who would like to purchase real estate in Washington COunty. They will be of all different ages and from all over. Most of them will be local people or from nothern utah